You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
663 lines
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663 lines
20 KiB
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { UIButton, UIInput, UIPanel, UIRow, UISelect, UIText, UITextArea } from './libs/ui.js';
import { SetMaterialCommand } from './commands/SetMaterialCommand.js';
import { SetMaterialValueCommand } from './commands/SetMaterialValueCommand.js';
import { SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty } from './Sidebar.Material.BooleanProperty.js';
import { SidebarMaterialColorProperty } from './Sidebar.Material.ColorProperty.js';
import { SidebarMaterialConstantProperty } from './Sidebar.Material.ConstantProperty.js';
import { SidebarMaterialMapProperty } from './Sidebar.Material.MapProperty.js';
import { SidebarMaterialNumberProperty } from './Sidebar.Material.NumberProperty.js';
import { SidebarMaterialRangeValueProperty } from './Sidebar.Material.RangeValueProperty.js';
import { SidebarMaterialProgram } from './Sidebar.Material.Program.js';
function SidebarMaterial( editor ) {
const signals = editor.signals;
const strings = editor.strings;
let currentObject;
let currentMaterialSlot = 0;
const container = new UIPanel();
container.setBorderTop( '0' );
container.setDisplay( 'none' );
container.setPaddingTop( '20px' );
// Current material slot
const materialSlotRow = new UIRow();
materialSlotRow.add( new UIText( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/slot' ) ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
const materialSlotSelect = new UISelect().setWidth( '170px' ).setFontSize( '12px' ).onChange( update );
materialSlotSelect.setOptions( { 0: '' } ).setValue( 0 );
materialSlotRow.add( materialSlotSelect );
container.add( materialSlotRow );
// type
const materialClassRow = new UIRow();
const materialClass = new UISelect().setWidth( '150px' ).setFontSize( '12px' ).onChange( update );
materialClassRow.add( new UIText( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/type' ) ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
materialClassRow.add( materialClass );
container.add( materialClassRow );
// uuid
const materialUUIDRow = new UIRow();
const materialUUID = new UIInput().setWidth( '102px' ).setFontSize( '12px' ).setDisabled( true );
const materialUUIDRenew = new UIButton( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/new' ) ).setMarginLeft( '7px' );
materialUUIDRenew.onClick( function () {
materialUUID.setValue( THREE.MathUtils.generateUUID() );
} );
materialUUIDRow.add( new UIText( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/uuid' ) ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
materialUUIDRow.add( materialUUID );
materialUUIDRow.add( materialUUIDRenew );
container.add( materialUUIDRow );
// name
const materialNameRow = new UIRow();
const materialName = new UIInput().setWidth( '150px' ).setFontSize( '12px' ).onChange( function () {
editor.execute( new SetMaterialValueCommand( editor, editor.selected, 'name', materialName.getValue(), currentMaterialSlot ) );
} );
materialNameRow.add( new UIText( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/name' ) ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
materialNameRow.add( materialName );
container.add( materialNameRow );
// program
const materialProgram = new SidebarMaterialProgram( editor, 'vertexShader' );
container.add( materialProgram );
// color
const materialColor = new SidebarMaterialColorProperty( editor, 'color', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/color' ) );
container.add( materialColor );
// specular
const materialSpecular = new SidebarMaterialColorProperty( editor, 'specular', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/specular' ) );
container.add( materialSpecular );
// shininess
const materialShininess = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'shininess', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/shininess' ) );
container.add( materialShininess );
// emissive
const materialEmissive = new SidebarMaterialColorProperty( editor, 'emissive', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/emissive' ) );
container.add( materialEmissive );
// reflectivity
const materialReflectivity = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'reflectivity', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/reflectivity' ) );
container.add( materialReflectivity );
// roughness
const materialRoughness = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'roughness', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/roughness' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialRoughness );
// metalness
const materialMetalness = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'metalness', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/metalness' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialMetalness );
// clearcoat
const materialClearcoat = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'clearcoat', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/clearcoat' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialClearcoat );
// clearcoatRoughness
const materialClearcoatRoughness = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'clearcoatRoughness', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/clearcoatroughness' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialClearcoatRoughness );
// iridescence
const materialIridescence = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'iridescence', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/iridescence' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialIridescence );
// iridescenceIOR
const materialIridescenceIOR = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'iridescenceIOR', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/iridescenceIOR' ), [ 1, 5 ] );
container.add( materialIridescenceIOR );
