You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

376 lines
9.5 KiB

import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
import handler from 'serve-handler';
import http from 'http';
import pixelmatch from 'pixelmatch';
import jimp from 'jimp';
import fs from 'fs';
const port = 1234;
const pixelThreshold = 0.1; // threshold error in one pixel
const maxFailedPixels = 0.05; // total failed pixels
const networkTimeout = 600;
const networkTax = 2000; // additional timeout for resources size
const pageSizeMinTax = 1.0; // in mb, when networkTax = 0
const pageSizeMaxTax = 5.0; // in mb, when networkTax = networkTax
const renderTimeout = 1200;
const maxAttemptId = 3; // progresseve attempts
const progressFunc = n => 1 + n;
const width = 400;
const height = 250;
const viewScale = 2;
const jpgQuality = 95;
const exceptionList = [
'css3d_youtube', // video tag not deterministic enough
'webaudio_visualizer', // audio can't be analyzed without proper audio hook
'webgl_effects_ascii', // blink renders text differently in every platform
'webgl_loader_imagebitmap', // takes too long to load?
'webgl_loader_texture_lottie', // not sure why this fails
'webgl_loader_texture_pvrtc', // not supported in CI, useless
'webgl_morphtargets_face', // To investigate...
'webgl_nodes_materials_standard', // puppeteer does not support import maps yet
'webgl_postprocessing_crossfade', // fails for some misterious reason
'webgl_raymarching_reflect', // exception for Github Actions
'webgl_renderer_pathtracer', // slow to render
'webgl_test_memory2', // gives fatal error in puppeteer
'webgl_tiled_forward', // exception for Github Actions
'webgl_video_kinect', // video tag not deterministic enough
'webgl_video_panorama_equirectangular', // video tag not deterministic enough?
'webgl_worker_offscreencanvas', // in a worker, not robust
// webxr
// webgpu
].concat( ( process.platform === 'win32' ) ? [
'webgl_effects_ascii' // windows fonts not supported
] : [] ); = ( msg ) => console.log( `\x1b[32m${ msg }\x1b[37m` ); = ( msg ) => console.log( `\x1b[31m${ msg }\x1b[37m` );
console.null = () => {};
/* Launch server */
const server = http.createServer( ( req, resp ) => handler( req, resp ) );
server.listen( port, async () => await pup );
server.on( 'SIGINT', () => process.exit( 1 ) );
/* Launch browser */
const pup = puppeteer.launch( {
headless: ! process.env.VISIBLE,
args: [
} ).then( async browser => {
/* Prepare page */
const page = ( await browser.pages() )[ 0 ];
await page.setViewport( { width: width * viewScale, height: height * viewScale } );
const cleanPage = fs.readFileSync( 'test/e2e/clean-page.js', 'utf8' );
const injection = fs.readFileSync( 'test/e2e/deterministic-injection.js', 'utf8' );
await page.evaluateOnNewDocument( injection );
const threeJsBuild = fs.readFileSync( 'build/three.module.js', 'utf8' )
.replace( /Math\.random\(\) \* 0xffffffff/g, 'Math._random() * 0xffffffff' );
await page.setRequestInterception( true );
page.on( 'console', msg => ( msg.text().slice( 0, 8 ) === 'Warning.' ) ? console.null( msg.text() ) : {} );
page.on( 'request', async ( request ) => {
if ( request.url() === 'http://localhost:1234/build/three.module.js' ) {
await request.respond( {
status: 200,
contentType: 'application/javascript; charset=utf-8',
body: threeJsBuild
} );
} else {
await request.continue();
} );
page.on( 'response', async ( response ) => {
try {
await response.buffer().then( buffer => pageSize += buffer.length );
} catch ( e ) {
console.null( `Warning. Wrong request. \n${ e }` );
} );
/* Find files */
const isMakeScreenshot = process.argv[ 2 ] == '--make';
const isExactList = process.argv.length > ( 2 + isMakeScreenshot );
const exactList = process.argv.slice( isMakeScreenshot ? 3 : 2 )
.map( f => f.replace( '.html', '' ) );
const files = fs.readdirSync( './examples' )
.filter( s => s.slice( - 5 ) === '.html' )
.map( s => s.slice( 0, s.length - 5 ) )
.filter( f => isExactList ? exactList.includes( f ) : ! exceptionList.includes( f ) );
/* Loop for each file, with CI parallelism */
let pageSize, file, attemptProgress;
const failedScreenshots = [];
