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<p class="desc">创建一个纹理贴图,将其应用到一个表面,或者作为反射/折射贴图。</p>
<h3>[name]( image, mapping, wrapS, wrapT, magFilter, minFilter, format, type, anisotropy, encoding )</h3>
// load a texture, set wrap mode to repeat
const texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( "textures/water.jpg" );
texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.repeat.set( 4, 4 );
<h3>[property:Integer id]</h3>
只读 - 表示该纹理实例的唯一数字。
<h3>[property:Boolean isTexture]</h3>
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type [name].
<h3>[property:String uuid]</h3>
该对象实例的[link: UUID]。
<h3>[property:String name]</h3>
<h3>[property:Image image]</h3>
该对象可以是被three.js所支持的任意图片(例如PNG、JPG、GIF、DDS)或视频(例如MP4、OGG/OGV)格式。<br /><br />
要使用视频来作为纹理贴图,你需要有一个正在播放的HTML5 Video元素来作为你纹理贴图的源图像,
并在视频播放时不断地更新这个纹理贴图。——[page:VideoTexture VideoTexture] 类会对此自动进行处理。
<h3>[property:Array mipmaps]</h3>
<h3>[property:number mapping]</h3>
图像将如何应用到物体(对象)上。默认值是[page:Textures THREE.UVMapping]对象类型,
即UV坐标将被用于纹理映射。<br />
请参阅[page:Textures texture constants](映射模式常量)来了解其他映射类型。
<h3>[property:number wrapS]</h3>
这个值定义了纹理贴图在水平方向上将如何包裹,在UV映射中对应于*U*。<br />
默认值是[page:Textures THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping],即纹理边缘将被推到外部边缘的纹素。
其它的两个选项分别是[page:Textures THREE.RepeatWrapping]和[page:Textures THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping]。
请参阅[page:Textures texture constants]来了解详细信息。
<h3>[property:number wrapT]</h3>
这个值定义了纹理贴图在垂直方向上将如何包裹,在UV映射中对应于*V*。<br />
可以使用与[property:number wrapS]相同的选项。<br /><br />
<h3>[property:number magFilter]</h3>
当一个纹素覆盖大于一个像素时,贴图将如何采样。默认值为[page:Textures THREE.LinearFilter],
另一个选项是[page:Textures THREE.NearestFilter],它将使用最接近的纹素的值。<br />
请参阅[page:Textures texture constants]页面来了解详细信息。
<h3>[property:number minFilter]</h3>
当一个纹素覆盖小于一个像素时,贴图将如何采样。默认值为[page:Textures THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter],
它将使用mipmapping以及三次线性滤镜。<br /><br />
请参阅[page:Textures texture constants]页面来了解所有可能的选项。
<h3>[property:number anisotropy]</h3>
使用[page:WebGLRenderer.capabilities renderer.capabilities.getMaxAnisotropy]() 来查询GPU中各向异性的最大有效值;这个值通常是2的幂。
<h3>[property:number format]</h3>
默认值为[page:Textures THREE.RGBAFormat]。<br /><br />
请参阅[page:Textures texture constants]页面来了解其它格式。
<h3>[property:String internalFormat]</h3>
The default value is obtained using a combination of [page:Texture.format .format] and
[page:Texture.type .type].<br />
The GPU format allows the developer to specify how the data is going to be
stored on the GPU.<br /><br />
See the [page:Textures texture constants] page for details regarding all supported internal formats.
<h3>[property:number type]</h3>
这个值必须与[page:Texture.format .format]相对应。默认值为[page:Textures THREE.UnsignedByteType],
它将会被用于绝大多数纹理格式。<br /><br />
请参阅[page:Textures texture constants]来了解其它格式。
<h3>[property:Vector2 offset]</h3>
How much a single repetition of the texture is offset from the beginning, in each direction U and V.
Typical range is *0.0* to *1.0*.
