* https://github.com/sunag/flow
function __flow__addCSS( css ) {
try {
const style = document.createElement( 'style' );
style.setAttribute( 'type', 'text/css' );
style.innerHTML = css;
document.head.appendChild( style );
} catch ( e ) {}
__flow__addCSS( `@keyframes f-animation-open { 0% { transform: scale(.5); opacity: 0; } 100% { transform: scale(1); opacity: 1; }}f-canvas,f-canvas canvas.background,f-canvas canvas.frontground { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; -webkit-touch-callout: none; transition: opacity .17s;}f-canvas { cursor: grab;}f-canvas canvas.frontground { z-index: 10;}body.dragging *:not(.drag) { pointer-events: none !important;}f-canvas.grabbing * { cursor: grabbing; user-select: none;}f-canvas canvas.background,f-canvas canvas.frontground { position: fixed; overflow: hidden;}f-canvas canvas.frontground { pointer-events: none;}f-canvas::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; height: 8px;}f-canvas::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover{ background: #014fc5;}f-canvas::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #363636;}f-canvas::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #666666; border-radius: 10px; border: 0;}f-canvas f-content { left: 0; top: 0;}f-canvas f-content,f-canvas f-area { position: absolute; display: block;}f-canvas canvas.map { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 10px; z-index: 50; backdrop-filter: blur( 10px ); background-color: rgba( 45, 45, 48, .8 );}f-node { position: absolute; margin: 0; padding: 0; user-select: none; width: 320px; z-index: 1; cursor: auto; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #00000061); backdrop-filter: blur(4px);}f-node.selected { z-index: 2;}f-canvas.focusing canvas.background,f-canvas.focusing f-node:not(.selected),f-canvas.focusing f-element f-disconnect:not(.selected) { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none;}.dragging f-canvas f-element f-disconnect { opacity: 0;}.dragging.node f-canvas.focusing canvas.background,.dragging.node f-canvas.focusing f-node:not(.selected) { opacity: .5;}f-node.selected,f-canvas.dragging-rio f-node:hover,f-canvas.dragging-lio f-node:hover { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 10px #00000061) drop-shadow(0 0 8px #4444dd);}f-node.closed f-element:not(:first-child) { display: none;}f-node.center { top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate( -50%, -50% );}f-node.top-right { top: 0; right: 0;}f-node.top-center { top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX( -50% );}f-node.top-left { top: 0; left: 0;}f-node { transition: filter 0.2s ease, opacity 0.12s ease;}f-node { animation: .2s f-animation-open 1 alternate ease-out;}f-tips,f-drop,f-menu,f-menu input,f-menu button,f-element,f-element input,f-element select,f-element button,f-element textarea { font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 13px; text-transform: capitalize; color: #eeeeee; outline: solid 0px #000; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; user-select: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; transition: background 0.2s ease, filter 0.2s ease;}f-element input:read-only { color: #666;}f-element input,f-element textarea { text-transform: initial;}f-element input { transition: background 0.1s ease;}f-element input,f-element select,f-element button,f-element textarea { background-color: #232324d1;}f-element { position: relative; width: calc( 100% - 14px ); background: rgba(45, 45, 48, 0.95); pointer-events: auto; border-bottom: 2px solid #232323; display: flex; padding-left: 7px; padding-right: 7px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px;}f-element:after,f-element:before { transition: opacity .17s; opacity: 0; content: '';}f-element[tooltip]:hover:after,f-element[tooltip]:focus-within:after { font-size: 14px !important; display: flex; justify-content: center; position: fixed; margin-left: -7px; width: calc( 100% ); background: #1d1d1de8; border: 1px solid #444444a1; border-radius: 6px; color: #dadada; content: attr( tooltip ); margin-top: -41px; font-size: 16px; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; z-index: 10; opacity: 1; backdrop-filter: blur(4px); white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #0007;}f-element[tooltip]:hover:before,f-element[tooltip]:focus-within:before { border: solid; border-color: #1d1d1de8 transparent; border-width: 12px 6px 0 6px; left: calc( 50% - 6px ); bottom: 30px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; z-index: 11;}f-element[error] { background-color: #ff0000;}f-element[error]:hover:after,f-element[error]:focus-within:after { border: none; background-color: #ff0000bb; filter: drop-shadow( 2px 2px 5px #000 ); color: #fff;}f-element[error]:hover:before,f-element[error]:focus-within:before { border-color: #ff0000bb transparent;}f-element { height: 24px;}f-element input { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 1px 0px rgb(255 255 255 / 5%); margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; width: 100%; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px;}f-element input.number { cursor: col-resize;}f-element input:focus[type='text'], f-element input:focus[type='range'], f-element input:focus[type='color'] { background: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0.6 ); outline: solid 1px rgba( 0, 80, 200, 0.98 );}f-element input[type='color'] { appearance: none; padding: 0; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; height: calc( 100% - 4px ); margin-top: 2px; border: none;}f-element input[type='color']::-webkit-color-swatch-wrapper { padding: 2px;}f-element input[type='color']::-webkit-color-swatch { border: none; cursor: alias;}f-element input[type='range'] { appearance: none; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; cursor: ew-resize;}f-element input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { appearance: none; height: 10px; color: #13bba4; margin: 0;}f-element input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-thumb { appearance: none; width: 0; background: #434343; box-shadow: -500px 0 0 500px rgba( 0, 120, 255, 0.98 ); border-radius: 50%; border: 0 !important;}f-element input[type='range']::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { margin-left: -4px; margin-right: -5px;}f-element input[type='checkbox'] { appearance: none; cursor: pointer;}f-element input[type='checkbox'].toggle { height: 20px; width: 45px; border-radius: 16px; display: inline-block; position: relative; margin: 0; margin-top: 2px; background: linear-gradient( 0deg, #292929 0%, #0a0a0ac2 100% ); transition: all 0.2s ease;}f-element input[type='checkbox'].toggle:after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 2px; left: 2px; width: 16px; height: 16px; border-radius: 50%; background: white; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(44, 44, 44, 0.2); transition: all 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.1, 0.75, 1.35);}f-element input[type='checkbox'].toggle:checked { background: linear-gradient( 0deg, #0177fb 0%, #0177fb 100% );}f-element input[type='checkbox'].toggle:checked:after { transform: translatex(25px);}f-element.auto-height { display: table;}f-element textarea { width: calc( 100% - 18px ); padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 3px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 8px; margin-top: 2px; margin-left: 2px; height: calc( 100% - 8px ); max-height: 300px; border-radius: 2px; resize: none; box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 1px 0px rgb(255 255 255 / 5%);}f-element.auto-height textarea { resize: auto;}f-element select { width: 100%; margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 1px 0px rgb(255 255 255 / 5%);}f-element f-toolbar { position: absolute; display: flex; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; align-content: space-around;}f-element.input-right f-toolbar { right: 7px; float: right; justify-content: end;}f-element f-toolbar { margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px; font-size: 18px; line-height: 18px;}f-element f-toolbar button { opacity: .7; cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px; width: unset; height: unset; border-radius: unset; border: unset; outline: 0; background-color: unset; box-shadow: unset;}f-element f-toolbar button:hover,f-element f-toolbar button:active { opacity: 1; border: 0; background-color: unset;}f-element input.range-value { width: 60px; text-align: center;}f-menu.context button,f-element button { width: 100%; height: calc( 100% - 4px ); margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; margin-top: 2px; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer;}f-element button { box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 1px 0 rgb(255 255 255 / 17%), inset -2px -2px 2px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 26%);}f-element button:hover { color: #fff; background-color: #2a2a2a;}f-element button:active { border: 1px solid rgba( 0, 120, 255, 0.98 );}f-element f-inputs,f-element f-subinputs { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; width: 100%;}f-element f-inputs { left: 100px; top: 50%; transform: translateY( -50% ); position: absolute; width: calc( 100% - 106px ); height: calc( 100% - 4px ); z-index: 1;}f-element.inputs-disable f-inputs { filter: grayscale(100%); opacity: .5;}f-element.inputs-disable f-inputs input { pointer-events: none;}f-element f-label,f-element span { margin: auto; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #0007;}f-element f-label { padding-left: 4px; white-space: nowrap; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY( -50% ); width: calc( 100% - 20px );}f-element.right f-label { text-align: right;}f-element.center f-label { text-align: center;}f-element f-label i { font-size: 18px; margin-right: 6px; vertical-align: sub;}f-element f-label.center { width: 100%; text-align: center; display: block;}f-element.title { height: 29px; background-color: #3a3a3ab0; background-color: #3b3b43ed; cursor: all-scroll; border-top-left-radius: 6px; border-top-right-radius: 6px;}f-element.blue { background-color: #014fc5;}f-element.red { background-color: #bd0b0b;}f-element.green { background-color: #148d05;}f-element.yellow { background-color: #d6b100;}f-element.title.left { text-align: left; display: inline-grid; justify-content: start;}f-element.title f-title { text-align: center; font-size: 15px; padding-top: 2px; position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY( -50% ); width: 100%;}f-element.title i { font-size: 18px; position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 50%; transform: translateY( -50% ); opacity: .5;}f-element.title f-toolbar i { font-size: 20px; right: unset; left: 0px;}f-element.input-right.title i { left: 10px; right: unset;}f-element.title.left span { text-align: left;}f-element f-io { border: 2px solid #dadada; width: 7px; height: 7px; position: absolute; background: #242427; border-radius: 8px; float: left; left: -7px; top: calc( 50% - 5px ); cursor: alias; box-shadow: 0 0 3px 2px #0000005e; z-index: 1;}f-element f-io.connect,f-canvas.dragging-rio f-element:hover f-io.lio,f-canvas.dragging-lio f-element:hover f-io.rio { zoom: 1.4;}f-node.io-connect f-io:not(.connect) { border: 2px solid #dadada !important; zoom: 1 !important;}f-element f-io.rio { float: right; right: -7px; left: unset;}f-element f-disconnect { position: absolute; left: -35px; top: 50%; font-size: 22px; transform: translateY( -50% ); filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px #000); text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px black; cursor: pointer; transition: all .2s;}f-element.input-right f-disconnect { right: -35px; left: unset;}f-element f-disconnect:hover { color: #ff3300;}f-element textarea::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 6px;}f-element textarea::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #111; } f-element textarea::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #0177fb; }f-element textarea::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #1187ff; }f-element.small { height: 18px;}f-element.large { height: 36px;}f-canvas.dragging-lio f-node:not(.io-connect) f-element.rio:hover,f-canvas.dragging-rio f-node:not(.io-connect) f-element.lio:hover,f-element.select { background-color: rgba(61, 70, 82, 0.98);}f-element.invalid > f-io { zoom: 1 !important;}f-element.invalid::after { font-size: 14px !important; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items:center; margin: auto; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #bd0b0b77; vertical-align: middle; color: #fff; content: 'Not Compatible'; opacity: .95; backdrop-filter: grayscale(100%); white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; left: 0; top: 0; text-transform: initial;}f-drop { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: sticky; left: 0; top: 0; background: #02358417; text-align: center; justify-content: center; align-items: center; display: flex; box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px 10px #464ace17; pointer-events: none; transition: all .07s; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden;}f-drop.visible { visibility: unset; opacity: unset; transition: all .23s;}f-drop span { opacity: .5; font-size: 40px; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000; font-weight: bold;}f-tooltip { pointer-events: none;}f-tooltip { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,.8); backdrop-filter: blur(4px); font-size: 14px; padding: 7px; left: 50%; border-radius: 10px; transform: translateX(-50%); visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; transition: all 0.3s ease; z-index: 150; white-space: nowrap;}f-menu.context,f-menu.search { position: absolute;}f-menu.context { width: 170px; z-index: 110;}f-menu.search { bottom: 85px; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); z-index: 10; width: 300px;}f-menu.context f-list { display: block; margin: 0; background: #171717e6; font-size: 12px; border-radius: 6px; backdrop-filter: blur(6px); border: 1px solid #7e7e7e45; box-shadow: 3px 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.2); transition: opacity 0.2s ease, transform 0.1s ease;}f-menu.search f-list { margin: 0 6px 0 6px; display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; margin-bottom: 5px;}f-menu.context.hidden { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0;}f-menu.context f-item,f-menu.search f-item { display: block; position: relative; margin: 0; padding: 0; white-space: nowrap;}f-menu.search f-item { opacity: 0;}f-menu.context f-item.submenu::after { content: ""; position: absolute; right: 6px; top: 50%; -webkit-transform: translateY( -50% ); transform: translateY( -50% ); border: 5px solid transparent; border-left-color: #808080;}f-menu.context f-item:hover > f-menu,f-menu.context f-item.active > f-menu { visibility: unset; transform: unset; opacity: unset;}f-menu.context f-menu { top: 0px; left: calc( 100% - 4px );}f-menu.context f-item button,f-menu.search f-item button { overflow: visible; display: block; width: calc( 100% - 6px ); text-align: left; cursor: pointer; white-space: nowrap; padding: 6px 8px; border-radius: 3px; background: rgba(45, 45, 48, 0.95); border: 0; color: #ddd; margin: 3px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #0007;}f-menu.context f-item button i,f-menu.search f-item button i { float: left; font-size: 16px;}f-menu.context f-item button span,f-menu.search f-item button span { margin-left: 6px;}f-menu.context f-item:hover > button,f-menu.search f-item:hover > button,f-menu.search f-item.active > button { color: #fff; background-color: rgba(61, 70, 82, 0.98);}f-menu.search f-item:hover,f-menu.search f-item.active { opacity: 1 !important;}f-menu.context f-item button:active { outline: solid 1px rgba( 0, 80, 200, 0.98 );}f-menu.context f-item f-tooltip { margin-left: 85px; top: -50px;}f-menu.search f-item { display: none;}f-menu.search f-item:nth-child(1) { opacity: 1; display: unset;}f-menu.search f-item:nth-child(2) { opacity: .8; display: unset;}f-menu.search f-item:nth-child(3) { opacity: .6; display: unset;}f-menu.search f-item:nth-child(4) { opacity: .4; display: unset;}f-menu.search f-item button { border-radius: 14px;}f-tips { right: 10px; top: 10px; position: absolute; z-index: 100; pointer-events: none; display: flex; flex-direction: column;}f-tips f-tip { width: 450px; font-size: 13px; border-radius: 6px; text-align: center; display: block; height: auto; color: #ffffffe0; margin: 4px; padding: 4px; background: #17171794; border: 1px solid #7e7e7e38; line-height: 100%; backdrop-filter: blur(6px); transition: all 0.2s ease; text-transform: initial; opacity: 0;}f-tips f-tip:nth-child(1) { opacity: 1;}f-tips f-tip:nth-child(2) { opacity: .75;}f-tips f-tip:nth-child(3) { opacity: .25;}f-tips f-tip:nth-child(4) { opacity: .1;}f-tips f-tip.error { background: #b900005e;}f-menu.search input { width: calc( 100% - 28px ); height: 41px; position: absolute; z-index: 10; border-radius: 20px; padding-left: 14px; padding-right: 14px; font-size: 15px; background-color: #17171794; border: 1px solid #7e7e7e45; backdrop-filter: blur(6px); box-shadow: 3px 3px 6px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%); text-transform: initial;}f-menu.circle { position: absolute; z-index: 100;}f-menu.circle.top { top: 40px;}f-menu.circle.left { left: 40px;}f-menu.circle.bottom { bottom: 40px;}f-menu.circle.right { right: 40px;}f-menu.circle f-item { align-content: space-around; margin-right: 20px;}f-menu.circle f-item button { width: 47px; height: 47px; font-size: 22px; background: #17171794; border-radius: 50%; backdrop-filter: blur(6px); border: 1px solid #7e7e7e45; line-height: 100%; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 3px 3px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.2);}f-menu.circle f-item f-tooltip { margin-top: -60px;}f-menu.circle.top f-item f-tooltip { margin-top: 50px;}.f-rounded f-node f-element,.f-rounded f-node f-element.title.left { border-radius: 10px 5px 10px 5px;}.f-rounded f-node f-element input, .f-rounded f-node f-element select,.f-rounded f-node f-element button,.f-rounded f-node f-element textarea,.f-rounded f-node f-element input[type='checkbox'].toggle,.f-rounded f-node f-element input[type='checkbox'].toggle:after { border-radius: 20px 10px;}.f-rounded f-node f-element input { padding-left: 7px; padding-right: 7px;}.f-rounded f-menu.context,.f-rounded f-menu.context f-item button { border-radius: 20px 10px;}@media (hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) { f-node:not(.selected):hover { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 6px #66666630); } f-element f-toolbar { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.2s ease; } body:not(.connecting) f-node:hover > f-element f-toolbar { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } f-element f-io:hover { zoom: 1.4; } f-menu.circle f-item button:hover { background-color: #2a2a2a; } f-menu.search input:hover, f-menu.search input:focus { background-color: #1a1a1a; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 6px #66666630); } f-menu.search input:focus { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 8px #4444dd); } f-menu.circle f-item button:hover > f-tooltip, f-menu.context f-item button:hover > f-tooltip { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } f-menu.circle f-item button:hover > f-tooltip { margin-top: -50px; } f-menu.circle.top f-item button:hover > f-tooltip { margin-top: 60px; } f-menu.context f-item button:hover > f-tooltip { top: -30px; } f-menu.circle f-item button:focus > f-tooltip, f-menu.context f-item button:focus > f-tooltip { visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; }}@media (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) { body.dragging f-canvas, body.connecting f-canvas { overflow: hidden !important; }}f-element.invalid > f-inputs,f-element.invalid > f-label,f-element.invalid > f-title,f-element.invalid > f-toolbar,f-element.invalid > input,f-element.invalid > select { opacity: .1 !important;}f-canvas { will-change: top, left;}f-node { will-change: transform !important;}` );
const REVISION = '1';
const Styles = {
icons: {
close: '',
unlink: ''
let _id = 0;
class Serializer extends EventTarget {
constructor() {
this._id = _id ++;
this._serializable = true;
get id() {
return this._id;
setSerializable( value ) {
this._serializable = value;
return this;
getSerializable() {
return this._serializable;
serialize( /*data*/ ) {
console.warn( 'Serializer: Abstract function.' );
deserialize( /*data*/ ) {
console.warn( 'Serializer: Abstract function.' );
toJSON( data = null ) {
let object = null;
const id = this.id;
if ( data !== null ) {
const objects = data.objects;
object = objects[ id ];
if ( object === undefined ) {
object = { objects };
this.serialize( object );
delete object.objects;
objects[ id ] = object;
} else {
object = { objects: {} };
this.serialize( object );
object.id = id;
object.type = this.constructor.name;
return object;
class PointerMonitor {
started = false;
constructor() {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this._onMoveEvent = ( e ) => {
const event = e.touches ? e.touches[ 0 ] : e;
this.x = event.clientX;
this.y = event.clientY;
start() {
if ( this.started ) return;
this.started = true;
window.addEventListener( 'wheel', this._onMoveEvent, true );
window.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this._onMoveEvent, true );
window.addEventListener( 'touchstart', this._onMoveEvent, true );
window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', this._onMoveEvent, true );
window.addEventListener( 'touchmove', this._onMoveEvent, true );
window.addEventListener( 'dragover', this._onMoveEvent, true );
return this;
const pointer = new PointerMonitor().start();
const draggableDOM = ( dom, callback = null, settings = {} ) => {
settings = Object.assign( {
className: 'dragging',
click: false,
bypass: false
}, settings );
let dragData = null;
const { className, click, bypass } = settings;
const getZoom = () => {
let zoomDOM = dom;
while ( zoomDOM && zoomDOM !== document ) {
const zoom = zoomDOM.style.zoom;
if ( zoom ) {
return Number( zoom );
zoomDOM = zoomDOM.parentNode;
return 1;
const onMouseDown = ( e ) => {
const event = e.touches ? e.touches[ 0 ] : e;
if ( bypass === false ) e.stopImmediatePropagation();
dragData = {
client: { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY },
delta: { x: 0, y: 0 },
start: { x: dom.offsetLeft, y: dom.offsetTop },
frame: 0,
isDown: true,
dragging: false,
isTouch: !! e.touches
if ( click === true ) {
callback( dragData );
dragData.frame ++;
window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onGlobalMouseMove );
window.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onGlobalMouseUp );
window.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onGlobalMouseMove );
window.addEventListener( 'touchend', onGlobalMouseUp );
const onGlobalMouseMove = ( e ) => {
const { start, delta, client } = dragData;
const event = e.touches ? e.touches[ 0 ] : e;
const zoom = getZoom();
delta.x = ( event.clientX - client.x ) / zoom;
delta.y = ( event.clientY - client.y ) / zoom;
dragData.x = start.x + delta.x;
dragData.y = start.y + delta.y;
if ( dragData.dragging === true ) {
if ( callback !== null ) {
callback( dragData );
dragData.frame ++;
} else {
dom.style.cssText += `; left: ${ dragData.x }px; top: ${ dragData.y }px;`;
if ( bypass === false ) e.stopImmediatePropagation();
} else {
if ( Math.abs( delta.x ) > 2 || Math.abs( delta.y ) > 2 ) {
dragData.dragging = true;
dom.classList.add( 'drag' );
if ( className ) document.body.classList.add( ...className.split( ' ' ) );
if ( bypass === false ) e.stopImmediatePropagation();
const onGlobalMouseUp = ( e ) => {
if ( bypass === false ) e.stopImmediatePropagation();
dom.classList.remove( 'drag' );
if ( className ) document.body.classList.remove( ...className.split( ' ' ) );
window.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onGlobalMouseMove );
window.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onGlobalMouseUp );
window.removeEventListener( 'touchmove', onGlobalMouseMove );
window.removeEventListener( 'touchend', onGlobalMouseUp );
if ( callback === null ) {
dom.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown );
dom.removeEventListener( 'touchstart', onMouseDown );
dragData.dragging = false;
dragData.isDown = false;
if ( callback !== null ) {
callback( dragData );
dragData.frame ++;
if ( dom instanceof Event ) {
const e = dom;
dom = e.target;
onMouseDown( e );
} else {
dom.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown );
dom.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onMouseDown );
const dispatchEventList = ( list, ...params ) => {
for ( const callback of list ) {
if ( callback( ...params ) === false ) {
return false;
return true;
const numberToPX = ( val ) => {
if ( isNaN( val ) === false ) {
val = `${ val }px`;
return val;
const numberToHex = ( val ) => {
if ( isNaN( val ) === false ) {
val = `#${ val.toString( 16 ).padStart( 6, '0' ) }`;
return val;
const rgbaToArray = ( rgba ) => {
const values = rgba.substring( rgba.indexOf( '(' ) + 1, rgba.indexOf( ')' ) )
.split( ',' )
.map( num => parseInt( num.trim() ) );
return values;
const removeDOMClass = ( dom, classList ) => {
if ( classList ) classList.split( ' ' ).forEach( alignClass => dom.classList.remove( alignClass ) );
const addDOMClass = ( dom, classList ) => {
if ( classList ) classList.split( ' ' ).forEach( alignClass => dom.classList.add( alignClass ) );
var Utils = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
pointer: pointer,
draggableDOM: draggableDOM,
dispatchEventList: dispatchEventList,
numberToPX: numberToPX,
numberToHex: numberToHex,
rgbaToArray: rgbaToArray,
removeDOMClass: removeDOMClass,
addDOMClass: addDOMClass
class Link {
constructor( inputElement = null, outputElement = null ) {
this.inputElement = inputElement;
this.outputElement = outputElement;
get lioElement() {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.outputElement;
} else {
return this.inputElement;
get rioElement() {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.inputElement;
