( function () { function retarget( target, source, options = {} ) { const pos = new THREE.Vector3(), quat = new THREE.Quaternion(), scale = new THREE.Vector3(), bindBoneMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(), relativeMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(), globalMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(); options.preserveMatrix = options.preserveMatrix !== undefined ? options.preserveMatrix : true; options.preservePosition = options.preservePosition !== undefined ? options.preservePosition : true; options.preserveHipPosition = options.preserveHipPosition !== undefined ? options.preserveHipPosition : false; options.useTargetMatrix = options.useTargetMatrix !== undefined ? options.useTargetMatrix : false; options.hip = options.hip !== undefined ? options.hip : 'hip'; options.names = options.names || {}; const sourceBones = source.isObject3D ? source.skeleton.bones : getBones( source ), bones = target.isObject3D ? target.skeleton.bones : getBones( target ); let bindBones, bone, name, boneTo, bonesPosition; // reset bones if ( target.isObject3D ) { target.skeleton.pose(); } else { options.useTargetMatrix = true; options.preserveMatrix = false; } if ( options.preservePosition ) { bonesPosition = []; for ( let i = 0; i < bones.length; i ++ ) { bonesPosition.push( bones[ i ].position.clone() ); } } if ( options.preserveMatrix ) { // reset matrix target.updateMatrixWorld(); target.matrixWorld.identity(); // reset children matrix for ( let i = 0; i < target.children.length; ++ i ) { target.children[ i ].updateMatrixWorld( true ); } } if ( options.offsets ) { bindBones = []; for ( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++ i ) { bone = bones[ i ]; name = options.names[ bone.name ] || bone.name; if ( options.offsets[ name ] ) { bone.matrix.multiply( options.offsets[ name ] ); bone.matrix.decompose( bone.position, bone.quaternion, bone.scale ); bone.updateMatrixWorld(); } bindBones.push( bone.matrixWorld.clone() ); } } for ( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++ i ) { bone = bones[ i ]; name = options.names[ bone.name ] || bone.name; boneTo = getBoneByName( name, sourceBones ); globalMatrix.copy( bone.matrixWorld ); if ( boneTo ) { boneTo.updateMatrixWorld(); if ( options.useTargetMatrix ) { relativeMatrix.copy( boneTo.matrixWorld ); } else { relativeMatrix.copy( target.matrixWorld ).invert(); relativeMatrix.multiply( boneTo.matrixWorld ); } // ignore scale to extract rotation scale.setFromMatrixScale( relativeMatrix ); relativeMatrix.scale( scale.set( 1 / scale.x, 1 / scale.y, 1 / scale.z ) ); // apply to global matrix globalMatrix.makeRotationFromQuaternion( quat.setFromRotationMatrix( relativeMatrix ) ); if ( target.isObject3D ) { const boneIndex = bones.indexOf( bone ), wBindMatrix = bindBones ? bindBones[ boneIndex ] : bindBoneMatrix.copy( target.skeleton.boneInverses[ boneIndex ] ).invert(); globalMatrix.multiply( wBindMatrix ); } globalMatrix.copyPosition( relativeMatrix ); } if ( bone.parent && bone.parent.isBone ) { bone.matrix.copy( bone.parent.matrixWorld ).invert(); bone.matrix.multiply( globalMatrix ); } else { bone.matrix.copy( globalMatrix ); } if ( options.preserveHipPosition && name === options.hip ) { bone.matrix.setPosition( pos.set( 0, bone.position.y, 0 ) ); } bone.matrix.decompose( bone.position, bone.quaternion, bone.scale ); bone.updateMatrixWorld(); } if ( options.preservePosition ) { for ( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++ i ) { bone = bones[ i ]; name = options.names[ bone.name ] || bone.name; if ( name !