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import NodeMaterial from './NodeMaterial.js';
import {
float, vec3, vec4, normalView, add, context,
assign, label, mul, invert, mix, texture, uniform,
materialRoughness, materialMetalness, materialEmissive
} from '../shadernode/ShaderNodeElements.js';
import LightsNode from '../lighting/LightsNode.js';
import EnvironmentNode from '../lighting/EnvironmentNode.js';
import AONode from '../lighting/AONode.js';
import getRoughness from '../functions/material/getRoughness.js';
import PhysicalLightingModel from '../functions/PhysicalLightingModel.js';
import NormalMapNode from '../display/NormalMapNode.js';
import { MeshStandardMaterial } from 'three';
const defaultValues = new MeshStandardMaterial();
export default class MeshStandardNodeMaterial extends NodeMaterial {
constructor( parameters ) {
this.isMeshStandardNodeMaterial = true;
this.colorNode = null;
this.opacityNode = null;
this.alphaTestNode = null;
this.normalNode = null;
this.emissiveNode = null;
this.metalnessNode = null;
this.roughnessNode = null;
this.envNode = null;
this.lightsNode = null;
this.positionNode = null;
this.setDefaultValues( defaultValues );
this.setValues( parameters );
build( builder ) {
this.generatePosition( builder );
const colorNodes = this.generateDiffuseColor( builder );
const { colorNode } = colorNodes;
let { diffuseColorNode } = colorNodes;
const envNode = this.envNode || builder.scene.environmentNode;
diffuseColorNode = this.generateStandardMaterial( builder, { colorNode, diffuseColorNode } );
if ( this.lightsNode ) builder.lightsNode = this.lightsNode;
const materialLightsNode = [];
if ( envNode ) {
materialLightsNode.push( new EnvironmentNode( envNode ) );
if ( builder.material.aoMap ) {
materialLightsNode.push( new AONode( texture( builder.material.aoMap ) ) );
if ( materialLightsNode.length > 0 ) {
builder.lightsNode = new LightsNode( [ ...builder.lightsNode.lightNodes, ...materialLightsNode ] );
const outgoingLightNode = this.generateLight( builder, { diffuseColorNode, lightingModelNode: PhysicalLightingModel } );
this.generateOutput( builder, { diffuseColorNode, outgoingLightNode } );
generateStandardMaterial( builder, { colorNode, diffuseColorNode } ) {
const { material } = builder;
let metalnessNode = this.metalnessNode ? float( this.metalnessNode ) : materialMetalness;
metalnessNode = builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( metalnessNode, 'Metalness' ) );
builder.addFlow( 'fragment', assign( diffuseColorNode, vec4( mul( diffuseColorNode.rgb, invert( metalnessNode ) ), diffuseColorNode.a ) ) );
let roughnessNode = this.roughnessNode ? float( this.roughnessNode ) : materialRoughness;
roughnessNode = { roughness: roughnessNode } );
builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( roughnessNode, 'Roughness' ) );
const specularColorNode = mix( vec3( 0.04 ), colorNode.rgb, metalnessNode );
builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( specularColorNode, 'SpecularColor' ) );
const normalNode = this.normalNode ? vec3( this.normalNode ) : ( material.normalMap ? new NormalMapNode( texture( material.normalMap ), uniform( material.normalScale ) ) : normalView );
builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( normalNode, 'TransformedNormalView' ) );
return diffuseColorNode;
generateLight( builder, { diffuseColorNode, lightingModelNode, lightsNode = builder.lightsNode } ) {
const renderer = builder.renderer;
let outgoingLightNode = super.generateLight( builder, { diffuseColorNode, lightingModelNode, lightsNode } );
outgoingLightNode = add( vec3( this.emissiveNode || materialEmissive ), outgoingLightNode );
if ( renderer.toneMappingNode ) outgoingLightNode = context( renderer.toneMappingNode, { color: outgoingLightNode } );
return outgoingLightNode;
copy( source ) {
this.colorNode = source.colorNode;
this.opacityNode = source.opacityNode;
this.alphaTestNode = source.alphaTestNode;
this.normalNode = source.normalNode;
this.emissiveNode = source.emissiveNode;
this.metalnessNode = source.metalnessNode;
this.roughnessNode = source.roughnessNode;
this.envNode = source.envNode;
this.lightsNode = source.lightsNode;
this.positionNode = source.positionNode;
return super.copy( source );