} else {
return this.outputElement;
//Link.InputDirection = 'right';
Link.InputDirection = 'left';
let selected = null;
class Element extends Serializer {
constructor( draggable = false ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'f-element' );
dom.element = this;
const onSelect = ( e ) => {
let element = this;
if ( e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length > 0 ) {
const touch = e.changedTouches[ 0 ];
let overDOM = document.elementFromPoint( touch.clientX, touch.clientY );
while ( overDOM && ( ! overDOM.element || ! overDOM.element.isElement ) ) {
overDOM = overDOM.parentNode;
element = overDOM ? overDOM.element : null;
const type = e.type;
if ( ( type === 'mouseout' ) && selected === element ) {
selected = null;
} else {
selected = element;
if ( draggable === false ) {
dom.ontouchstart = dom.onmousedown = ( e ) => {
dom.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onSelect, true );
dom.addEventListener( 'mouseover', onSelect );
dom.addEventListener( 'mouseout', onSelect );
dom.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onSelect );
dom.addEventListener( 'touchend', onSelect );
this.inputs = [];
this.links = [];
this.dom = dom;
this.lioLength = 0;
this.rioLength = 0;
this.events = {
'connect': [],
'connectChildren': [],
'valid': []
this.node = null;
this.style = '';
this.color = null;
this.object = null;
this.objectCallback = null;
this.enabledInputs = true;
this.visible = true;
this.inputsDOM = dom;
this.disconnectDOM = null;
this.lioDOM = this._createIO( 'lio' );
this.rioDOM = this._createIO( 'rio' );
this.dom.classList.add( `input-${ Link.InputDirection }` );
this.addEventListener( 'connect', ( ) => {
dispatchEventList( this.events.connect, this );
} );
this.addEventListener( 'connectChildren', ( ) => {
dispatchEventList( this.events.connectChildren, this );
} );
setAttribute( name, value ) {
this.dom.setAttribute( name, value );
return this;
onValid( callback ) {
this.events.valid.push( callback );
return this;
onConnect( callback, childrens = false ) {
this.events.connect.push( callback );
if ( childrens ) {
this.events.connectChildren.push( callback );
return this;
setObjectCallback( callback ) {
this.objectCallback = callback;
return this;
setObject( value ) {
this.object = value;
return this;
getObject( output = null ) {
return this.objectCallback ? this.objectCallback( output ) : this.object;
setVisible( value ) {
this.visible = value;
this.dom.style.display = value ? '' : 'none';
return this;
getVisible() {
return this.visible;
setEnabledInputs( value ) {
const dom = this.dom;
if ( ! this.enabledInputs ) dom.classList.remove( 'inputs-disable' );
if ( ! value ) dom.classList.add( 'inputs-disable' );
this.enabledInputs = value;
return this;
getEnabledInputs() {
return this.enabledInputs;
setColor( color ) {
this.dom.style[ 'background-color' ] = numberToHex( color );
this.color = null;
return this;
getColor() {
if ( this.color === null ) {
const css = window.getComputedStyle( this.dom );
this.color = css.getPropertyValue( 'background-color' );
return this.color;
setStyle( style ) {
const dom = this.dom;
if ( this.style ) dom.classList.remove( this.style );
if ( style ) dom.classList.add( style );
this.style = style;
this.color = null;
return this;
setInput( length ) {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.setLIO( length );
} else {
return this.setRIO( length );
setInputColor( color ) {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.setLIOColor( color );
} else {
return this.setRIOColor( color );
setOutput( length ) {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.setRIO( length );
} else {
return this.setLIO( length );
setOutputColor( color ) {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.setRIOColor( color );
} else {
return this.setLIOColor( color );
get inputLength() {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.lioLength;
} else {
return this.rioLength;
get outputLength() {
if ( Link.InputDirection === 'left' ) {
return this.rioLength;
} else {
return this.lioLength;
setLIOColor( color ) {
this.lioDOM.style[ 'border-color' ] = numberToHex( color );
return this;
setLIO( length ) {
this.lioLength = length;
this.lioDOM.style.visibility = length > 0 ? '' : 'hidden';
if ( length > 0 ) {
this.dom.classList.add( 'lio' );
this.dom.prepend( this.lioDOM );
} else {
this.dom.classList.remove( 'lio' );
return this;
getLIOColor() {
return this.lioDOM.style[ 'border-color' ];
setRIOColor( color ) {
this.rioDOM.style[ 'border-color' ] = numberToHex( color );
return this;
getRIOColor() {
return this.rioDOM.style[ 'border-color' ];
setRIO( length ) {
this.rioLength = length;
this.rioDOM.style.visibility = length > 0 ? '' : 'hidden';
if ( length > 0 ) {
this.dom.classList.add( 'rio' );
this.dom.prepend( this.rioDOM );
} else {
this.dom.classList.remove( 'rio' );
return this;
add( input ) {
this.inputs.push( input );
input.element = this;
this.inputsDOM.append( input.dom );
return this;
setHeight( val ) {
this.dom.style.height = numberToPX( val );
return this;
getHeight() {
return this.dom.style.height;
connect( element = null ) {
if ( this.disconnectDOM !== null ) {
// remove the current input
this.disconnectDOM.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'disconnect' ) );
if ( element !== null ) {
element = element.baseElement || element;
if ( dispatchEventList( this.events.valid, this, element, 'connect' ) === false ) {
return false;
const link = new Link( this, element );
this.links.push( link );
if ( this.disconnectDOM === null ) {
this.disconnectDOM = document.createElement( 'f-disconnect' );
this.disconnectDOM.innerHTML = Styles.icons.unlink ? `` : '✖';
this.dom.append( this.disconnectDOM );
const onDisconnect = () => {
this.links = [];
this.dom.removeChild( this.disconnectDOM );
this.disconnectDOM.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', onClick, true );
this.disconnectDOM.removeEventListener( 'touchstart', onClick, true );
this.disconnectDOM.removeEventListener( 'disconnect', onDisconnect, true );
element.removeEventListener( 'connect', onConnect );
element.removeEventListener( 'connectChildren', onConnect );
element.removeEventListener( 'nodeConnect', onConnect );
element.removeEventListener( 'nodeConnectChildren', onConnect );
element.removeEventListener( 'dispose', onDispose );
this.disconnectDOM = null;
const onConnect = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'connectChildren' ) );
const onDispose = () => {
const onClick = ( e ) => {
this.disconnectDOM.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onClick, true );
this.disconnectDOM.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onClick, true );
this.disconnectDOM.addEventListener( 'disconnect', onDisconnect, true );
element.addEventListener( 'connect', onConnect );
element.addEventListener( 'connectChildren', onConnect );
element.addEventListener( 'nodeConnect', onConnect );
element.addEventListener( 'nodeConnectChildren', onConnect );
element.addEventListener( 'dispose', onDispose );
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'connect' ) );
return true;
dispose() {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'dispose' ) );
serialize( data ) {
const height = this.getHeight();
const inputs = [];
const links = [];
for ( const input of this.inputs ) {
inputs.push( input.toJSON( data ).id );
for ( const link of this.links ) {
if ( link.inputElement !== null && link.outputElement !== null ) {
links.push( link.outputElement.toJSON( data ).id );
if ( this.inputLength > 0 ) data.inputLength = this.inputLength;
if ( this.outputLength > 0 ) data.outputLength = this.outputLength;
if ( inputs.length > 0 ) data.inputs = inputs;
if ( links.length > 0 ) data.links = links;
if ( this.style !== '' ) {
data.style = this.style;
if ( height !== '' ) {
data.height = height;
deserialize( data ) {
if ( data.inputLength !== undefined ) this.setInput( data.inputLength );
if ( data.outputLength !== undefined ) this.setOutput( data.outputLength );
if ( data.inputs !== undefined ) {
const inputs = this.inputs;
if ( inputs.length > 0 ) {
let index = 0;
for ( const id of data.inputs ) {
data.objects[ id ] = inputs[ index ++ ];
} else {
for ( const id of data.inputs ) {
this.add( data.objects[ id ] );
if ( data.links !== undefined ) {
for ( const id of data.links ) {
this.connect( data.objects[ id ] );
if ( data.style !== undefined ) {
this.setStyle( data.style );
if ( data.height !== undefined ) {
this.setHeight( data.height );
getLinkedObject( output = null ) {
const linkedElement = this.getLinkedElement();
return linkedElement ? linkedElement.getObject( output ) : null;
getLinkedElement() {
const link = this.getLink();
return link ? link.outputElement : null;
getLink() {
return this.links[ 0 ];
