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class WebGPUBindings {
constructor( device, info, properties, textures, renderPipelines, computePipelines, attributes, nodes ) {
this.device = device; = info; = properties;
this.textures = textures;
this.renderPipelines = renderPipelines;
this.computePipelines = computePipelines;
this.attributes = attributes;
this.nodes = nodes;
this.uniformsData = new WeakMap();
this.updateMap = new WeakMap();
get( object ) {
let data = this.uniformsData.get( object );
if ( data === undefined ) {
// each object defines an array of bindings (ubos, textures, samplers etc.)
const nodeBuilder = this.nodes.get( object );
const bindings = nodeBuilder.getBindings();
// setup (static) binding layout and (dynamic) binding group
const pipeline = object.isNode ? this.computePipelines.get( object ) : this.renderPipelines.get( object ).pipeline;
const bindLayout = pipeline.getBindGroupLayout( 0 );
const bindGroup = this._createBindGroup( bindings, bindLayout );
data = {
layout: bindLayout,
group: bindGroup,
bindings: bindings
this.uniformsData.set( object, data );
return data;
remove( object ) {
this.uniformsData.delete( object );
getForCompute( param ) {
let data = this.uniformsData.get( param );
if ( data === undefined ) {
// bindings are not yet retrieved via node material
const bindings = param.bindings !== undefined ? param.bindings.slice() : [];
const computePipeline = this.computePipelines.get( param );
const bindLayout = computePipeline.getBindGroupLayout( 0 );
const bindGroup = this._createBindGroup( bindings, bindLayout );
data = {
layout: bindLayout,
group: bindGroup,
bindings: bindings
this.uniformsData.set( param, data );
return data;
update( object ) {
const textures = this.textures;
const data = this.get( object );
const bindings = data.bindings;
const updateMap = this.updateMap;
const frame =;
let needsBindGroupRefresh = false;
// iterate over all bindings and check if buffer updates or a new binding group is required
for ( const binding of bindings ) {
const isShared = binding.isShared;
const isUpdated = updateMap.get( binding ) === frame;
if ( isShared && isUpdated ) continue;
if ( binding.isUniformBuffer ) {
const buffer = binding.getBuffer();
const needsBufferWrite = binding.update();
if ( needsBufferWrite === true ) {
const bufferGPU = binding.bufferGPU;
this.device.queue.writeBuffer( bufferGPU, 0, buffer, 0 );
} else if ( binding.isStorageBuffer ) {
const attribute = binding.attribute;
this.attributes.update( attribute, false, binding.usage );
} else if ( binding.isSampler ) {
const texture = binding.getTexture();
textures.updateSampler( texture );
const samplerGPU = textures.getSampler( texture );
if ( binding.samplerGPU !== samplerGPU ) {
binding.samplerGPU = samplerGPU;
needsBindGroupRefresh = true;
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture ) {
const texture = binding.getTexture();
const needsTextureRefresh = textures.updateTexture( texture );
const textureGPU = textures.getTextureGPU( texture );
if ( textureGPU !== undefined && binding.textureGPU !== textureGPU || needsTextureRefresh === true ) {
binding.textureGPU = textureGPU;
needsBindGroupRefresh = true;
updateMap.set( binding, frame );
if ( needsBindGroupRefresh === true ) { = this._createBindGroup( bindings, data.layout );
dispose() {
this.uniformsData = new WeakMap();
this.updateMap = new WeakMap();
_createBindGroup( bindings, layout ) {
let bindingPoint = 0;
const entries = [];
for ( const binding of bindings ) {
if ( binding.isUniformBuffer ) {
if ( binding.bufferGPU === null ) {
const byteLength = binding.getByteLength();
binding.bufferGPU = this.device.createBuffer( {
size: byteLength,
usage: binding.usage
} );
entries.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: { buffer: binding.bufferGPU } } );
} else if ( binding.isStorageBuffer ) {
if ( binding.bufferGPU === null ) {
const attribute = binding.attribute;
this.attributes.update( attribute, false, binding.usage );
binding.bufferGPU = this.attributes.get( attribute ).buffer;
entries.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: { buffer: binding.bufferGPU } } );
} else if ( binding.isSampler ) {
if ( binding.samplerGPU === null ) {
binding.samplerGPU = this.textures.getDefaultSampler();
entries.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: binding.samplerGPU } );
} else if ( binding.isSampledTexture ) {
if ( binding.textureGPU === null ) {
if ( binding.isSampledCubeTexture ) {
binding.textureGPU = this.textures.getDefaultCubeTexture();
} else {
binding.textureGPU = this.textures.getDefaultTexture();
entries.push( { binding: bindingPoint, resource: binding.textureGPU.createView( { dimension: binding.dimension } ) } );
bindingPoint ++;
return this.device.createBindGroup( {
} );
export default WebGPUBindings;