The below texture types share the *first* uv channel in the engine. The offset (and repeat) setting is evaluated according to
the following priorities and then shared by those textures:
<li>color map</li>
<li>specular map</li>
<li>displacement map</li>
<li>normal map</li>
<li>bump map</li>
<li>roughness map</li>
<li>metalness map</li>
<li>alpha map</li>
<li>emissive map</li>
<li>clearcoat map</li>
<li>clearcoat normal map</li>
<li>clearcoat roughnessMap map</li>
The below texture types share the *second* uv channel in the engine. The offset (and repeat) setting is evaluated according to
the following priorities and then shared by those textures:
<li>ao map</li>
<li>light map</li>
<h3>[property:Vector2 repeat]</h3>
How many times the texture is repeated across the surface, in each direction U and V. If repeat is set
greater than 1 in either direction, the corresponding Wrap parameter should also be set to
[page:Textures THREE.RepeatWrapping] or [page:Textures THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping] to achieve the desired
tiling effect. Setting different repeat values for textures is restricted in the same way like [page:.offset].
<h3>[property:number rotation]</h3>
<h3>[property:Vector2 center]</h3>
旋转中心点。(0.5, 0.5)对应纹理的正中心。默认值为(0,0),即左下角。
<h3>[property:Boolean matrixAutoUpdate]</h3>
是否从纹理的[page:Texture.offset .offset]、[page:Texture.repeat .repeat]、[page:Texture.rotation .rotation]和[ .center]属性更新纹理的UV变换矩阵(uv-transform [page:Texture.matrix .matrix])。
<h3>[property:Matrix3 matrix]</h3>
当纹理的[page:Texture.matrixAutoUpdate .matrixAutoUpdate]属性为true时,
由渲染器从纹理的[page:Texture.offset .offset]、[page:Texture.repeat .repeat]、[page:Texture.rotation .rotation]和[ .center]属性中进行更新。
当[page:Texture.matrixAutoUpdate .matrixAutoUpdate]属性为false时,该矩阵可以被手动设置。
<h3>[property:Boolean generateMipmaps]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean premultiplyAlpha]</h3>
If set to *true*, the alpha channel, if present, is multiplied into the color channels when the texture is uploaded to the GPU. Default is *false*.<br /><br />
Note that this property has no effect for [link: ImageBitmap].
You need to configure on bitmap creation instead. See [page:ImageBitmapLoader].
<h3>[property:Boolean flipY]</h3>
If set to *true*, the texture is flipped along the vertical axis when uploaded to the GPU. Default is *true*.<br /><br />
Note that this property has no effect for [link: ImageBitmap].
You need to configure on bitmap creation instead. See [page:ImageBitmapLoader].
<h3>[property:number unpackAlignment]</h3>
请参阅[link: glPixelStorei]来了解详细信息。
<h3>[property:number encoding]</h3>
默认值为[page:Textures THREE.LinearEncoding]。
请参阅[page:Textures texture constants]来了解其他格式的详细信息。<br /><br />
<h3>[property:Integer version]</h3>
这个值起始值为*0*,计算[property:Boolean needsUpdate]被设置为*true*的次数。
<h3>[property:Function onUpdate]</h3>
<h3>[property:Boolean needsUpdate]</h3>
<h3>[property:Object userData]</h3>
An object that can be used to store custom data about the texture. It should not hold
references to functions as these will not be cloned.
<h3>[property:Source source]</h3>
The data definition of a texture. A reference to the data source can be shared across textures.
This is often useful in context of spritesheets where multiple textures render the same data but with different texture transformations.
<p>[page:EventDispatcher EventDispatcher]方法在这个类上可以使用。</p>
<h3>[method:undefined updateMatrix]()</h3>
从纹理的[page:Texture.offset .offset]、[page:Texture.repeat .repeat]、
[page:Texture.rotation .rotation]和[ .center]属性来更新纹理的UV变换矩阵(uv-transform [page:Texture.matrix .matrix])。
<h3>[method:Texture clone]()</h3>
Besides, cloning a texture does not automatically mark it for a texture upload. You have to set [page:Texture.needsUpdate] to true as soon as its image property (the data source) is fully loaded or ready.
<h3>[method:Object toJSON]( [param:Object meta] )</h3>
meta -- 可选,包含有元数据的对象。<br />
将Texture对象转换为 three.js [link: JSON Object/Scene format](three.js JSON 物体/场景格式)。
<h3>[method:undefined dispose]()</h3>
使用“废置”事件类型调用[page:EventDispatcher EventDispatcher].dispatchEvent。
<h3>[method:Vector2 transformUv]( [param:Vector2 uv] )</h3>
基于纹理的[page:Texture.offset .offset]、[page:Texture.repeat .repeat]、
[page:Texture.wrapS .wrapS]、[page:Texture.wrapT .wrapT]和[page:Texture.flipY .flipY]属性值来变换uv。
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]