_createIO( type ) {
const { dom } = this;
const ioDOM = document.createElement( 'f-io' );
ioDOM.style.visibility = 'hidden';
ioDOM.className = type;
const onConnectEvent = ( e ) => {
selected = null;
const nodeDOM = this.node.dom;
nodeDOM.classList.add( 'io-connect' );
ioDOM.classList.add( 'connect' );
dom.classList.add( 'select' );
const defaultOutput = Link.InputDirection === 'left' ? 'lio' : 'rio';
const link = type === defaultOutput ? new Link( this ) : new Link( null, this );
const previewLink = new Link( link.inputElement, link.outputElement );
this.links.push( link );
draggableDOM( e, ( data ) => {
if ( previewLink.outputElement )
previewLink.outputElement.dom.classList.remove( 'invalid' );
if ( previewLink.inputElement )
previewLink.inputElement.dom.classList.remove( 'invalid' );
previewLink.inputElement = link.inputElement;
previewLink.outputElement = link.outputElement;
if ( type === defaultOutput ) {
previewLink.outputElement = selected;
} else {
previewLink.inputElement = selected;
const isInvalid = previewLink.inputElement !== null && previewLink.outputElement !== null &&
previewLink.inputElement.inputLength > 0 && previewLink.outputElement.outputLength > 0 &&
dispatchEventList( previewLink.inputElement.events.valid, previewLink.inputElement, previewLink.outputElement, data.dragging ? 'dragging' : 'dragged' ) === false;
if ( data.dragging && isInvalid ) {
if ( type === defaultOutput ) {
if ( previewLink.outputElement )
previewLink.outputElement.dom.classList.add( 'invalid' );
} else {
if ( previewLink.inputElement )
previewLink.inputElement.dom.classList.add( 'invalid' );
if ( ! data.dragging ) {
nodeDOM.classList.remove( 'io-connect' );
ioDOM.classList.remove( 'connect' );
dom.classList.remove( 'select' );
this.links.splice( this.links.indexOf( link ), 1 );
if ( selected !== null && ! isInvalid ) {
link.inputElement = previewLink.inputElement;
link.outputElement = previewLink.outputElement;
// check if is an is circular link
if ( link.outputElement.node.isCircular( link.inputElement.node ) ) {
if ( link.inputElement.inputLength > 0 && link.outputElement.outputLength > 0 ) {
link.inputElement.connect( link.outputElement );
}, { className: 'connecting' } );
ioDOM.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onConnectEvent, true );
ioDOM.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onConnectEvent, true );
return ioDOM;
Element.prototype.isElement = true;
class Input extends Serializer {
constructor( dom ) {
this.dom = dom;
this.element = null;
this.extra = null;
this.tagColor = null;
this.events = {
'change': [],
'click': []
this.addEventListener( 'change', ( ) => {
dispatchEventList( this.events.change, this );
} );
this.addEventListener( 'click', ( ) => {
dispatchEventList( this.events.click, this );
} );
setExtra( value ) {
this.extra = value;
return this;
getExtra() {
return this.extra;
setTagColor( color ) {
this.tagColor = color;
this.dom.style[ 'border-left' ] = `2px solid ${color}`;
return this;
getTagColor() {
return this.tagColor;
setToolTip( text ) {
const div = document.createElement( 'f-tooltip' );
div.innerText = text;
this.dom.append( div );
return this;
onChange( callback ) {
this.events.change.push( callback );
return this;
onClick( callback ) {
this.events.click.push( callback );
return this;
setReadOnly( value ) {
this.dom.readOnly = value;
return this;
getReadOnly() {
return this.dom.readOnly;
setValue( value, dispatch = true ) {
this.dom.value = value;
if ( dispatch ) this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
return this;
getValue() {
return this.dom.value;
serialize( data ) {
data.value = this.getValue();
deserialize( data ) {
this.setValue( data.value );
Input.prototype.isInput = true;
class Node extends Serializer {
constructor() {
const dom = document.createElement( 'f-node' );
const onDown = () => {
const canvas = this.canvas;
if ( canvas !== null ) {
canvas.select( this );
dom.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onDown, true );
dom.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onDown, true );
this._onConnect = ( e ) => {
const { target } = e;
for ( const element of this.elements ) {
if ( element !== target ) {
element.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'nodeConnect' ) );
this._onConnectChildren = ( e ) => {
const { target } = e;
for ( const element of this.elements ) {
if ( element !== target ) {
element.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'nodeConnectChildren' ) );
this.dom = dom;
this.style = '';
this.canvas = null;
this.elements = [];
this.events = {
'focus': [],
'blur': []
this.setWidth( 300 ).setPosition( 0, 0 );
get baseElement() {
return this.elements[ 0 ];
onFocus( callback ) {
this.events.focus.push( callback );
return this;
onBlur( callback ) {
this.events.blur.push( callback );
return this;
setStyle( style ) {
const dom = this.dom;
if ( this.style ) dom.classList.remove( this.style );
if ( style ) dom.classList.add( style );
this.style = style;
return this;
setPosition( x, y ) {
const dom = this.dom;
dom.style.left = numberToPX( x );
dom.style.top = numberToPX( y );
return this;
getPosition() {
const dom = this.dom;
return {
x: parseInt( dom.style.left ),
y: parseInt( dom.style.top )
setWidth( val ) {
this.dom.style.width = numberToPX( val );
return this;
getWidth() {
return parseInt( this.dom.style.width );
getHeight() {
return this.dom.offsetHeight;
getBound() {
const { x, y } = this.getPosition();
const width = this.getWidth();
const height = this.getHeight();
return { x, y, width, height };
add( element ) {
this.elements.push( element );
element.node = this;
element.addEventListener( 'connect', this._onConnect );
element.addEventListener( 'connectChildren', this._onConnectChildren );
this.dom.append( element.dom );
return this;
remove( element ) {
this.elements.splice( this.elements.indexOf( element ), 1 );
element.node = null;
element.removeEventListener( 'connect', this._onConnect );
element.removeEventListener( 'connectChildren', this._onConnectChildren );
this.dom.removeChild( element.dom );
return this;
dispose() {
const canvas = this.canvas;
if ( canvas !== null ) canvas.remove( this );
for ( const element of this.elements ) {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'dispose' ) );
isCircular( node ) {
if ( node === this ) return true;
const links = this.getLinks();
for ( const link of links ) {
if ( link.outputElement.node.isCircular( node ) ) {
return true;
return false;
getLinks() {
const links = [];
for ( const element of this.elements ) {
links.push( ...element.links );
return links;
getColor() {
return this.elements[ 0 ]?.getColor();
serialize( data ) {
const { x, y } = this.getPosition();
const elements = [];
for ( const element of this.elements ) {
elements.push( element.toJSON( data ).id );
data.x = x;
data.y = y;
data.width = this.getWidth();
data.elements = elements;
if ( this.style !== '' ) {
data.style = this.style;
deserialize( data ) {
this.setPosition( data.x, data.y );
this.setWidth( data.width );
if ( data.style !== undefined ) {
this.setStyle( data.style );
const elements = this.elements;
if ( elements.length > 0 ) {
let index = 0;
for ( const id of data.elements ) {
data.objects[ id ] = elements[ index ++ ];
} else {
for ( const id of data.elements ) {
this.add( data.objects[ id ] );
Node.prototype.isNode = true;
class DraggableElement extends Element {
constructor( draggable = true ) {
super( true );
this.draggable = draggable;
const onDrag = ( e ) => {
if ( this.draggable === true ) {
draggableDOM( this.node.dom, null, { className: 'dragging node' } );
const { dom } = this;
dom.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onDrag, true );
dom.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onDrag, true );
class TitleElement extends DraggableElement {
constructor( title, draggable = true ) {
super( draggable );
const { dom } = this;
dom.className = 'title';
const dbClick = () => {
this.node.canvas.focusSelected = ! this.node.canvas.focusSelected;
dom.addEventListener( 'dblclick', dbClick );
const titleDOM = document.createElement( 'f-title' );
titleDOM.innerText = title;
const iconDOM = document.createElement( 'i' );
const toolbarDOM = document.createElement( 'f-toolbar' );
this.buttons = [];
this.titleDOM = titleDOM;
this.iconDOM = iconDOM;
this.toolbarDOM = toolbarDOM;
dom.append( titleDOM );
dom.append( iconDOM );
dom.append( toolbarDOM );
setIcon( value ) {
this.iconDOM.className = value;
return this;
getIcon() {
return this.iconDOM.className;
setTitle( value ) {
this.titleDOM.innerText = value;
return this;
getTitle() {
return this.titleDOM.innerText;
addButton( button ) {
this.buttons.push( button );
this.toolbarDOM.append( button.dom );
return this;
serialize( data ) {
