You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

220 lines
4.3 KiB

import { Box3, Vector3 } from 'three';
import { UIPanel, UIRow, UIHorizontalRule } from '../libs/ui.js';
import { AddObjectCommand } from '../commands/AddObjectCommand.js';
import { RemoveObjectCommand } from '../commands/RemoveObjectCommand.js';
import { SetPositionCommand } from '../commands/SetPositionCommand.js';
function MenubarEdit( editor ) {
const strings = editor.strings;
const container = new UIPanel();
container.setClass( 'menu' );
const title = new UIPanel();
title.setClass( 'title' );
title.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit' ) );
container.add( title );
const options = new UIPanel();
options.setClass( 'options' );
container.add( options );
// Undo
const undo = new UIRow();
undo.setClass( 'option' );
undo.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/undo' ) );
undo.onClick( function () {
} );
options.add( undo );
// Redo
const redo = new UIRow();
redo.setClass( 'option' );
redo.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/redo' ) );
redo.onClick( function () {
} );
options.add( redo );
// Clear History
let option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/clear_history' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
if ( confirm( 'The Undo/Redo History will be cleared. Are you sure?' ) ) {
} );
options.add( option );
editor.signals.historyChanged.add( function () {
const history = editor.history;
undo.setClass( 'option' );
redo.setClass( 'option' );
if ( history.undos.length == 0 ) {
undo.setClass( 'inactive' );
if ( history.redos.length == 0 ) {
redo.setClass( 'inactive' );
} );
// ---
options.add( new UIHorizontalRule() );
// Center
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/center' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const object = editor.selected;
if ( object === null || object.parent === null ) return; // avoid centering the camera or scene
const aabb = new Box3().setFromObject( object );
const center = aabb.getCenter( new Vector3() );
const newPosition = new Vector3();
newPosition.x = object.position.x + ( object.position.x - center.x );
newPosition.y = object.position.y + ( object.position.y - center.y );
newPosition.z = object.position.z + ( object.position.z - center.z );
editor.execute( new SetPositionCommand( editor, object, newPosition ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Clone
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/clone' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
let object = editor.selected;
if ( object === null || object.parent === null ) return; // avoid cloning the camera or scene
object = object.clone();
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, object ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Delete
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/delete' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const object = editor.selected;
if ( object !== null && object.parent !== null ) {
editor.execute( new RemoveObjectCommand( editor, object ) );
} );
options.add( option );
options.add( new UIHorizontalRule() );
// Set textures to sRGB. See #15903
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/edit/fixcolormaps' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
editor.scene.traverse( fixColorMap );
} );
options.add( option );
const colorMaps = [ 'map', 'envMap', 'emissiveMap' ];
function fixColorMap( obj ) {
const material = obj.material;
if ( material !== undefined ) {
if ( Array.isArray( material ) === true ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < material.length; i ++ ) {
fixMaterial( material[ i ] );
} else {
fixMaterial( material );
function fixMaterial( material ) {
let needsUpdate = material.needsUpdate;
for ( let i = 0; i < colorMaps.length; i ++ ) {
const map = material[ colorMaps[ i ] ];
if ( map ) {
map.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
needsUpdate = true;
material.needsUpdate = needsUpdate;
return container;
export { MenubarEdit };