You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import * as THREE from 'three';
import { UICheckbox, UIDiv, UINumber, UIRow, UIText } from './libs/ui.js';
import { UITexture } from './libs/ui.three.js';
import { SetMaterialMapCommand } from './commands/SetMaterialMapCommand.js';
import { SetMaterialValueCommand } from './commands/SetMaterialValueCommand.js';
import { SetMaterialRangeCommand } from './commands/SetMaterialRangeCommand.js';
import { SetMaterialVectorCommand } from './commands/SetMaterialVectorCommand.js';
function SidebarMaterialMapProperty( editor, property, name ) {
const signals = editor.signals;
const container = new UIRow();
container.add( new UIText( name ).setWidth( '90px' ) );
const enabled = new UICheckbox( false ).setMarginRight( '8px' ).onChange( onChange );
container.add( enabled );
const map = new UITexture().onChange( onMapChange );
container.add( map );
const mapType = property.replace( 'Map', '' );
let intensity;
if ( property === 'aoMap' ) {
intensity = new UINumber().setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( onIntensityChange );
container.add( intensity );
let scale;
if ( property === 'bumpMap' || property === 'displacementMap' ) {
scale = new UINumber().setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( onScaleChange );
container.add( scale );
let scaleX, scaleY;
if ( property === 'normalMap' || property === 'clearcoatNormalMap' ) {
scaleX = new UINumber().setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( onScaleXYChange );
container.add( scaleX );
scaleY = new UINumber().setWidth( '30px' ).onChange( onScaleXYChange );
container.add( scaleY );
let rangeMin, rangeMax;
if ( property === 'iridescenceThicknessMap' ) {
const range = new UIDiv().setMarginLeft( '3px' );
container.add( range );
const rangeMinRow = new UIRow().setMarginBottom( '0px' ).setStyle( 'min-height', '0px' );
range.add( rangeMinRow );
rangeMinRow.add( new UIText( 'min:' ).setWidth( '35px' ) );
rangeMin = new UINumber().setWidth( '40px' ).onChange( onRangeChange );
rangeMinRow.add( rangeMin );
const rangeMaxRow = new UIRow().setMarginBottom( '6px' ).setStyle( 'min-height', '0px' );
range.add( rangeMaxRow );
rangeMaxRow.add( new UIText( 'max:' ).setWidth( '35px' ) );
rangeMax = new UINumber().setWidth( '40px' ).onChange( onRangeChange );
rangeMaxRow.add( rangeMax );
// Additional settings for iridescenceThicknessMap
// Please add conditional if more maps are having a range property
rangeMin.setPrecision( 0 ).setRange( 0, Infinity ).setNudge( 1 ).setStep( 10 ).setUnit( 'nm' );
rangeMax.setPrecision( 0 ).setRange( 0, Infinity ).setNudge( 1 ).setStep( 10 ).setUnit( 'nm' );
let object = null;
let material = null;
function onChange() {
const newMap = enabled.getValue() ? map.getValue() : null;
if ( material[ property ] !== newMap ) {
if ( newMap !== null ) {
const geometry = object.geometry;
if ( geometry.hasAttribute( 'uv' ) === false ) console.warn( 'Geometry doesn\'t have uvs:', geometry );
if ( property === 'envMap' ) newMap.mapping = THREE.EquirectangularReflectionMapping;
editor.execute( new SetMaterialMapCommand( editor, object, property, newMap, 0 /* TODO: currentMaterialSlot */ ) );
function onMapChange( texture ) {
if ( texture !== null ) {
if ( texture.isDataTexture !== true && texture.encoding !== THREE.sRGBEncoding ) {
texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
material.needsUpdate = true;
enabled.setDisabled( false );
function onIntensityChange() {
if ( material[ `${ property }Intensity` ] !== intensity.getValue() ) {
editor.execute( new SetMaterialValueCommand( editor, object, `${ property }Intensity`, intensity.getValue(), 0 /* TODO: currentMaterialSlot */ ) );
function onScaleChange() {
if ( material[ `${ mapType }Scale` ] !== scale.getValue() ) {
editor.execute( new SetMaterialValueCommand( editor, object, `${ mapType }Scale`, scale.getValue(), 0 /* TODO: currentMaterialSlot */ ) );
function onScaleXYChange() {
const value = [ scaleX.getValue(), scaleY.getValue() ];
if ( material[ `${ mapType }Scale` ].x !== value[ 0 ] || material[ `${ mapType }Scale` ].y !== value[ 1 ] ) {
editor.execute( new SetMaterialVectorCommand( editor, object, `${ mapType }Scale`, value, 0 /* TODOL currentMaterialSlot */ ) );
function onRangeChange() {
const value = [ rangeMin.getValue(), rangeMax.getValue() ];
if ( material[ `${ mapType }Range` ][ 0 ] !== value[ 0 ] || material[ `${ mapType }Range` ][ 1 ] !== value[ 1 ] ) {
editor.execute( new SetMaterialRangeCommand( editor, object, `${ mapType }Range`, value[ 0 ], value[ 1 ], 0 /* TODOL currentMaterialSlot */ ) );
function update() {
if ( object === null ) return;
if ( object.material === undefined ) return;
material = object.material;
if ( property in material ) {
if ( material[ property ] !== null ) {
map.setValue( material[ property ] );
enabled.setValue( material[ property ] !== null );
enabled.setDisabled( map.getValue() === null );
if ( intensity !== undefined ) {
intensity.setValue( material[ `${ property }Intensity` ] );
if ( scale !== undefined ) {
scale.setValue( material[ `${ mapType }Scale` ] );
if ( scaleX !== undefined ) {
scaleX.setValue( material[ `${ mapType }Scale` ].x );
scaleY.setValue( material[ `${ mapType }Scale` ].y );
if ( rangeMin !== undefined ) {
rangeMin.setValue( material[ `${ mapType }Range` ][ 0 ] );
rangeMax.setValue( material[ `${ mapType }Range` ][ 1 ] );
container.setDisplay( '' );
} else {
container.setDisplay( 'none' );
signals.objectSelected.add( function ( selected ) {
object = selected;
map.setValue( null );
} );
signals.materialChanged.add( update );
return container;
export { SidebarMaterialMapProperty };