You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { ColorInput, SliderInput, LabelElement } from '../../libs/flow.module.js';
import { BaseNode } from '../core/BaseNode.js';
import { MeshBasicNodeMaterial } from 'three/nodes';
export class BasicMaterialEditor extends BaseNode {
constructor() {
const material = new MeshBasicNodeMaterial();
super( 'Basic Material', 1, material );
this.setWidth( 300 );
const color = new LabelElement( 'color' ).setInput( 3 );
const opacity = new LabelElement( 'opacity' ).setInput( 1 );
const position = new LabelElement( 'position' ).setInput( 3 );
color.add( new ColorInput( material.color.getHex() ).onChange( ( input ) => {
material.color.setHex( input.getValue() );
} ) );
opacity.add( new SliderInput( material.opacity, 0, 1 ).onChange( ( input ) => {
material.opacity = input.getValue();
} ) );
color.onConnect( () => this.update(), true );
opacity.onConnect( () => this.update(), true );
position.onConnect( () => this.update(), true );
this.add( color )
.add( opacity )
.add( position );
this.color = color;
this.opacity = opacity;
this.position = position;
this.material = material;
update() {
const { material, color, opacity, position } = this;
color.setEnabledInputs( ! color.getLinkedObject() );
opacity.setEnabledInputs( ! opacity.getLinkedObject() );
material.colorNode = color.getLinkedObject();
material.opacityNode = opacity.getLinkedObject() || null;
material.positionNode = position.getLinkedObject() || null;
updateTransparent() {
const { material, opacity } = this;
const transparent = opacity.getLinkedObject() || material.opacity < 1 ? true : false;
const needsUpdate = transparent !== material.transparent;
material.transparent = transparent;
opacity.setIcon( material.transparent ? 'ti ti-layers-intersect' : 'ti ti-layers-subtract' );
if ( needsUpdate === true ) material.dispose();