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[page:Object3D] &rarr;
<h1>多细节层次([name],Levels of Detail)</h1>
<p class="desc">
多细节层次 —— 在显示网格时,根据摄像机距离物体的距离,来使用更多或者更少的几何体来对其进行显示。<br /><br />
const lod = new THREE.LOD();
//Create spheres with 3 levels of detail and create new LOD levels for them
for( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
const geometry = new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry( 10, 3 - i )
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
lod.addLevel( mesh, i * 75 );
scene.add( lod );
[example:webgl_lod webgl / lod ]
<h3>[name]( )</h3>
创建一个新的 [name].
<h3>[property:Boolean autoUpdate]</h3>
Whether the LOD object is updated automatically by the renderer per frame or not.
If set to false, you have to call [page:LOD.update]() in the render loop by yourself.
Default is true.
<h3>[property:Boolean isLOD]</h3>
Read-only flag to check if a given object is of type [name].
<h3>[property:Array levels]</h3>
一个包含有[page:Object level] objects(各层次物体)的数组。<br /><br />
[page:Object3D object] —— 在这个层次中将要显示的[page:Object3D]。<br />
[page:Float distance] —— 将显示这一细节层次的距离。<br />
[page:Float hysteresis] —— Threshold used to avoid flickering at LOD boundaries, as a fraction of distance.
<h3>[method:this addLevel]( [param:Object3D object], [param:Float distance], [param:Float hysteresis] )</h3>
[page:Object3D object] —— 在这个层次中将要显示的[page:Object3D]。<br />
[page:Float distance] —— 将显示这一细节层次的距离。<br />
[page:Float hysteresis] —— Threshold used to avoid flickering at LOD boundaries, as a fraction of distance. Default 0.0.<br /><br />
<h3>[method:LOD clone]()</h3>
<h3>[method:Integer getCurrentLevel]()</h3>
Get the currently active LOD level. As index of the levels array.
<h3>[method:Object3D getObjectForDistance]( [param:Float distance] )</h3>
获得第一个比[page:Float distance]大的[page:Object3D](网格)的引用。
<h3>[method:undefined raycast]( [param:Raycaster raycaster], [param:Array intersects] )</h3>
<h3>[method:Object toJSON]( meta )</h3>
<h3>[method:undefined update]( [param:Camera camera] )</h3>
基于每个[page:levels level]中的[page:Object3D object]和[page:Camera camera](摄像机)之间的距离,来设置其可见性。
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]