You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

160 lines
3.9 KiB

import { NumberInput, StringInput, LabelElement } from '../../libs/flow.module.js';
import { BaseNode } from '../core/BaseNode.js';
import { Group, MathUtils, Vector3 } from 'three';
export class Object3DEditor extends BaseNode {
constructor( object3d = null, name = 'Object 3D' ) {
if ( object3d === null ) {
object3d = new Group();
super( name, 1, object3d );
this.defaultPosition = new Vector3();
this.defaultRotation = new Vector3();
this.defaultScale = new Vector3( 100, 100, 100 );
this.onValidElement = () => {};
setEditor( editor ) {
if ( this.editor ) {
super.setEditor( editor );
if ( editor ) {
const name = this.nameInput.getValue();
const object3d = editor.scene.getObjectByName( name );
this.value = object3d;
return this;
get object3d() {
return this.value;
_initTags() {
this.nameInput = new StringInput( ).setReadOnly( true )
.onChange( () => = this.nameInput.getValue() );
this.add( new LabelElement( 'Name' ).add( this.nameInput ) );
_initTransform() {
const update = () => this.update();
const posX = new NumberInput().setTagColor( 'red' ).onChange( update );
const posY = new NumberInput().setTagColor( 'green' ).onChange( update );
const posZ = new NumberInput().setTagColor( 'blue' ).onChange( update );
const rotationStep = 1;
const rotX = new NumberInput().setTagColor( 'red' ).setStep( rotationStep ).onChange( update );
const rotY = new NumberInput().setTagColor( 'green' ).setStep( rotationStep ).onChange( update );
const rotZ = new NumberInput().setTagColor( 'blue' ).setStep( rotationStep ).onChange( update );
const scaleX = new NumberInput( 100 ).setTagColor( 'red' ).setStep( rotationStep ).onChange( update );
const scaleY = new NumberInput( 100 ).setTagColor( 'green' ).setStep( rotationStep ).onChange( update );
const scaleZ = new NumberInput( 100 ).setTagColor( 'blue' ).setStep( rotationStep ).onChange( update );
this.add( new LabelElement( 'Position' ).add( posX ).add( posY ).add( posZ ) )
.add( new LabelElement( 'Rotation' ).add( rotX ).add( rotY ).add( rotZ ) )
.add( new LabelElement( 'Scale' ).add( scaleX ).add( scaleY ).add( scaleZ ) );
this.posX = posX;
this.posY = posY;
this.posZ = posZ;
this.rotX = rotX;
this.rotY = rotY;
this.rotZ = rotZ;
this.scaleX = scaleX;
this.scaleY = scaleY;
this.scaleZ = scaleZ;
update() {
const object3d = this.object3d;
if ( object3d ) {
const { position, rotation, scale } = object3d;
position.x = this.posX.getValue();
position.y = this.posY.getValue();
position.z = this.posZ.getValue();
rotation.x = MathUtils.degToRad( this.rotX.getValue() );
rotation.y = MathUtils.degToRad( this.rotY.getValue() );
rotation.z = MathUtils.degToRad( this.rotZ.getValue() );
scale.x = this.scaleX.getValue() / 100;
scale.y = this.scaleY.getValue() / 100;
scale.z = this.scaleZ.getValue() / 100;
updateDefault() {
const { position, rotation, scale } = this.object3d;
this.defaultPosition = position.clone();
this.defaultRotation = new Vector3( MathUtils.radToDeg( rotation.x ), MathUtils.radToDeg( rotation.y ), MathUtils.radToDeg( rotation.z ) );
this.defaultScale = scale.clone().multiplyScalar( 100 );
restoreDefault() {
const position = this.defaultPosition;
const rotation = this.defaultRotation;
const scale = this.defaultScale;
this.posX.setValue( position.x );
this.posY.setValue( position.y );
this.posZ.setValue( position.z );
this.rotX.setValue( rotation.x );
this.rotY.setValue( rotation.y );
this.rotZ.setValue( rotation.z );
this.scaleX.setValue( scale.x );
this.scaleY.setValue( scale.y );
this.scaleZ.setValue( scale.z );