You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

133 lines
2.6 KiB

import { UIPanel, UIBreak, UIText } from './libs/ui.js';
import { UIBoolean, UIOutliner } from './libs/ui.three.js';
function SidebarSettingsHistory( editor ) {
const strings = editor.strings;
const signals = editor.signals;
const config = editor.config;
const history = editor.history;
const container = new UIPanel();
container.add( new UIText( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/history' ).toUpperCase() ) );
const persistent = new UIBoolean( config.getKey( 'settings/history' ), strings.getKey( 'sidebar/history/persistent' ) );
persistent.setPosition( 'absolute' ).setRight( '8px' );
persistent.onChange( function () {
const value = this.getValue();
config.setKey( 'settings/history', value );
if ( value ) {
alert( 'The history will be preserved across sessions.\nThis can have an impact on performance when working with textures.' );
const lastUndoCmd = history.undos[ history.undos.length - 1 ];
const lastUndoId = ( lastUndoCmd !== undefined ) ? : 0;
editor.history.enableSerialization( lastUndoId );
} else {
} );
container.add( persistent );
container.add( new UIBreak(), new UIBreak() );
let ignoreObjectSelectedSignal = false;
const outliner = new UIOutliner( editor );
outliner.onChange( function () {
ignoreObjectSelectedSignal = true;
editor.history.goToState( parseInt( outliner.getValue() ) );
ignoreObjectSelectedSignal = false;
} );
container.add( outliner );
const refreshUI = function () {
const options = [];
function buildOption( object ) {
const option = document.createElement( 'div' );
option.value =;
return option;
( function addObjects( objects ) {
for ( let i = 0, l = objects.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
const object = objects[ i ];
const option = buildOption( object );
option.innerHTML = '&nbsp;' +;
options.push( option );
} )( history.undos );
( function addObjects( objects ) {
for ( let i = objects.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) {
const object = objects[ i ];
const option = buildOption( object );
option.innerHTML = '&nbsp;' +; = 0.3;
options.push( option );
} )( history.redos );
outliner.setOptions( options );
// events
signals.editorCleared.add( refreshUI );
signals.historyChanged.add( refreshUI );
signals.historyChanged.add( function ( cmd ) {
if ( ignoreObjectSelectedSignal === true ) return;
outliner.setValue( cmd !== undefined ? : null );
} );
return container;
export { SidebarSettingsHistory };