// iridescenceThicknessMax
const materialIridescenceThicknessMax = new SidebarMaterialRangeValueProperty( editor, 'iridescenceThicknessRange', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/iridescenceThicknessMax' ), false, [ 0, Infinity ], 0, 10, 1, 'nm' );
container.add( materialIridescenceThicknessMax );
// sheen
const materialSheen = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'sheen', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/sheen' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialSheen );
// sheen roughness
const materialSheenRoughness = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'sheenRoughness', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/sheenroughness' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialSheenRoughness );
// sheen color
const materialSheenColor = new SidebarMaterialColorProperty( editor, 'sheenColor', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/sheencolor' ) );
container.add( materialSheenColor );
// transmission
const materialTransmission = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'transmission', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/transmission' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialTransmission );
// attenuation distance
const materialAttenuationDistance = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'attenuationDistance', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/attenuationDistance' ) );
container.add( materialAttenuationDistance );
// attenuation tint
const materialAttenuationColor = new SidebarMaterialColorProperty( editor, 'attenuationColor', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/attenuationColor' ) );
container.add( materialAttenuationColor );
// thickness
const materialThickness = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'thickness', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/thickness' ) );
container.add( materialThickness );
// vertex colors
const materialVertexColors = new SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty( editor, 'vertexColors', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/vertexcolors' ) );
container.add( materialVertexColors );
// depth packing
const materialDepthPackingOptions = {
[ THREE.BasicDepthPacking ]: 'Basic',
[ THREE.RGBADepthPacking ]: 'RGBA'
const materialDepthPacking = new SidebarMaterialConstantProperty( editor, 'depthPacking', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/depthPacking' ), materialDepthPackingOptions );
container.add( materialDepthPacking );
// map
const materialMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'map', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/map' ) );
container.add( materialMap );
// specular map
const materialSpecularMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'specularMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/specularmap' ) );
container.add( materialSpecularMap );
// emissive map
const materialEmissiveMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'emissiveMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/emissivemap' ) );
container.add( materialEmissiveMap );
// matcap map
const materialMatcapMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'matcap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/matcap' ) );
container.add( materialMatcapMap );
// alpha map
const materialAlphaMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'alphaMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/alphamap' ) );
container.add( materialAlphaMap );
// bump map
const materialBumpMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'bumpMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/bumpmap' ) );
container.add( materialBumpMap );
// normal map
const materialNormalMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'normalMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/normalmap' ) );
container.add( materialNormalMap );
// clearcoat normal map
const materialClearcoatNormalMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'clearcoatNormalMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/clearcoatnormalmap' ) );
container.add( materialClearcoatNormalMap );
// displacement map
const materialDisplacementMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'displacementMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/displacementmap' ) );
container.add( materialDisplacementMap );
// roughness map
const materialRoughnessMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'roughnessMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/roughnessmap' ) );
container.add( materialRoughnessMap );
// metalness map
const materialMetalnessMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'metalnessMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/metalnessmap' ) );
container.add( materialMetalnessMap );
// iridescence map
const materialIridescenceMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'iridescenceMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/iridescencemap' ) );
container.add( materialIridescenceMap );
// sheen color map
const materialSheenColorMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'sheenColorMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/sheencolormap' ) );
container.add( materialSheenColorMap );
// sheen roughness map
const materialSheenRoughnessMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'sheenRoughnessMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/sheenroughnessmap' ) );
container.add( materialSheenRoughnessMap );
// iridescence thickness map
const materialIridescenceThicknessMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'iridescenceThicknessMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/iridescencethicknessmap' ) );
container.add( materialIridescenceThicknessMap );
// env map
const materialEnvMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'envMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/envmap' ) );
container.add( materialEnvMap );
// light map
const materialLightMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'lightMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/lightmap' ) );
container.add( materialLightMap );
// ambient occlusion map
const materialAOMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'aoMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/aomap' ) );
container.add( materialAOMap );
// gradient map
const materialGradientMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'gradientMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/gradientmap' ) );
container.add( materialGradientMap );
// transmission map
const transmissionMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'transmissionMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/transmissionmap' ) );
container.add( transmissionMap );
// thickness map
const thicknessMap = new SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, 'thicknessMap', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/thicknessmap' ) );
container.add( thicknessMap );
// side
const materialSideOptions = {
0: 'Front',
1: 'Back',
2: 'Double'
const materialSide = new SidebarMaterialConstantProperty( editor, 'side', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/side' ), materialSideOptions );
container.add( materialSide );
// size
const materialSize = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'size', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/size' ), [ 0, Infinity ] );
container.add( materialSize );
// sizeAttenuation
const materialSizeAttenuation = new SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty( editor, 'sizeAttenuation', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/sizeAttenuation' ) );
container.add( materialSizeAttenuation );
// flatShading
const materialFlatShading = new SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty( editor, 'flatShading', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/flatShading' ) );
container.add( materialFlatShading );
// blending
const materialBlendingOptions = {
0: 'No',
1: 'Normal',
2: 'Additive',
3: 'Subtractive',
4: 'Multiply',
5: 'Custom'
const materialBlending = new SidebarMaterialConstantProperty( editor, 'blending', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/blending' ), materialBlendingOptions );
container.add( materialBlending );
// opacity
const materialOpacity = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'opacity', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/opacity' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialOpacity );
// transparent
const materialTransparent = new SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty( editor, 'transparent', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/transparent' ) );
container.add( materialTransparent );
// alpha test
const materialAlphaTest = new SidebarMaterialNumberProperty( editor, 'alphaTest', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/alphatest' ), [ 0, 1 ] );
container.add( materialAlphaTest );
// depth test
const materialDepthTest = new SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty( editor, 'depthTest', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/depthtest' ) );
container.add( materialDepthTest );
// depth write
const materialDepthWrite = new SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty( editor, 'depthWrite', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/depthwrite' ) );
container.add( materialDepthWrite );
// wireframe
const materialWireframe = new SidebarMaterialBooleanProperty( editor, 'wireframe', strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/wireframe' ) );
container.add( materialWireframe );
// userData
const materialUserDataRow = new UIRow();
const materialUserData = new UITextArea().setWidth( '150px' ).setHeight( '40px' ).setFontSize( '12px' ).onChange( update );
materialUserData.onKeyUp( function () {
try {
JSON.parse( materialUserData.getValue() );
materialUserData.dom.classList.add( 'success' );
materialUserData.dom.classList.remove( 'fail' );
} catch ( error ) {
materialUserData.dom.classList.remove( 'success' );
materialUserData.dom.classList.add( 'fail' );
} );
materialUserDataRow.add( new UIText( strings.getKey( 'sidebar/material/userdata' ) ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
materialUserDataRow.add( materialUserData );
container.add( materialUserDataRow );
function update() {
const previousSelectedSlot = currentMaterialSlot;
currentMaterialSlot = parseInt( materialSlotSelect.getValue() );
if ( currentMaterialSlot !== previousSelectedSlot ) refreshUI();
let material = editor.getObjectMaterial( currentObject, currentMaterialSlot );
if ( material ) {
if ( material.uuid !== undefined && material.uuid !== materialUUID.getValue() ) {
editor.execute( new SetMaterialValueCommand( editor, currentObject, 'uuid', materialUUID.getValue(), currentMaterialSlot ) );
if ( material.type !== materialClass.getValue() ) {
material = new materialClasses[ materialClass.getValue() ]();
if ( material.type === 'RawShaderMaterial' ) {
material.vertexShader = vertexShaderVariables + material.vertexShader;
if ( Array.isArray( currentObject.material ) ) {
// don't remove the entire multi-material. just the material of the selected slot
editor.removeMaterial( currentObject.material[ currentMaterialSlot ] );
} else {
editor.removeMaterial( currentObject.material );
editor.execute( new SetMaterialCommand( editor, currentObject, material, currentMaterialSlot ), 'New Material: ' + materialClass.getValue() );
editor.addMaterial( material );
// TODO Copy other references in the scene graph
// keeping name and UUID then.
// Also there should be means to create a unique
// copy for the current object explicitly and to
// attach the current material to other objects.
