import { Material, ShaderMaterial } from 'three'; import { getNodesKeys, getCacheKey } from '../core/NodeUtils.js'; import ExpressionNode from '../core/ExpressionNode.js'; import { float, vec3, vec4, assign, label, mul, bypass, attribute, positionLocal, skinning, instance, modelViewProjection, lightingContext, colorSpace, materialAlphaTest, materialColor, materialOpacity } from '../shadernode/ShaderNodeElements.js'; class NodeMaterial extends ShaderMaterial { constructor() { super(); this.isNodeMaterial = true; this.type =; this.lights = true; } build( builder ) { this.generatePosition( builder ); const { lightsNode } = this; const { diffuseColorNode } = this.generateDiffuseColor( builder ); const outgoingLightNode = this.generateLight( builder, { diffuseColorNode, lightsNode } ); this.generateOutput( builder, { diffuseColorNode, outgoingLightNode } ); } customProgramCacheKey() { return getCacheKey( this ); } generatePosition( builder ) { const object = builder.object; // < VERTEX STAGE > let vertex = positionLocal; if ( this.positionNode !== null ) { vertex = bypass( vertex, assign( positionLocal, this.positionNode ) ); } if ( object.instanceMatrix?.isInstancedBufferAttribute === true && builder.isAvailable( 'instance' ) === true ) { vertex = bypass( vertex, instance( object ) ); } if ( object.isSkinnedMesh === true ) { vertex = bypass( vertex, skinning( object ) ); } builder.context.vertex = vertex; builder.addFlow( 'vertex', modelViewProjection() ); } generateDiffuseColor( builder ) { // < FRAGMENT STAGE > let colorNode = vec4( this.colorNode || materialColor ); let opacityNode = this.opacityNode ? float( this.opacityNode ) : materialOpacity; // VERTEX COLORS if ( this.vertexColors === true && builder.geometry.hasAttribute( 'color' ) ) { colorNode = vec4( mul(, attribute( 'color' ) ), colorNode.a ); } // COLOR colorNode = builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( colorNode, 'Color' ) ); const diffuseColorNode = builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( colorNode, 'DiffuseColor' ) ); // OPACITY opacityNode = builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( opacityNode, 'OPACITY' ) ); builder.addFlow( 'fragment', assign( diffuseColorNode.a, mul( diffuseColorNode.a, opacityNode ) ) ); // ALPHA TEST if ( this.alphaTestNode || this.alphaTest > 0 ) { const alphaTestNode = this.alphaTestNode ? float( this.alphaTestNode ) : materialAlphaTest; builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( alphaTestNode, 'AlphaTest' ) ); // @TODO: remove ExpressionNode here and then possibly remove it completely builder.addFlow( 'fragment', new ExpressionNode( 'if ( DiffuseColor.a <= AlphaTest ) { discard; }' ) ); } return { colorNode, diffuseColorNode }; } generateLight( builder, { diffuseColorNode, lightingModelNode, lightsNode = builder.lightsNode } ) { // < ANALYTIC LIGHTS > // OUTGOING LIGHT let outgoingLightNode =; if ( lightsNode && lightsNode.hasLight !== false ) outgoingLightNode = builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( lightingContext( lightsNode, lightingModelNode ), 'Light' ) ); return outgoingLightNode; } generateOutput( builder, { diffuseColorNode, outgoingLightNode } ) { // OUTPUT let outputNode = vec4( outgoingLightNode, diffuseColorNode.a ); // ENCODING outputNode = colorSpace( outputNode, builder.renderer.outputEncoding ); // FOG if ( builder.fogNode ) outputNode = vec4( vec3( builder.fogNode.mix( outputNode ) ), outputNode.w ); // RESULT builder.addFlow( 'fragment', label( outputNode, 'Output' ) ); return outputNode; } setDefaultValues( values ) { // This approach is to reuse the native refreshUniforms* // and turn available the use of features like transmission and environment in core for ( const property in values ) { const value = values[ property ]; if ( this[ property ] === undefined ) { this[ property ] = value?.clone?.() || value; } } Object.assign( this.defines, values.defines ); } toJSON( meta ) { const isRoot = ( meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string' ); if ( isRoot ) { meta = { textures: {}, images: {}, nodes: {} }; } const data = this, meta ); const nodeKeys = getNodesKeys( this ); data.inputNodes = {}; for ( const name of nodeKeys ) { data.inputNodes[ name ] = this[ name ].toJSON( meta ).uuid; } // TODO: Copied from Object3D.toJSON function extractFromCache( cache ) { const values = []; for ( const key in cache ) { const data = cache[ key ]; delete data.metadata; values.push( data ); } return values; } if ( isRoot ) { const textures = extractFromCache( meta.textures ); const images = extractFromCache( meta.images ); const nodes = extractFromCache( meta.nodes ); if ( textures.length > 0 ) data.textures = textures; if ( images.length > 0 ) data.images = images; if ( nodes.length > 0 ) data.nodes = nodes; } return data; } static fromMaterial( /*material*/ ) { } } export default NodeMaterial;