import { Command } from '../Command.js'; import { ObjectLoader } from 'three'; /** * @param editor Editor * @param object THREE.Object3D * @param mapName string * @param newMap THREE.Texture * @constructor */ class SetMaterialMapCommand extends Command { constructor( editor, object, mapName, newMap, materialSlot ) { super( editor ); this.type = 'SetMaterialMapCommand'; = `Set Material.${mapName}`; this.object = object; this.material = this.editor.getObjectMaterial( object, materialSlot ); this.oldMap = ( object !== undefined ) ? this.material[ mapName ] : undefined; this.newMap = newMap; this.mapName = mapName; } execute() { if ( this.oldMap !== null && this.oldMap !== undefined ) this.oldMap.dispose(); this.material[ this.mapName ] = this.newMap; this.material.needsUpdate = true; this.editor.signals.materialChanged.dispatch( this.material ); } undo() { this.material[ this.mapName ] = this.oldMap; this.material.needsUpdate = true; this.editor.signals.materialChanged.dispatch( this.material ); } toJSON() { const output = super.toJSON( this ); output.objectUuid = this.object.uuid; output.mapName = this.mapName; output.newMap = serializeMap( this.newMap ); output.oldMap = serializeMap( this.oldMap ); return output; // serializes a map (THREE.Texture) function serializeMap( map ) { if ( map === null || map === undefined ) return null; const meta = { geometries: {}, materials: {}, textures: {}, images: {} }; const json = map.toJSON( meta ); const images = extractFromCache( meta.images ); if ( images.length > 0 ) json.images = images; json.sourceFile = map.sourceFile; return json; } // Note: The function 'extractFromCache' is copied from Object3D.toJSON() // extract data from the cache hash // remove metadata on each item // and return as array function extractFromCache( cache ) { const values = []; for ( const key in cache ) { const data = cache[ key ]; delete data.metadata; values.push( data ); } return values; } } fromJSON( json ) { super.fromJSON( json ); this.object = this.editor.objectByUuid( json.objectUuid ); this.mapName = json.mapName; this.oldMap = parseTexture( json.oldMap ); this.newMap = parseTexture( json.newMap ); function parseTexture( json ) { let map = null; if ( json !== null ) { const loader = new ObjectLoader(); const images = loader.parseImages( json.images ); const textures = loader.parseTextures( [ json ], images ); map = textures[ json.uuid ]; map.sourceFile = json.sourceFile; } return map; } } } export { SetMaterialMapCommand };