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<h1>참고 링크([name])</h1>
<p class="desc">
다음 링크들은 three.js를 배울때 유용한 링크들 모음입니다.<br />
여기에 추가하고 싶은 링크가 있거나 더 이상 작동하지 않거나 관련되지 않은 링크가 있다면
아래 '수정' 버튼을 클릭해 변경해주세요!<br /><br />
three.js는 자주 업데이트 되고 있기 때문에, 많은 링크들이 지난 버전의 내용을 담고 있을 수도 있습니다.
- 만약 링크에서 나온 내용이 제대로 동작하지 않는다면 브라우저 콘솔의 경고나 에러를 확인해 보세요. 관련 문서 페에지도 확인해 보세요.
<h2>도움이 되는 포럼</h2>
Three.js는 공식적으로 [link: forum]과 [link: Stack Overflow]에서 지원 요청을 받고 있습니다.
도움이 필요하다면, 저기로 가면 됩니다. 깃허브에서 도움 요청 이슈를 생성하지 마세요.
<h2>예제 및 수업</h2>
<h3>three.js 입문</h3>
[link: Three.js Fundamentals starting lesson]
[link: Beginning with 3D WebGL] - [link: Rachel Smith].
[link: Animating scenes with WebGL and three.js]
<h3>심화 확장 기사 및 강의</h3>
[link: Discover three.js]
[link: Collection of tutorials] by [link: CJ Gammon].
[link: Glossy spheres in three.js].
[link: Interactive 3D Graphics] - a free course on Udacity that teaches the fundamentals of 3D Graphics,
and uses three.js as its coding tool.
[Link: Aerotwist] tutorials by [link: Paul Lewis].
[link: Three.js Bookshelf] - Looking for more resources about three.js or computer graphics in general?
Check out the selection of literature recommended by the community.
<h2>뉴스 및 업데이트</h2>
[link: Three.js on Twitter]
[link: Three.js on reddit]
[link: WebGL on reddit]
[link: three-seed] - three.js starter project with ES6 and Webpack
[link: Professor Stemkoskis Examples] - a collection of beginner friendly
examples built using three.js r60.
[link: Official three.js examples] - these examples are
maintained as part of the three.js repository, and always use the latest version of three.js.
[link: Official three.js dev branch examples] -
Same as the above, except these use the dev branch of three.js, and are used to check that
everything is working as three.js being is developed.
[link:] - JavaScript front-end with wrappers to three.js, to bring WebGL
graphics to students learning physics and math.
[link: Whitestorm.js] – Modular three.js framework with AmmoNext physics plugin.
[link: Three.js Inspector]
[link: ThreeNodes.js].
[link: vscode shader] - Syntax highlighter for shader language.
<br />
[link: vscode comment-tagged-templates] - Syntax highlighting for tagged template strings using comments to shader language, like: glsl.js.
[link: WebXR-emulator-extension]
<h2>WebGL 참고</h2>
[link: webgl-reference-card.pdf] - Reference of all WebGL and GLSL keywords, terminology, syntax and definitions.
<h2>이전 링크들</h2>
이 링크들은 기록 목적으로 남겨두었습니다. - 아직 도움이 되는 링크도 있겠지만, 해당 내용들은 아주 옛날 버전의 three.js를 사용하고 있다는 점을 주의하세요.
<a href="" target="_blank">AlterQualia at WebGL Camp 3</a>
[link: Yomotsus Examples] - a collection of examples using three.js r45.
[link: Introduction to Three.js] by [link: Ilmari Heikkinen] (slideshow).
[link: WebGL and Three.js] by [link: Akihiro Oyamada] (slideshow).
<a href="" target="_blank">Trigger Rally</a> by [link: jareiko] (video).
[link: ThreeFab] - scene editor, maintained up until around three.js r50.
[link: Max to Three.js workflow tips and tricks] by [link: BKcore]
[link: A whirlwind look at Three.js]
by [link: Paul King]
[link: Animated selective glow in Three.js]
by [link: BKcore]
[link: Building A Physics Simulation Environment] - three.js tutorial in Japanese