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import BRDF_Lambert from './BSDF/BRDF_Lambert.js';
import BRDF_GGX from './BSDF/BRDF_GGX.js';
import DFGApprox from './BSDF/DFGApprox.js';
import {
vec3, mul, clamp, add, sub, dot, div, transformedNormalView,
pow, exp2, dotNV,
diffuseColor, specularColor, roughness, temp
} from '../shadernode/ShaderNodeElements.js';
// Fdez-Agüera's "Multiple-Scattering Microfacet Model for Real-Time Image Based Lighting"
// Approximates multiscattering in order to preserve energy.
const computeMultiscattering = ( singleScatter, multiScatter, specularF90 = 1 ) => {
const fab = { roughness } );
const FssEss = add( mul( specularColor, fab.x ), mul( specularF90, fab.y ) );
const Ess = add( fab.x, fab.y );
const Ems = sub( 1.0, Ess );
const Favg = add( specularColor, mul( sub( 1.0, specularColor ), 0.047619 ) ); // 1/21
const Fms = div( mul( FssEss, Favg ), sub( 1.0, mul( Ems, Favg ) ) );
singleScatter.add( FssEss );
multiScatter.add( mul( Fms, Ems ) );
const RE_IndirectSpecular_Physical = new ShaderNode( ( inputs ) => {
const { radiance, iblIrradiance, reflectedLight } = inputs;
// Both indirect specular and indirect diffuse light accumulate here
const singleScattering = temp( vec3() );
const multiScattering = temp( vec3() );
const cosineWeightedIrradiance = mul( iblIrradiance, 1 / Math.PI );
computeMultiscattering( singleScattering, multiScattering );
const diffuse = mul( diffuseColor, sub( 1.0, add( singleScattering, multiScattering ) ) );
reflectedLight.indirectSpecular.add( mul( radiance, singleScattering ) );
reflectedLight.indirectSpecular.add( mul( multiScattering, cosineWeightedIrradiance ) );
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.add( mul( diffuse, cosineWeightedIrradiance ) );
} );
const RE_IndirectDiffuse_Physical = new ShaderNode( ( inputs ) => {
const { irradiance, reflectedLight } = inputs;
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.add( mul( irradiance, { diffuseColor } ) ) );
} );
const RE_Direct_Physical = new ShaderNode( ( inputs ) => {
const { lightDirection, lightColor, reflectedLight } = inputs;
const dotNL = clamp( dot( transformedNormalView, lightDirection ) );
const irradiance = mul( dotNL, lightColor );
reflectedLight.directDiffuse.add( mul( irradiance, { diffuseColor: diffuseColor.rgb } ) ) );
reflectedLight.directSpecular.add( mul( irradiance, { lightDirection, f0: specularColor, f90: 1, roughness } ) ) );
} );
const RE_AmbientOcclusion_Physical = new ShaderNode( ( { ambientOcclusion, reflectedLight } ) => {
const aoNV = add( dotNV, ambientOcclusion );
const aoExp = exp2( sub( mul( - 16.0, roughness ), 1.0 ) );
const aoNode = clamp( add( sub( pow( aoNV, aoExp ), 1.0 ), ambientOcclusion ) );
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse.mul( ambientOcclusion );
reflectedLight.indirectSpecular.mul( aoNode );
} );
const PhysicalLightingModel = {
direct: RE_Direct_Physical,
indirectDiffuse: RE_IndirectDiffuse_Physical,
indirectSpecular: RE_IndirectSpecular_Physical,
ambientOcclusion: RE_AmbientOcclusion_Physical
export default PhysicalLightingModel;