You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

480 lines
12 KiB

import * as THREE from 'three';
import { UIPanel, UIRow, UIHorizontalRule } from '../libs/ui.js';
import { AddObjectCommand } from '../commands/AddObjectCommand.js';
function MenubarAdd( editor ) {
const strings = editor.strings;
const container = new UIPanel();
container.setClass( 'menu' );
const title = new UIPanel();
title.setClass( 'title' );
title.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add' ) );
container.add( title );
const options = new UIPanel();
options.setClass( 'options' );
container.add( options );
// Group
let option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/group' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const mesh = new THREE.Group(); = 'Group';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
options.add( new UIHorizontalRule() );
// Box
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/box' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Box';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Capsule
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/capsule' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.CapsuleGeometry( 1, 1, 4, 8 );
const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial();
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); = 'Capsule';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Circle
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/circle' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry( 1, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Circle';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Cylinder
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/cylinder' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry( 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, false, 0, Math.PI * 2 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Cylinder';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Dodecahedron
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/dodecahedron' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.DodecahedronGeometry( 1, 0 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Dodecahedron';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Icosahedron
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/icosahedron' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry( 1, 0 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Icosahedron';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Lathe
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/lathe' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.LatheGeometry();
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { side: THREE.DoubleSide } ) ); = 'Lathe';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Octahedron
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/octahedron' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.OctahedronGeometry( 1, 0 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Octahedron';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Plane
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/plane' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial();
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); = 'Plane';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Ring
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/ring' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.RingGeometry( 0.5, 1, 8, 1, 0, Math.PI * 2 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Ring';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Sphere
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/sphere' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 1, 32, 16, 0, Math.PI * 2, 0, Math.PI );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Sphere';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Sprite
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/sprite' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const sprite = new THREE.Sprite( new THREE.SpriteMaterial() ); = 'Sprite';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, sprite ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Tetrahedron
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/tetrahedron' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.TetrahedronGeometry( 1, 0 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Tetrahedron';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Torus
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/torus' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.TorusGeometry( 1, 0.4, 8, 6, Math.PI * 2 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Torus';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// TorusKnot
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/torusknot' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const geometry = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry( 1, 0.4, 64, 8, 2, 3 );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'TorusKnot';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Tube
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/tube' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const path = new THREE.CatmullRomCurve3( [
new THREE.Vector3( 2, 2, - 2 ),
new THREE.Vector3( 2, - 2, - 0.6666666666666667 ),
new THREE.Vector3( - 2, - 2, 0.6666666666666667 ),
new THREE.Vector3( - 2, 2, 2 )
] );
const geometry = new THREE.TubeGeometry( path, 64, 1, 8, false );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() ); = 'Tube';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, mesh ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// Teapot
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( 'Teapot' );
option.onClick( function () {
let size = 50;
let segments = 10;
let bottom = true;
let lid = true;
let body = true;
let fitLid = false;
let blinnScale = true;
let material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial();
let geometry = new TeapotGeometry( size, segments, bottom, lid, body, fitLid, blinnScale );
let mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); = 'Teapot';
editor.addObject( mesh ); mesh );
} );
options.add( option );
options.add( new UIHorizontalRule() );
// AmbientLight
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/ambientlight' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const color = 0x222222;
const light = new THREE.AmbientLight( color ); = 'AmbientLight';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, light ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// DirectionalLight
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/directionallight' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const color = 0xffffff;
const intensity = 1;
const light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( color, intensity ); = 'DirectionalLight'; = 'DirectionalLight Target';
light.position.set( 5, 10, 7.5 );
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, light ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// HemisphereLight
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/hemispherelight' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const skyColor = 0x00aaff;
const groundColor = 0xffaa00;
const intensity = 1;
const light = new THREE.HemisphereLight( skyColor, groundColor, intensity ); = 'HemisphereLight';
light.position.set( 0, 10, 0 );
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, light ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// PointLight
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/pointlight' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const color = 0xffffff;
const intensity = 1;
const distance = 0;
const light = new THREE.PointLight( color, intensity, distance ); = 'PointLight';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, light ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// SpotLight
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/spotlight' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const color = 0xffffff;
const intensity = 1;
const distance = 0;
const angle = Math.PI * 0.1;
const penumbra = 0;
const light = new THREE.SpotLight( color, intensity, distance, angle, penumbra ); = 'SpotLight'; = 'SpotLight Target';
light.position.set( 5, 10, 7.5 );
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, light ) );
} );
options.add( option );
options.add( new UIHorizontalRule() );
// OrthographicCamera
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/orthographiccamera' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const aspect =;
const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( - aspect, aspect ); = 'OrthographicCamera';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, camera ) );
} );
options.add( option );
// PerspectiveCamera
option = new UIRow();
option.setClass( 'option' );
option.setTextContent( strings.getKey( 'menubar/add/perspectivecamera' ) );
option.onClick( function () {
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(); = 'PerspectiveCamera';
editor.execute( new AddObjectCommand( editor, camera ) );
} );
options.add( option );
return container;
export { MenubarAdd };