You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

183 lines
5.9 KiB

(function() { // eslint-disable-line strict
'use strict'; // eslint-disable-line strict
function dirname(path) {
const ndx = path.lastIndexOf('/');
return path.substring(0, ndx + 1);
function getPrefix(url) {
const u = new URL(url, window.location.href);
const prefix = u.origin + dirname(u.pathname);
return prefix;
function getRootPrefix(url) {
const u = new URL(url, window.location.href);
return u.origin;
function removeDotDotSlash(url) {
// assumes a well formed URL. In other words: 'https://..//foo.html" is a bad URL and this code would fail.
const parts = url.split('/');
for (;;) {
const dotDotNdx = parts.indexOf('..');
if (dotDotNdx < 0) {
parts.splice(dotDotNdx - 1, 2);
const newUrl = parts.join('/');
return newUrl;
* Fix any local URLs into fully qualified urls.
* Examples:
* resources/image.jpg ->
* /3rdparty/lib.js ->
* The reason is (a) we're running the code as via blobUrl and nothing is relative to a blob.
* (b) we can upload to jsfiddle/codepen and so need to link back to the files.
* This is all kind of hacky in that it's just a bunch of regular expressions looking
* for matches.
* @param {string} url The URL of the file source.
* @param {string} source An HTML file or JavaScript file
* @returns {string} the source after having urls fixed.
function fixSourceLinks(url, source) {
const srcRE = /(src=)(")(.*?)(")()/g;
const linkRE = /(href=)(")(.*?)(")()/g;
const imageSrcRE = /((?:image|img)\.src = )(")(.*?)(")()/g;
const loaderLoadRE = /(loader\.load[a-z]*\s*\(\s*)('|")(.*?)('|")/ig;
const loaderArrayLoadRE = /(loader\.load[a-z]*\(\[)([\s\S]*?)(\])/ig;
const loadFileRE = /(loadFile\s*\(\s*)('|")(.*?)('|")/ig;
const threejsUrlRE = /(.*?)('|")([^"']*?)('|")([^'"]*?)(\/\*\\s+url\s+\*\/)/ig;
const arrayLineRE = /^(\s*["|'])([\s\S]*?)(["|']*$)/;
const urlPropRE = /(url:\s*)('|")(.*?)('|")/g;
const workerRE = /(new\s+Worker\s*\(\s*)('|")(.*?)('|")/g;
const importScriptsRE = /(importScripts\s*\(\s*)('|")(.*?)('|")/g;
const moduleRE = /(import.*?)('|")(.*?)('|")/g;
const prefix = getPrefix(url);
const rootPrefix = getRootPrefix(url);
function addCorrectPrefix(url) {
return (url.startsWith('/'))
? `${rootPrefix}${url}`
: removeDotDotSlash((prefix + url).replace(/\/.\//g, '/'));
function addPrefix(url) {
return url.indexOf('://') < 0 && !url.startsWith('data:') && url[0] !== '?'
? removeDotDotSlash(addCorrectPrefix(url))
: url;
function makeLinkFDedQuotes(match, fn, q1, url, q2) {
return fn + q1 + addPrefix(url) + q2;
function makeTaggedFDedQuotes(match, start, q1, url, q2, suffix) {
return start + q1 + addPrefix(url) + q2 + suffix;
function makeFDedQuotesModule(match, start, q1, url, q2) {
// modules require relative paths or fully qualified, otherwise they are module names
return `${start}${q1}${url.startsWith('.') ? addPrefix(url) : url}${q2}`;
function makeArrayLinksFDed(match, prefix, arrayStr, suffix) {
const lines = arrayStr.split(',').map((line) => {
const m = arrayLineRE.exec(line);
return m
? `${m[1]}${addPrefix(m[2])}${m[3]}`
: line;
return `${prefix}${lines.join(',')}${suffix}`;
source = source.replace(srcRE, makeTaggedFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(linkRE, makeTaggedFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(imageSrcRE, makeTaggedFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(urlPropRE, makeLinkFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(loadFileRE, makeLinkFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(loaderLoadRE, makeLinkFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(workerRE, makeLinkFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(importScriptsRE, makeLinkFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(loaderArrayLoadRE, makeArrayLinksFDed);
source = source.replace(threejsUrlRE, makeTaggedFDedQuotes);
source = source.replace(moduleRE, makeFDedQuotesModule);
return source;
* Called after parsing to give a change to update htmlParts
* @param {string} html The main page html turned into a template with the <style>, <script> and <body> parts extracted
* @param {Object<string, HTMLPart>} htmlParts All the extracted parts
* @return {string} The modified html template
function extraHTMLParsing(html /* , htmlParts */) {
return html;
* Change JavaScript before uploading code to JSFiddle/Codepen
* @param {string} js JavaScript source
* @returns {string} The JavaScript source with any fixes applied.
let version;
async function fixJSForCodeSite(js) {
const moduleRE = /(import.*?)('|")(.*?)('|")/g;
// convert -><version>
// convert -><version>/examples/jsm/.??
if (!version) {
try {
const res = await fetch('');
const json = await res.json();
version = json.version;
} catch (e) {
function addVersion(href) {
if (href.startsWith(window.location.origin)) {
if (href.includes('/build/three.module.js')) {
return `${version}`;
} else if (href.includes('/examples/jsm/')) {
const url = new URL(href);
return `${version}${url.pathname}${}${url.hash}`;
return href;
function addVersionToURL(match, start, q1, url, q2) {
return start + q1 + addVersion(url) + q2;
if (version !== undefined) {
js = js.replace(moduleRE, addVersionToURL);
return js;
window.lessonEditorSettings = {
runOnResize: false,
lessonSettings: {
glDebug: false,
tags: ['three.js'],
name: 'three.js',
icon: '/files/icon.svg',