super.serialize( data );
const title = this.getTitle();
const icon = this.getIcon();
data.title = title;
if ( icon !== '' ) {
data.icon = icon;
deserialize( data ) {
super.deserialize( data );
this.setTitle( data.title );
if ( data.icon !== undefined ) {
this.setIcon( data.icon );
const drawLine = ( p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, invert, size, colorA, ctx, colorB = null ) => {
const dx = p2x - p1x;
const dy = p2y - p1y;
const offset = Math.sqrt( ( dx * dx ) + ( dy * dy ) ) * ( invert ? - .3 : .3 );
ctx.moveTo( p1x, p1y );
p1x + offset, p1y,
p2x - offset, p2y,
p2x, p2y
if ( colorB !== null && colorA !== colorB ) {
const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient( p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y );
gradient.addColorStop( 0, colorA );
gradient.addColorStop( 1, colorB );
ctx.strokeStyle = gradient;
} else {
ctx.strokeStyle = colorA;
ctx.lineWidth = size;
const colors = [
const dropNode = new Node().add( new TitleElement( 'File' ) ).setWidth( 250 );
class Canvas extends Serializer {
constructor() {
const dom = document.createElement( 'f-canvas' );
const contentDOM = document.createElement( 'f-content' );
const areaDOM = document.createElement( 'f-area' );
const dropDOM = document.createElement( 'f-drop' );
const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
const frontCanvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
const mapCanvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
const context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
const frontContext = frontCanvas.getContext( '2d' );
const mapContext = mapCanvas.getContext( '2d' );
this.dom = dom;
this.contentDOM = contentDOM;
this.areaDOM = areaDOM;
this.dropDOM = dropDOM;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.frontCanvas = frontCanvas;
this.mapCanvas = mapCanvas;
this.context = context;
this.frontContext = frontContext;
this.mapContext = mapContext;
this.clientX = 0;
this.clientY = 0;
this.relativeClientX = 0;
this.relativeClientY = 0;
this.nodes = [];
this.selected = null;
this.updating = false;
this.droppedItems = [];
this.events = {
'drop': []
this._scrollLeft = 0;
this._scrollTop = 0;
this._zoom = 1;
this._width = 0;
this._height = 0;
this._focusSelected = false;
this._mapInfo = {
scale: 1,
screen: {}
canvas.className = 'background';
frontCanvas.className = 'frontground';
mapCanvas.className = 'map';
dropDOM.innerHTML = 'drop your file';
dom.append( dropDOM );
dom.append( canvas );
dom.append( frontCanvas );
dom.append( contentDOM );
dom.append( areaDOM );
dom.append( mapCanvas );
const zoomTo = ( zoom, clientX = this.clientX, clientY = this.clientY ) => {
zoom = Math.min( Math.max( zoom, .2 ), 1 );
this.scrollLeft -= ( clientX / this.zoom ) - ( clientX / zoom );
this.scrollTop -= ( clientY / this.zoom ) - ( clientY / zoom );
this.zoom = zoom;
let touchData = null;
const onTouchStart = () => {
touchData = null;
const onMouseZoom = ( e ) => {
const delta = e.deltaY * .003;
zoomTo( this.zoom - delta );
const onTouchZoom = ( e ) => {
if ( e.touches && e.touches.length === 2 ) {
const clientX = ( e.touches[ 0 ].clientX + e.touches[ 1 ].clientX ) / 2;
const clientY = ( e.touches[ 0 ].clientY + e.touches[ 1 ].clientY ) / 2;
const distance = Math.hypot(
e.touches[ 0 ].clientX - e.touches[ 1 ].clientX,
e.touches[ 0 ].clientY - e.touches[ 1 ].clientY
if ( touchData === null ) {
touchData = {
const delta = ( touchData.distance - distance ) * .003;
touchData.distance = distance;
zoomTo( this.zoom - delta, clientX, clientY );
const onTouchMove = ( e ) => {
if ( e.touches && e.touches.length === 1 ) {
const clientX = e.touches[ 0 ].clientX;
const clientY = e.touches[ 0 ].clientY;
if ( touchData === null ) {
const { scrollLeft, scrollTop } = this;
touchData = {
const zoom = this.zoom;
this.scrollLeft = touchData.scrollLeft + ( ( clientX - touchData.clientX ) / zoom );
this.scrollTop = touchData.scrollTop + ( ( clientY - touchData.clientY ) / zoom );
dom.addEventListener( 'wheel', onMouseZoom );
dom.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchZoom );
dom.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onTouchStart );
canvas.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchMove );
let dropEnterCount = 0;
const dragState = ( enter ) => {
if ( enter ) {
if ( dropEnterCount ++ === 0 ) {
this.droppedItems = [];
dropDOM.classList.add( 'visible' );
this.add( dropNode );
} else if ( -- dropEnterCount === 0 ) {
dropDOM.classList.remove( 'visible' );
this.remove( dropNode );
dom.addEventListener( 'dragenter', () => {
dragState( true );
} );
dom.addEventListener( 'dragleave', () => {
dragState( false );
} );
dom.addEventListener( 'dragover', ( e ) => {
const { relativeClientX, relativeClientY } = this;
const centerNodeX = dropNode.getWidth() / 2;
dropNode.setPosition( relativeClientX - centerNodeX, relativeClientY - 20 );
} );
dom.addEventListener( 'drop', ( e ) => {
dragState( false );
this.droppedItems = e.dataTransfer.items;
dispatchEventList( this.events.drop, this );
} );
draggableDOM( dom, ( data ) => {
const { delta, isTouch } = data;
if ( ! isTouch ) {
if ( data.scrollTop === undefined ) {
data.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
data.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
const zoom = this.zoom;
this.scrollLeft = data.scrollLeft + ( delta.x / zoom );
this.scrollTop = data.scrollTop + ( delta.y / zoom );
if ( data.dragging ) {
dom.classList.add( 'grabbing' );
} else {
dom.classList.remove( 'grabbing' );
}, { className: 'dragging-canvas' } );
draggableDOM( mapCanvas, ( data ) => {
const { scale, screen } = this._mapInfo;
if ( data.scrollLeft === undefined ) {
const rect = this.mapCanvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const clientMapX = data.client.x - rect.left;
const clientMapY = data.client.y - rect.top;
const overMapScreen =
clientMapX > screen.x && clientMapY > screen.y &&
clientMapX < screen.x + screen.width && clientMapY < screen.y + screen.height;
if ( overMapScreen === false ) {
const scaleX = this._mapInfo.width / this.mapCanvas.width;
let scrollLeft = - this._mapInfo.left - ( clientMapX * scaleX );
let scrollTop = - this._mapInfo.top - ( clientMapY * ( this._mapInfo.height / this.mapCanvas.height ) );
scrollLeft += ( screen.width / 2 ) / scale;
scrollTop += ( screen.height / 2 ) / scale;
this.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
this.scrollTop = scrollTop;
data.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
data.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
this.scrollLeft = data.scrollLeft - ( data.delta.x / scale );
this.scrollTop = data.scrollTop - ( data.delta.y / scale );
}, { click: true } );
this._onMoveEvent = ( e ) => {
const event = e.touches ? e.touches[ 0 ] : e;
const { zoom, rect } = this;
this.clientX = event.clientX;
this.clientY = event.clientY;
const rectClientX = ( this.clientX - rect.left ) / zoom;
const rectClientY = ( this.clientY - rect.top ) / zoom;
this.relativeClientX = rectClientX - this.scrollLeft;
this.relativeClientY = rectClientY - this.scrollTop;
this._onUpdate = () => {
getBounds() {
const bounds = { x: Infinity, y: Infinity, width: - Infinity, height: - Infinity };
for ( const node of this.nodes ) {
const { x, y, width, height } = node.getBound();
bounds.x = Math.min( bounds.x, x );
bounds.y = Math.min( bounds.y, y );
bounds.width = Math.max( bounds.width, x + width );
bounds.height = Math.max( bounds.height, y + height );
bounds.x = Math.round( bounds.x );
bounds.y = Math.round( bounds.y );
bounds.width = Math.round( bounds.width );
bounds.height = Math.round( bounds.height );
return bounds;
get width() {
return this._width;
get height() {
return this._height;
get rect() {
return this.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
get zoom() {
return this._zoom;
set zoom( val ) {
this._zoom = val;
this.contentDOM.style.zoom = val;
set scrollLeft( val ) {
this._scrollLeft = val;
this.contentDOM.style.left = numberToPX( val );
get scrollLeft() {
return this._scrollLeft;
set scrollTop( val ) {
this._scrollTop = val;
this.contentDOM.style.top = numberToPX( val );
get scrollTop() {
return this._scrollTop;
set focusSelected( value ) {
if ( this._focusSelected === value ) return;
const classList = this.dom.classList;
this._focusSelected = value;
if ( value ) {
classList.add( 'focusing' );
} else {
classList.remove( 'focusing' );
get focusSelected() {
return this._focusSelected;
onDrop( callback ) {
this.events.drop.push( callback );
return this;
start() {
this.updating = true;
document.addEventListener( 'wheel', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.addEventListener( 'touchstart', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.addEventListener( 'dragover', this._onMoveEvent, true );