let beginId = 0;
let endId = files.length;
if ( 'CI' in process.env ) {
const jobs = 8;
beginId = Math.floor( parseInt( process.env.CI.slice( 0, 1 ) ) * files.length / jobs );
endId = Math.floor( ( parseInt( process.env.CI.slice( - 1 ) ) + 1 ) * files.length / jobs );
for ( let id = beginId; id < endId; ++ id ) {
/* At least 3 attempts before fail */
let attemptId = isMakeScreenshot ? 1.5 : 0;
while ( attemptId < maxAttemptId ) {
/* Load target page */
file = files[ id ];
attemptProgress = progressFunc( attemptId );
pageSize = 0;
try {
await page.goto( `http://localhost:${ port }/examples/${ file }.html`, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle2',
timeout: networkTimeout * attemptProgress
} );
} catch {
console.null( 'Warning. Network timeout exceeded...' );
try {
/* Render page */
await page.evaluate( cleanPage );
await page.evaluate( async ( pageSize, pageSizeMinTax, pageSizeMaxTax, networkTax, renderTimeout, attemptProgress ) => {
/* Resource timeout */
const resourcesSize = Math.min( 1, ( pageSize / 1024 / 1024 - pageSizeMinTax ) / pageSizeMaxTax );
await new Promise( resolve => setTimeout( resolve, networkTax * resourcesSize * attemptProgress ) );
/* Resolve render promise */
window._renderStarted = true;
await new Promise( function ( resolve ) {
performance._now = performance._now ||;
const renderStart = performance._now();
const waitingLoop = setInterval( function () {
const renderEcceded = ( performance._now() - renderStart > renderTimeout * attemptProgress );
if ( window._renderFinished || renderEcceded ) {
if ( renderEcceded ) {
console.log( 'Warning. Render timeout exceeded...' );
clearInterval( waitingLoop );
}, 0 );
} );
}, pageSize, pageSizeMinTax, pageSizeMaxTax, networkTax, renderTimeout, attemptProgress );
} catch ( e ) {
if ( ++ attemptId === maxAttemptId ) { `Something completely wrong. 'Network timeout' is small for your machine. file: ${ file } \n${ e }` );
failedScreenshots.push( file );
} else {
console.log( 'Another attempt..' );
await new Promise( resolve => setTimeout( resolve, networkTimeout * attemptProgress ) );
if ( isMakeScreenshot ) {
/* Make screenshots */
attemptId = maxAttemptId;
( await await page.screenshot() ) )
.scale( 1 / viewScale ).quality( jpgQuality )
.write( `./examples/screenshots/${ file }.jpg` ); `file: ${ file } generated` );
} else if ( fs.existsSync( `./examples/screenshots/${ file }.jpg` ) ) {
/* Diff screenshots */
const actual = ( await await page.screenshot() ) ).scale( 1 / viewScale ).quality( jpgQuality ).bitmap;
const expected = ( await fs.readFileSync( `./examples/screenshots/${ file }.jpg` ) ) ).bitmap;
const diff = actual;
let numFailedPixels;
try {
numFailedPixels = pixelmatch(,,, actual.width, actual.height, {
threshold: pixelThreshold,
alpha: 0.2,
diffMask: process.env.FORCE_COLOR === '0',
diffColor: process.env.FORCE_COLOR === '0' ? [ 255, 255, 255 ] : [ 255, 0, 0 ]
} );
} catch {
attemptId = maxAttemptId; `Something completely wrong. Image sizes does not match in file: ${ file }` );
failedScreenshots.push( file );
numFailedPixels /= actual.width * actual.height;
/* Print results */
if ( numFailedPixels < maxFailedPixels ) {
attemptId = maxAttemptId; `diff: ${ numFailedPixels.toFixed( 3 ) }, file: ${ file }` );
} else {
if ( ++ attemptId === maxAttemptId ) { `ERROR! Diff wrong in ${ numFailedPixels.toFixed( 3 ) } of pixels in file: ${ file }` );
failedScreenshots.push( file );
} else {
console.log( 'Another attempt...' );
} else {
attemptId = maxAttemptId;
console.log( `Warning! Screenshot not exists: ${ file }` );
/* Finish */
if ( failedScreenshots.length ) {
if ( failedScreenshots.length > 1 ) { 'List of failed screenshots: ' + failedScreenshots.join( ' ' ) );
} else { `If you sure that all is right, try to run \`npm run make-screenshot ${ failedScreenshots[ 0 ] }\`` );
} `TEST FAILED! ${ failedScreenshots.length } from ${ endId - beginId } screenshots not pass.` );
} else if ( ! isMakeScreenshot ) { `TEST PASSED! ${ endId - beginId } screenshots correctly rendered.` );
setTimeout( () => {
process.exit( failedScreenshots.length );
}, 300 );
} );