== options.hip ) { bone.position.copy( bonesPosition[ i ] ); } } } if ( options.preserveMatrix ) { // restore matrix target.updateMatrixWorld( true ); } } function retargetClip( target, source, clip, options = {} ) { options.useFirstFramePosition = options.useFirstFramePosition !== undefined ? options.useFirstFramePosition : false; options.fps = options.fps !== undefined ? options.fps : 30; options.names = options.names || []; if ( ! source.isObject3D ) { source = getHelperFromSkeleton( source ); } const numFrames = Math.round( clip.duration * ( options.fps / 1000 ) * 1000 ), delta = 1 / options.fps, convertedTracks = [], mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer( source ), bones = getBones( target.skeleton ), boneDatas = []; let positionOffset, bone, boneTo, boneData, name; mixer.clipAction( clip ).play(); mixer.update( 0 ); source.updateMatrixWorld(); for ( let i = 0; i < numFrames; ++ i ) { const time = i * delta; retarget( target, source, options ); for ( let j = 0; j < bones.length; ++ j ) { name = options.names[ bones[ j ].name ] || bones[ j ].name; boneTo = getBoneByName( name, source.skeleton ); if ( boneTo ) { bone = bones[ j ]; boneData = boneDatas[ j ] = boneDatas[ j ] || { bone: bone }; if ( options.hip === name ) { if ( ! boneData.pos ) { boneData.pos = { times: new Float32Array( numFrames ), values: new Float32Array( numFrames * 3 ) }; } if ( options.useFirstFramePosition ) { if ( i === 0 ) { positionOffset = bone.position.clone(); } bone.position.sub( positionOffset ); } boneData.pos.times[ i ] = time; bone.position.toArray( boneData.pos.values, i * 3 ); } if ( ! boneData.quat ) { boneData.quat = { times: new Float32Array( numFrames ), values: new Float32Array( numFrames * 4 ) }; } boneData.quat.times[ i ] = time; bone.quaternion.toArray( boneData.quat.values, i * 4 ); } } mixer.update( delta ); source.updateMatrixWorld(); } for ( let i = 0; i < boneDatas.length; ++ i ) { boneData = boneDatas[ i ]; if ( boneData ) { if ( boneData.pos ) { convertedTracks.push( new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( '.bones[' + boneData.bone.name + '].position', boneData.pos.times, boneData.pos.values ) ); } convertedTracks.push( new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( '.bones[' + boneData.bone.name + '].quaternion', boneData.quat.times, boneData.quat.values ) ); } } mixer.uncacheAction( clip ); return new THREE.AnimationClip( clip.name, - 1, convertedTracks ); } function getHelperFromSkeleton( skeleton ) { const source = new THREE.SkeletonHelper( skeleton.bones[ 0 ] ); source.skeleton = skeleton; return source; } function getSkeletonOffsets( target, source, options = {} ) { const targetParentPos = new THREE.Vector3(), targetPos = new THREE.Vector3(), sourceParentPos = new THREE.Vector3(), sourcePos = new THREE.Vector3(), targetDir = new THREE.Vector2(), sourceDir = new THREE.Vector2(); options.hip = options.hip !== undefined ? options.hip : 'hip'; options.names = options.names || {}; if ( ! source.isObject3D ) { source = getHelperFromSkeleton( source ); } const nameKeys = Object.keys( options.names ), nameValues = Object.values( options.names ), sourceBones = source.isObject3D ? source.skeleton.bones : getBones( source ), bones = target.isObject3D ? target.skeleton.bones : getBones( target ), offsets = []; let bone, boneTo, name, i; target.skeleton.pose(); for ( i = 0; i < bones.length; ++ i ) { bone = bones[ i ]; name = options.names[ bone.name ] || bone.name; boneTo = getBoneByName( name, sourceBones ); if ( boneTo && name !