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<p class="desc">
Listed here are externally developed compatible libraries and plugins for three.js. This
list and the associated packages are maintained by the community and not guaranteed
to be up to date. If you'd like to update this list make PR!
<li>[link: Oimo.js]</li>
<li>[link: enable3d]</li>
<li>[link: ammo.js]</li>
<li>[link: cannon-es]</li>
In addition to the [link: official three.js postprocessing effects],
support for some additional effects and frameworks are available through external libraries.
<li>[link: postprocessing]</li>
<h3>Intersection and Raycast Performance</h3>
<li>[link: three-mesh-bvh]</li>
<h3>Path Tracing</h3>
<li>[link: three-gpu-pathtracer]</li>
<h3>File Formats</h3>
In addition to the [link: official three.js loaders],
support for some additional formats is available through external libraries.
<li>[link: urdf-loader]</li>
<li>[link: 3d-tiles-renderer-js]</li>
<li>[link: WebWorker OBJLoader]</li>
<li>[link: IFC.js]</li>
<li>[link: THREE.MeshLine]</li>
<h3>3D Text and Layout</h3>
<li>[link: troika-three-text]</li>
<li>[link: three-mesh-ui]</li>
<h3>Particle Systems</h3>
<li>[link: three-nebula]</li>
<h3>Inverse Kinematics</h3>
<li>[link: THREE.IK]</li>
<li>[link: fullik]</li>
<li>[link: closed-chain-ik]</li>
<h3>Game AI</h3>
<li>[link: yuka]</li>
<li>[link: three-pathfinding]</li>
<h3>Wrappers and Frameworks</h3>
<li>[link: A-Frame]</li>
<li>[link: react-three-fiber]</li>
<li>[link: ECSY]</li>
<li>[link: Threlte]</li>