requestAnimationFrame( this._onUpdate );
stop() {
this.updating = false;
document.removeEventListener( 'wheel', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.removeEventListener( 'touchstart', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.removeEventListener( 'touchmove', this._onMoveEvent, true );
document.removeEventListener( 'dragover', this._onMoveEvent, true );
add( node ) {
if ( node.canvas === this ) return;
this.nodes.push( node );
node.canvas = this;
this.contentDOM.append( node.dom );
return this;
remove( node ) {
if ( node === this.selected ) {
this.unlink( node );
const nodes = this.nodes;
nodes.splice( nodes.indexOf( node ), 1 );
node.canvas = null;
this.contentDOM.removeChild( node.dom );
node.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'remove' ) );
return this;
clear() {
const nodes = this.nodes;
while ( nodes.length > 0 ) {
this.remove( nodes[ 0 ] );
return this;
unlink( node ) {
const links = this.getLinks();
for ( const link of links ) {
if ( link.inputElement && link.outputElement ) {
if ( link.inputElement.node === node ) {
} else if ( link.outputElement.node === node ) {
getLinks() {
const links = [];
for ( const node of this.nodes ) {
links.push( ...node.getLinks() );
return links;
centralize() {
const bounds = this.getBounds();
this.scrollLeft = ( this.canvas.width / 2 ) - ( ( - bounds.x + bounds.width ) / 2 );
this.scrollTop = ( this.canvas.height / 2 ) - ( ( - bounds.y + bounds.height ) / 2 );
return this;
setSize( width, height ) {
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
return this;
select( node = null ) {
if ( node === this.selected ) return;
const previousNode = this.selected;
if ( previousNode !== null ) {
this.focusSelected = false;
previousNode.dom.classList.remove( 'selected' );
this.selected = null;
dispatchEventList( previousNode.events.blur, previousNode );
if ( node !== null ) {
node.dom.classList.add( 'selected' );
this.selected = node;
dispatchEventList( node.events.focus, node );
updateMap() {
const { nodes, mapCanvas, mapContext, scrollLeft, scrollTop, canvas, zoom, _mapInfo } = this;
const bounds = this.getBounds();
mapCanvas.width = 300;
mapCanvas.height = 200;
mapContext.clearRect( 0, 0, mapCanvas.width, mapCanvas.height );
mapContext.fillStyle = 'rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 )';
mapContext.fillRect( 0, 0, mapCanvas.width, mapCanvas.height );
const boundsWidth = - bounds.x + bounds.width;
const boundsHeight = - bounds.y + bounds.height;
const mapScale = Math.min( mapCanvas.width / boundsWidth, mapCanvas.height / boundsHeight ) * .5;
const boundsMapWidth = boundsWidth * mapScale;
const boundsMapHeight = boundsHeight * mapScale;
const boundsOffsetX = ( mapCanvas.width / 2 ) - ( boundsMapWidth / 2 );
const boundsOffsetY = ( mapCanvas.height / 2 ) - ( boundsMapHeight / 2 );
let selectedNode = null;
for ( const node of nodes ) {
const nodeBound = node.getBound();
const nodeColor = node.getColor();
nodeBound.x += - bounds.x;
nodeBound.y += - bounds.y;
nodeBound.x *= mapScale;
nodeBound.y *= mapScale;
nodeBound.width *= mapScale;
nodeBound.height *= mapScale;
nodeBound.x += boundsOffsetX;
nodeBound.y += boundsOffsetY;
if ( node !== this.selected ) {
mapContext.fillStyle = nodeColor;
mapContext.fillRect( nodeBound.x, nodeBound.y, nodeBound.width, nodeBound.height );
} else {
selectedNode = {
if ( selectedNode !== null ) {
const { nodeBound, nodeColor } = selectedNode;
mapContext.fillStyle = nodeColor;
mapContext.fillRect( nodeBound.x, nodeBound.y, nodeBound.width, nodeBound.height );
const screenMapX = ( - ( scrollLeft + bounds.x ) * mapScale ) + boundsOffsetX;
const screenMapY = ( - ( scrollTop + bounds.y ) * mapScale ) + boundsOffsetY;
const screenMapWidth = ( canvas.width * mapScale ) / zoom;
const screenMapHeight = ( canvas.height * mapScale ) / zoom;
mapContext.fillStyle = 'rgba( 200, 200, 200, 0.1 )';
mapContext.fillRect( screenMapX, screenMapY, screenMapWidth, screenMapHeight );
_mapInfo.scale = mapScale;
_mapInfo.left = ( - boundsOffsetX / mapScale ) + bounds.x;
_mapInfo.top = ( - boundsOffsetY / mapScale ) + bounds.y;
_mapInfo.width = mapCanvas.width / mapScale;
_mapInfo.height = mapCanvas.height / mapScale;
_mapInfo.screen.x = screenMapX;
_mapInfo.screen.y = screenMapY;
_mapInfo.screen.width = screenMapWidth;
_mapInfo.screen.height = screenMapHeight;
updateLines() {
const { dom, zoom, canvas, frontCanvas, frontContext, context, _width, _height } = this;
const domRect = this.rect;
if ( canvas.width !== _width || canvas.height !== _height ) {
canvas.width = _width;
canvas.height = _height;
frontCanvas.width = _width;
frontCanvas.height = _height;
context.clearRect( 0, 0, _width, _height );
frontContext.clearRect( 0, 0, _width, _height );
context.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
frontContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
const links = this.getLinks();
const aPos = { x: 0, y: 0 };
const bPos = { x: 0, y: 0 };
const offsetIORadius = 10;
let dragging = '';
for ( const link of links ) {
const { lioElement, rioElement } = link;
let draggingLink = '';
let length = 0;
if ( lioElement !== null ) {
const rect = lioElement.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
length = Math.max( length, lioElement.rioLength );
aPos.x = rect.x + rect.width;
aPos.y = rect.y + ( rect.height / 2 );
} else {
aPos.x = this.clientX;
aPos.y = this.clientY;
draggingLink = 'lio';
if ( rioElement !== null ) {
const rect = rioElement.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
length = Math.max( length, rioElement.lioLength );
bPos.x = rect.x;
bPos.y = rect.y + ( rect.height / 2 );
} else {
bPos.x = this.clientX;
bPos.y = this.clientY;
draggingLink = 'rio';
dragging = dragging || draggingLink;
const drawContext = draggingLink ? frontContext : context;
if ( draggingLink || length === 1 ) {
let colorA = null,
colorB = null;
if ( draggingLink === 'rio' ) {
colorA = colorB = lioElement.getRIOColor();
aPos.x += offsetIORadius;
bPos.x /= zoom;
bPos.y /= zoom;
} else if ( draggingLink === 'lio' ) {
colorA = colorB = rioElement.getLIOColor();
bPos.x -= offsetIORadius;
aPos.x /= zoom;
aPos.y /= zoom;
} else {
colorA = lioElement.getRIOColor();
colorB = rioElement.getLIOColor();
aPos.x * zoom, aPos.y * zoom,
bPos.x * zoom, bPos.y * zoom,
false, 2, colorA || '#ffffff', drawContext, colorB || '#ffffff'
} else {
length = Math.min( length, 4 );
for ( let i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {
const color = colors[ i ] || '#ffffff';
const marginY = 4;
const rioLength = Math.min( lioElement.rioLength, length );
const lioLength = Math.min( rioElement.lioLength, length );
const colorA = lioElement.getRIOColor() || color;
const colorB = rioElement.getLIOColor() || color;
const aCenterY = ( ( rioLength * marginY ) * .5 ) - ( marginY / 2 );
const bCenterY = ( ( lioLength * marginY ) * .5 ) - ( marginY / 2 );
const aIndex = Math.min( i, rioLength - 1 );
const bIndex = Math.min( i, lioLength - 1 );
const aPosY = ( aIndex * marginY ) - 1;
const bPosY = ( bIndex * marginY ) - 1;
aPos.x * zoom, ( ( aPos.y + aPosY ) - aCenterY ) * zoom,
bPos.x * zoom, ( ( bPos.y + bPosY ) - bCenterY ) * zoom,
false, 2, colorA, drawContext, colorB
context.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in';
context.fillRect( domRect.x, domRect.y, domRect.width, domRect.height );
if ( dragging !== '' ) {
dom.classList.add( 'dragging-' + dragging );
} else {
dom.classList.remove( 'dragging-lio' );
dom.classList.remove( 'dragging-rio' );
update() {
if ( this.updating === false ) return;
requestAnimationFrame( this._onUpdate );
serialize( data ) {
const nodes = [];
for ( const node of this.nodes ) {
nodes.push( node.toJSON( data ).id );
data.nodes = nodes;
deserialize( data ) {
for ( const id of data.nodes ) {
this.add( data.objects[ id ] );
class ButtonInput extends Input {
constructor( innterText = '' ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'button' );
const spanDOM = document.createElement( 'span' );
dom.append( spanDOM );
const iconDOM = document.createElement( 'i' );
dom.append( iconDOM );
super( dom );
this.spanDOM = spanDOM;
this.iconDOM = iconDOM;
spanDOM.innerText = innterText;
dom.onmouseover = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'mouseover' ) );
dom.onclick = dom.ontouchstart = ( e ) => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'click' ) );
setIcon( className ) {
this.iconDOM.className = className;
return this;
setValue( val ) {
this.spanDOM.innerText = val;
return this;
getValue() {
return this.spanDOM.innerText;
class ObjectNode extends Node {
constructor( name, inputLength, callback = null, width = 300 ) {
this.setWidth( width );
const title = new TitleElement( name )
.setObjectCallback( callback )
.setSerializable( false )