== options.hip ) { const boneParent = getNearestBone( bone.parent, nameKeys ), boneToParent = getNearestBone( boneTo.parent, nameValues ); boneParent.updateMatrixWorld(); boneToParent.updateMatrixWorld(); targetParentPos.setFromMatrixPosition( boneParent.matrixWorld ); targetPos.setFromMatrixPosition( bone.matrixWorld ); sourceParentPos.setFromMatrixPosition( boneToParent.matrixWorld ); sourcePos.setFromMatrixPosition( boneTo.matrixWorld ); targetDir.subVectors( new THREE.Vector2( targetPos.x, targetPos.y ), new THREE.Vector2( targetParentPos.x, targetParentPos.y ) ).normalize(); sourceDir.subVectors( new THREE.Vector2( sourcePos.x, sourcePos.y ), new THREE.Vector2( sourceParentPos.x, sourceParentPos.y ) ).normalize(); const laterialAngle = targetDir.angle() - sourceDir.angle(); const offset = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler( new THREE.Euler( 0, 0, laterialAngle ) ); bone.matrix.multiply( offset ); bone.matrix.decompose( bone.position, bone.quaternion, bone.scale ); bone.updateMatrixWorld(); offsets[ name ] = offset; } } return offsets; } function renameBones( skeleton, names ) { const bones = getBones( skeleton ); for ( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++ i ) { const bone = bones[ i ]; if ( names[ bone.name ] ) { bone.name = names[ bone.name ]; } } return this; } function getBones( skeleton ) { return Array.isArray( skeleton ) ? skeleton : skeleton.bones; } function getBoneByName( name, skeleton ) { for ( let i = 0, bones = getBones( skeleton ); i < bones.length; i ++ ) { if ( name === bones[ i ].name ) return bones[ i ]; } } function getNearestBone( bone, names ) { while ( bone.isBone ) { if ( names.indexOf( bone.name ) !== - 1 ) { return bone; } bone = bone.parent; } } function findBoneTrackData( name, tracks ) { const regexp = /\[(.*)\]\.(.*)/, result = { name: name }; for ( let i = 0; i < tracks.length; ++ i ) { // 1 is track name // 2 is track type const trackData = regexp.exec( tracks[ i ].name ); if ( trackData && name === trackData[ 1 ] ) { result[ trackData[ 2 ] ] = i; } } return result; } function getEqualsBonesNames( skeleton, targetSkeleton ) { const sourceBones = getBones( skeleton ), targetBones = getBones( targetSkeleton ), bones = []; search: for ( let i = 0; i < sourceBones.length; i ++ ) { const boneName = sourceBones[ i ].name; for ( let j = 0; j < targetBones.length; j ++ ) { if ( boneName === targetBones[ j ].name ) { bones.push( boneName ); continue search; } } } return bones; } function clone( source ) { const sourceLookup = new Map(); const cloneLookup = new Map(); const clone = source.clone(); parallelTraverse( source, clone, function ( sourceNode, clonedNode ) { sourceLookup.set( clonedNode, sourceNode ); cloneLookup.set( sourceNode, clonedNode ); } ); clone.traverse( function ( node ) { if ( ! node.isSkinnedMesh ) return; const clonedMesh = node; const sourceMesh = sourceLookup.get( node ); const sourceBones = sourceMesh.skeleton.bones; clonedMesh.skeleton = sourceMesh.skeleton.clone(); clonedMesh.bindMatrix.copy( sourceMesh.bindMatrix ); clonedMesh.skeleton.bones = sourceBones.map( function ( bone ) { return cloneLookup.get( bone ); } ); clonedMesh.bind( clonedMesh.skeleton, clonedMesh.bindMatrix ); } ); return clone; } function parallelTraverse( a, b, callback ) { callback( a, b ); for ( let i = 0; i < a.children.length; i ++ ) { parallelTraverse( a.children[ i ], b.children[ i ], callback ); } } THREE.SkeletonUtils = {}; THREE.SkeletonUtils.clone = clone; THREE.SkeletonUtils.findBoneTrackData = findBoneTrackData; THREE.SkeletonUtils.getBoneByName = getBoneByName; THREE.SkeletonUtils.getBones = getBones; THREE.SkeletonUtils.getEqualsBonesNames = getEqualsBonesNames; THREE.SkeletonUtils.getHelperFromSkeleton = getHelperFromSkeleton; THREE.SkeletonUtils.getNearestBone = getNearestBone; THREE.SkeletonUtils.getSkeletonOffsets = getSkeletonOffsets; THREE.SkeletonUtils.renameBones = renameBones; THREE.SkeletonUtils.retarget = retarget; THREE.SkeletonUtils.retargetClip = retargetClip; } )();