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<h1>핵심 상수</h1>
<h2>리비전 번호</h2>
<div id="rev">
three.js의 현재 리비전 번호([link: revision number]).
<h2>Color Spaces</h2>
[page:SRGBColorSpace] (“sRGB”) refers to the color space defined by the Rec. 709 primaries, D65
white point, and nonlinear sRGB transfer functions. sRGB is the default color space in
CSS, and is often found in color palettes and color pickers. Colors expressed in
hexadecimal or CSS notation are typically in the sRGB color space.
[page:LinearSRGBColorSpace] (“Linear-sRGB”) refers to the sRGB color space (above) with
linear transfer functions. Linear-sRGB is the working color space in three.js, used
throughout most of the rendering process. RGB components found in three.js materials
and shaders are in the Linear-sRGB color space.
For further background and usage, see <i>Color management</i>.
<h2>마우스 버튼</h2>
<h2>소스 코드</h2>
[link: src/constants.js]