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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<base href="../../../" />
<script src="page.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="page.css" />
This guide provides a brief overview of the basic components of a web-based VR application
made with three.js.
First, you have to include [link: VRButton.js]
into your project.
import { VRButton } from 'three/addons/webxr/VRButton.js';
*VRButton.createButton()* does two important things: It creates a button which indicates
VR compatibility. Besides, it initiates a VR session if the user activates the button. The only thing you have
to do is to add the following line of code to your app.
document.body.appendChild( VRButton.createButton( renderer ) );
Next, you have to tell your instance of `WebGLRenderer` to enable XR rendering.
renderer.xr.enabled = true;
Finally, you have to adjust your animation loop since we can't use our well known
*window.requestAnimationFrame()* function. For VR projects we use [page:WebGLRenderer.setAnimationLoop setAnimationLoop].
The minimal code looks like this:
renderer.setAnimationLoop( function () {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
} );
<h2>Next Steps</h2>
Have a look at one of the official WebVR examples to see this workflow in action.<br /><br />
[example:webxr_vr_ballshooter WebXR / VR / ballshooter]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_cubes WebXR / VR / cubes]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_dragging WebXR / VR / dragging]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_paint WebXR / VR / paint]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_panorama_depth WebXR / VR / panorama_depth]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_panorama WebXR / VR / panorama]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_rollercoaster WebXR / VR / rollercoaster]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_sandbox WebXR / VR / sandbox]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_sculpt WebXR / VR / sculpt]<br />
[example:webxr_vr_video WebXR / VR / video]