import { NodeUpdateType } from './constants.js'; import { getNodesKeys, getCacheKey } from './NodeUtils.js'; import { MathUtils } from 'three'; let _nodeId = 0; class Node { constructor( nodeType = null ) { this.isNode = true; this.nodeType = nodeType; this.updateType = NodeUpdateType.NONE; this.uuid = MathUtils.generateUUID(); Object.defineProperty( this, 'id', { value: _nodeId ++ } ); } get type() { return; } getChildren() { const children = []; for ( const property in this ) { const object = this[ property ]; if ( Array.isArray( object ) === true ) { for ( const child of object ) { if ( child?.isNode === true ) { children.push( child ); } } } else if ( object?.isNode === true ) { children.push( object ); } } return children; } getCacheKey() { return getCacheKey( this ); } getHash( /*builder*/ ) { return this.uuid; } getUpdateType( /*builder*/ ) { return this.updateType; } getNodeType( /*builder*/ ) { return this.nodeType; } getConstructHash( /*builder*/ ) { return this.uuid; } getReference( builder ) { const hash = this.getHash( builder ); const nodeFromHash = builder.getNodeFromHash( hash ); return nodeFromHash || this; } construct( builder ) { const nodeProperties = builder.getNodeProperties( this ); for ( const childNode of this.getChildren() ) { nodeProperties[ '_node' + ] = childNode; } // return a outputNode if exists return null; } analyze( builder ) { const nodeData = builder.getDataFromNode( this ); nodeData.dependenciesCount = nodeData.dependenciesCount === undefined ? 1 : nodeData.dependenciesCount + 1; if ( nodeData.dependenciesCount === 1 ) { // node flow children const nodeProperties = builder.getNodeProperties( this ); for ( const childNode of Object.values( nodeProperties ) ) { if ( childNode?.isNode === true ) { builder ); } } } } generate( builder, output ) { const { outputNode } = builder.getNodeProperties( this ); if ( outputNode?.isNode === true ) { return builder, output ); } } update( /*frame*/ ) { console.warn( 'Abstract function.' ); } build( builder, output = null ) { const refNode = this.getReference( builder ); if ( this !== refNode ) { return builder, output ); } builder.addNode( this ); builder.addStack( this ); /* expected return: - "construct" -> Node - "analyze" -> null - "generate" -> String */ let result = null; const buildStage = builder.getBuildStage(); if ( buildStage === 'construct' ) { const properties = builder.getNodeProperties( this ); if ( properties.initialized !== true || builder.context.tempRead === false ) { properties.initialized = true; properties.outputNode = this.construct( builder ); for ( const childNode of Object.values( properties ) ) { if ( childNode?.isNode === true ) { builder ); } } } } else if ( buildStage === 'analyze' ) { this.analyze( builder ); } else if ( buildStage === 'generate' ) { const isGenerateOnce = this.generate.length === 1; if ( isGenerateOnce ) { const type = this.getNodeType( builder ); const nodeData = builder.getDataFromNode( this ); result = nodeData.snippet; if ( result === undefined /*|| builder.context.tempRead === false*/ ) { result = this.generate( builder ) || ''; nodeData.snippet = result; } result = builder.format( result, type, output ); } else { result = this.generate( builder, output ) || ''; } } builder.removeStack( this ); return result; } serialize( json ) { const nodeKeys = getNodesKeys( this ); if ( nodeKeys.length > 0 ) { const inputNodes = {}; for ( const property of nodeKeys ) { inputNodes[ property ] = this[ property ].toJSON( json.meta ).uuid; } json.inputNodes = inputNodes; } } deserialize( json ) { if ( json.inputNodes !== undefined ) { const nodes = json.meta.nodes; for ( const property in json.inputNodes ) { const uuid = json.inputNodes[ property ]; this[ property ] = nodes[ uuid ]; } } } toJSON( meta ) { const { uuid, type } = this; const isRoot = ( meta === undefined || typeof meta === 'string' ); if ( isRoot ) { meta = { textures: {}, images: {}, nodes: {} }; } // serialize let data = meta.nodes[ uuid ]; if ( data === undefined ) { data = { uuid, type, meta, metadata: { version: 4.5, type: 'Node', generator: 'Node.toJSON' } }; meta.nodes[ data.uuid ] = data; this.serialize( data ); delete data.meta; } // TODO: Copied from Object3D.toJSON function extractFromCache( cache ) { const values = []; for ( const key in cache ) { const data = cache[ key ]; delete data.metadata; values.push( data ); } return values; } if ( isRoot ) { const textures = extractFromCache( meta.textures ); const images = extractFromCache( meta.images ); const nodes = extractFromCache( meta.nodes ); if ( textures.length > 0 ) data.textures = textures; if ( images.length > 0 ) data.images = images; if ( nodes.length > 0 ) data.nodes = nodes; } return data; } } export default Node;