try {
const userData = JSON.parse( materialUserData.getValue() );
if ( JSON.stringify( material.userData ) != JSON.stringify( userData ) ) {
editor.execute( new SetMaterialValueCommand( editor, currentObject, 'userData', userData, currentMaterialSlot ) );
} catch ( exception ) {
console.warn( exception );
function setRowVisibility() {
const material = currentObject.material;
if ( Array.isArray( material ) ) {
materialSlotRow.setDisplay( '' );
} else {
materialSlotRow.setDisplay( 'none' );
function refreshUI() {
if ( ! currentObject ) return;
let material = currentObject.material;
if ( Array.isArray( material ) ) {
const slotOptions = {};
currentMaterialSlot = Math.max( 0, Math.min( material.length, currentMaterialSlot ) );
for ( let i = 0; i < material.length; i ++ ) {
slotOptions[ i ] = String( i + 1 ) + ': ' + material[ i ].name;
materialSlotSelect.setOptions( slotOptions ).setValue( currentMaterialSlot );
material = editor.getObjectMaterial( currentObject, currentMaterialSlot );
if ( material.uuid !== undefined ) {
materialUUID.setValue( material.uuid );
if ( !== undefined ) {
materialName.setValue( );
if ( currentObject.isMesh ) {
materialClass.setOptions( meshMaterialOptions );
} else if ( currentObject.isSprite ) {
materialClass.setOptions( spriteMaterialOptions );
} else if ( currentObject.isPoints ) {
materialClass.setOptions( pointsMaterialOptions );
} else if ( currentObject.isLine ) {
materialClass.setOptions( lineMaterialOptions );
materialClass.setValue( material.type );
try {
materialUserData.setValue( JSON.stringify( material.userData, null, ' ' ) );
} catch ( error ) {
console.log( error );
materialUserData.setBorderColor( 'transparent' );
materialUserData.setBackgroundColor( '' );
// events
signals.objectSelected.add( function ( object ) {
let hasMaterial = false;
if ( object && object.material ) {
hasMaterial = true;
if ( Array.isArray( object.material ) && object.material.length === 0 ) {
hasMaterial = false;
if ( hasMaterial ) {
currentObject = object;
container.setDisplay( '' );
} else {
currentObject = null;
container.setDisplay( 'none' );
} );
signals.materialChanged.add( refreshUI );
return container;
const materialClasses = {
'LineBasicMaterial': THREE.LineBasicMaterial,
'LineDashedMaterial': THREE.LineDashedMaterial,
'MeshBasicMaterial': THREE.MeshBasicMaterial,
'MeshDepthMaterial': THREE.MeshDepthMaterial,
'MeshNormalMaterial': THREE.MeshNormalMaterial,
'MeshLambertMaterial': THREE.MeshLambertMaterial,
'MeshMatcapMaterial': THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial,
'MeshPhongMaterial': THREE.MeshPhongMaterial,
'MeshToonMaterial': THREE.MeshToonMaterial,
'MeshStandardMaterial': THREE.MeshStandardMaterial,
'MeshPhysicalMaterial': THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial,
'RawShaderMaterial': THREE.RawShaderMaterial,
'ShaderMaterial': THREE.ShaderMaterial,
'ShadowMaterial': THREE.ShadowMaterial,
'SpriteMaterial': THREE.SpriteMaterial,
'PointsMaterial': THREE.PointsMaterial
const vertexShaderVariables = [
'uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;',
'uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\n',
'attribute vec3 position;\n\n',
].join( '\n' );
const meshMaterialOptions = {
'MeshBasicMaterial': 'MeshBasicMaterial',
'MeshDepthMaterial': 'MeshDepthMaterial',
'MeshNormalMaterial': 'MeshNormalMaterial',
'MeshLambertMaterial': 'MeshLambertMaterial',
'MeshMatcapMaterial': 'MeshMatcapMaterial',
'MeshPhongMaterial': 'MeshPhongMaterial',
'MeshToonMaterial': 'MeshToonMaterial',
'MeshStandardMaterial': 'MeshStandardMaterial',
'MeshPhysicalMaterial': 'MeshPhysicalMaterial',
'RawShaderMaterial': 'RawShaderMaterial',
'ShaderMaterial': 'ShaderMaterial',
'ShadowMaterial': 'ShadowMaterial'
const lineMaterialOptions = {
'LineBasicMaterial': 'LineBasicMaterial',
'LineDashedMaterial': 'LineDashedMaterial',
'RawShaderMaterial': 'RawShaderMaterial',
'ShaderMaterial': 'ShaderMaterial'
const spriteMaterialOptions = {
'SpriteMaterial': 'SpriteMaterial',
'RawShaderMaterial': 'RawShaderMaterial',
'ShaderMaterial': 'ShaderMaterial'
const pointsMaterialOptions = {
'PointsMaterial': 'PointsMaterial',
'RawShaderMaterial': 'RawShaderMaterial',
'ShaderMaterial': 'ShaderMaterial'
export { SidebarMaterial };