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[page:Object3D] → [page:Line] → [page:LineSegments] →
<p class="desc">
用于图形化地展示对象世界轴心对齐的包围盒的辅助对象。The actual bounding box is handled with [page:Box3], this is just a visual helper for debugging.
It can be automatically resized with the [page:BoxHelper.update] method when the object it's created from is transformed.
注意:要想能正常运行,目标对象必须包含 [page:BufferGeometry] ,
所以当目标对象是精灵 [page:Sprite Sprites] 时将不能正常运行.
const sphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry();
const object = new THREE.Mesh( sphere, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( 0xff0000 ) );
const box = new THREE.BoxHelper( object, 0xffff00 );
scene.add( box );
[example:webgl_helpers WebGL / helpers]<br/>
[example:webgl_loader_nrrd WebGL / loader / nrrd]<br/>
[example:webgl_buffergeometry_drawrange WebGL / buffergeometry / drawrange]
<h3>[name]( [param:Object3D object], [param:Color color] )</h3>
[page:Object3D object] -- (可选的) 被展示世界轴心对齐的包围盒的对象.<br />
[page:Color color] -- (可选的) 线框盒子的16进制颜色值. 默认为 0xffff00.<br /><br />
创建一个新的线框盒子包围指定的对象. 内部使用 [page:Box3.setFromObject]
方法来计算尺寸. 注意:此线框盒子将包围对象的所有子对象.
<p>请到基类 [page:LineSegments] 页面查看公共属性.</p>
<p>请到基类 [page:LineSegments] 页面查看公共方法.</p>
<h3>[method:undefined update]()</h3>
保持一致, 包围目标对象所有子对象. 请查看 [page:Box3.setFromObject].
<h3>[method:this setFromObject]( [param:Object3D object] )</h3>
[page:Object3D object] - 用于创建辅助对象的目标 [page:Object3D] 对象.<br /><br />
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]