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[page:EventDispatcher] &rarr;
<p class="desc">
[name] is similar to [page:OrbitControls]. However, it does not maintain a constant camera [page:Object3D.up up] vector.
That means if the camera orbits over the “north” and “south” poles, it does not flip to stay "right side up".
<p>[example:misc_controls_trackball misc / controls / trackball ]</p>
<h3>[name]( [param:Camera camera], [param:HTMLDOMElement domElement] )</h3>
[page:Camera camera]: The camera of the rendered scene.
[page:HTMLDOMElement domElement]: The HTML element used for event listeners.
Creates a new instance of [name].
Fires when the camera has been transformed by the controls.
Fires when an interaction (e.g. touch) was initiated.
Fires when an interaction has finished.
<h3>[property:HTMLDOMElement domElement]</h3>
The HTMLDOMElement used to listen for mouse / touch events. This must be passed in the constructor; changing it here will
not set up new event listeners.
<h3>[property:Number dynamicDampingFactor]</h3>
Defines the intensity of damping. Only considered if [page:.staticMoving staticMoving] is set to `false`. Default is `0.2`.
<h3>[property:Boolean enabled]</h3>
Whether or not the controls are enabled.
<h3>[property:Array keys]</h3>
This array holds keycodes for controlling interactions.
<li>When the first defined key is pressed, all mouse interactions (left, middle, right) performs orbiting.</li>
<li>When the second defined key is pressed, all mouse interactions (left, middle, right) performs zooming.</li>
<li>When the third defined key is pressed, all mouse interactions (left, middle, right) performs panning.</li>
Default is *KeyA, KeyS, KeyD* which represents A, S, D.
<h3>[property:Number maxDistance]</h3>
How far you can zoom out. Default is `Infinity`.
<h3>[property:Number minDistance]</h3>
How far you can zoom in. Default is *0*.
[property:Object mouseButtons]</h3>
This object contains references to the mouse actions used by the controls.
<li>.LEFT is assigned with `THREE.MOUSE.ROTATE`</li>
<li>.MIDDLE is assigned with `THREE.MOUSE.ZOOM`</li>
<li>.RIGHT is assigned with `THREE.MOUSE.PAN`</li>
<h3>[property:Boolean noPan]</h3>
Whether or not panning is disabled. Default is `false`.
<h3>[property:Boolean noRotate]</h3>
Whether or not rotation is disabled. Default is `false`.
<h3>[property:Boolean noZoom]</h3>
Whether or not zooming is disabled. Default is `false`.
<h3>[property:Camera object]</h3>
The camera being controlled.
<h3>[property:Number panSpeed]</h3>
The pan speed. Default is `0.3`.
<h3>[property:Number rotateSpeed]</h3>
The rotation speed. Default is `1.0`.
<h3>[property:Object screen]</h3>
Represents the properties of the screen. Automatically set when [page:.handleResize handleResize]() is called.
<li>left: Represents the offset in pixels to the screen's left boundary.</li>
<li>top: Represents the offset in pixels to the screen's top boundary.</li>
<li>width: Represents the screen width in pixels.</li>
<li>height: Represents the screen height in pixels.</li>
<h3>[property:Boolean staticMoving]</h3>
Whether or not damping is disabled. Default is `false`.
<h3>[property:Number zoomSpeed]</h3>
The zoom speed. Default is `1.2`.
<h3>[method:undefined checkDistances] ()</h3>
Ensures the controls stay in the range [minDistance, maxDistance]. Called by [page:.update update]().
<h3>[method:undefined dispose] ()</h3>
Should be called if the controls is no longer required.
<h3>[method:undefined handleResize] ()</h3>
Should be called if the application window is resized.
<h3>[method:undefined panCamera] ()</h3>
Performs panning if necessary. Called by [page:.update update]().
<h3>[method:undefined reset] ()</h3>
Resets the controls to its initial state.
<h3>[method:undefined rotateCamera] ()</h3>
Rotates the camera if necessary. Called by [page:.update update]().
<h3>[method:undefined update] ()</h3>
Updates the controls. Usually called in the animation loop.
<h3>[method:undefined zoomCamera] ()</h3>
Performs zooming if necessary. Called by [page:.update update]().
[link: examples/jsm/controls/TrackballControls.js]