.setOutput( inputLength );
const closeButton = new ButtonInput( Styles.icons.close || '✕' ).onClick( () => {
} ).setIcon( Styles.icons.close );
title.addButton( closeButton );
this.add( title );
this.title = title;
this.closeButton = closeButton;
setName( value ) {
this.title.setTitle( value );
return this;
getName() {
return this.title.getTitle();
setObjectCallback( callback ) {
this.title.setObjectCallback( callback );
return this;
getObject( callback ) {
return this.title.getObject( callback );
setColor( color ) {
return this.title.setColor( color );
setOutputColor( color ) {
return this.title.setOutputColor( color );
invalidate() {
this.title.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'connect' ) );
const ENTER_KEY$2 = 13;
class StringInput extends Input {
constructor( value = '' ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'input' );
super( dom );
dom.type = 'text';
dom.value = value;
dom.spellcheck = false;
dom.autocomplete = 'off';
dom.onblur = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'blur' ) );
dom.onchange = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
dom.onkeyup = ( e ) => {
if ( e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY$2 ) {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
const ENTER_KEY$1 = 13;
class NumberInput extends Input {
constructor( value = 0, min = - Infinity, max = Infinity, step = .01 ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'input' );
super( dom );
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.step = step;
this.integer = false;
dom.type = 'text';
dom.className = 'number';
dom.value = this._getString( value );
dom.spellcheck = false;
dom.autocomplete = 'off';
dom.ondragstart = dom.oncontextmenu = ( e ) => {
dom.onfocus = dom.onclick = () => {
dom.onblur = () => {
this.dom.value = this._getString( this.dom.value );
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'blur' ) );
dom.onchange = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
dom.onkeydown = ( e ) => {
if ( e.key.length === 1 && /\d|\./.test( e.key ) !== true ) {
return false;
if ( e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY$1 ) {
draggableDOM( dom, ( data ) => {
const { delta } = data;
if ( dom.readOnly === true ) return;
if ( data.value === undefined ) {
data.value = this.getValue();
const diff = delta.x - delta.y;
const value = data.value + ( diff * this.step );
dom.value = this._getString( value.toFixed( this.precision ) );
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
} );
setStep( step ) {
this.step = step;
return this;
setRange( min, max, step ) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.step = step;
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'range' ) );
return this.setValue( this.getValue() );
get precision() {
if ( this.integer === true ) return 0;
const fract = this.step % 1;
return fract !== 0 ? fract.toString().split( '.' )[ 1 ].length : 1;
setValue( val, dispatch = true ) {
return super.setValue( this._getString( val ), dispatch );
getValue() {
return Number( this.dom.value );
serialize( data ) {
const { min, max } = this;
if ( min !== - Infinity && max !== Infinity ) {
data.min = this.min;
data.max = this.max;
data.step = this.step;
super.serialize( data );
deserialize( data ) {
if ( data.min !== undefined ) {
const { min, max, step } = this;
this.setRange( min, max, step );
super.deserialize( data );
_getString( value ) {
const num = Math.min( Math.max( Number( value ), this.min ), this.max );
if ( this.integer === true ) {
return Math.floor( num );
} else {
return num + ( num % 1 ? '' : '.0' );
const getStep = ( min, max ) => {
const sensibility = .001;
return ( max - min ) * sensibility;
class SliderInput extends Input {
constructor( value = 0, min = 0, max = 100 ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'f-subinputs' );
super( dom );
value = Math.min( Math.max( value, min ), max );
const step = getStep( min, max );
const rangeDOM = document.createElement( 'input' );
rangeDOM.type = 'range';
rangeDOM.min = min;
rangeDOM.max = max;
rangeDOM.step = step;
rangeDOM.value = value;
const field = new NumberInput( value, min, max, step );
field.dom.className = 'range-value';
field.onChange( () => {
rangeDOM.value = field.getValue();
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
} );
field.addEventListener( 'range', () => {
rangeDOM.min = field.min;
rangeDOM.max = field.max;
rangeDOM.step = field.step;
rangeDOM.value = field.getValue();
} );
dom.append( rangeDOM );
dom.append( field.dom );
this.rangeDOM = rangeDOM;
this.field = field;
const updateRangeValue = () => {
let value = Number( rangeDOM.value );
if ( value !== this.max && value + this.step >= this.max ) {
// fix not end range fraction
rangeDOM.value = value = this.max;
this.field.setValue( value );
draggableDOM( rangeDOM, () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
}, { className: '' } );
get min() {
return this.field.min;
get max() {
return this.field.max;
get step() {
return this.field.step;
setRange( min, max ) {
this.field.setRange( min, max, getStep( min, max ) );
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'range' ) );
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
return this;
setValue( val, dispatch = true ) {
this.field.setValue( val );
this.rangeDOM.value = val;
if ( dispatch ) this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
return this;
getValue() {
return this.field.getValue();
serialize( data ) {
data.min = this.min;
data.max = this.max;
super.serialize( data );
deserialize( data ) {
const { min, max } = data;
this.setRange( min, max );
super.deserialize( data );
class ColorInput extends Input {
constructor( value = 0x0099ff ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'input' );
super( dom );
dom.type = 'color';
dom.value = numberToHex( value );
dom.oninput = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
setValue( value, dispatch = true ) {
return super.setValue( numberToHex( value ), dispatch );
getValue() {
return parseInt( super.getValue().substr( 1 ), 16 );
const ENTER_KEY = 13;
class TextInput extends Input {
constructor( innerText = '' ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'textarea' );
super( dom );
dom.innerText = innerText;
dom.onblur = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'blur' ) );
dom.onchange = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
dom.onkeyup = ( e ) => {
if ( e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY ) {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
class LabelElement extends Element {
constructor( label = '', align = '' ) {
this.labelDOM = document.createElement( 'f-label' );
this.inputsDOM = document.createElement( 'f-inputs' );
const spanDOM = document.createElement( 'span' );
this.spanDOM = spanDOM;
this.iconDOM = null;
this.labelDOM.append( spanDOM );
this.dom.append( this.labelDOM );
this.dom.append( this.inputsDOM );
this.serializeLabel = false;
this.setLabel( label );
this.setAlign( align );
setIcon( value ) {
this.iconDOM = this.iconDOM || document.createElement( 'i' );
this.iconDOM.className = value;
if ( value ) this.labelDOM.prepend( this.iconDOM );
else this.iconDOM.remove();
return this;
getIcon() {
return this.iconDOM?.className;
setAlign( align ) {
this.labelDOM.className = align;
setLabel( val ) {
this.spanDOM.innerText = val;
getLabel() {
return this.spanDOM.innerText;
serialize( data ) {
super.serialize( data );
if ( this.serializeLabel ) {
const label = this.getLabel();
const icon = this.getIcon();
data.label = label;
if ( icon !== '' ) {
data.icon = icon;
deserialize( data ) {
super.deserialize( data );
if ( this.serializeLabel ) {
this.setLabel( data.label );
if ( data.icon !== undefined ) {
this.setIcon( data.icon );
class PanelNode extends Node {
constructor( title = 'Panel', align = 'top-right' ) {
const titleElement = new TitleElement( title );
this.add( titleElement );
const collapseButton = new ButtonInput( '🗕' );
collapseButton.onClick( () => {
this.setCollapse( ! this.collapsed );
} );
titleElement.addButton( collapseButton );
this.collapseButton = collapseButton;
this.titleElement = titleElement;
this.align = align;
this.collapsed = false;
this.setAlign( align );
this.setStyle( 'rouded' );
setCollapse( value ) {
const cssClass = 'closed';
this.dom.classList.remove( cssClass );
this.collapsed = value;
this.collapseButton.value = value ? '🗖' : '🗕';
if ( value === true ) {
this.dom.classList.add( cssClass );
return this;
setAlign( align ) {
if ( this.align ) this.dom.classList.remove( this.align );
this.dom.classList.add( align );
this.align = align;
return this;
addInput( inputClass, object, property, ...params ) {
const value = object[ property ];
const input = new inputClass( value, ...params );
input.onChange( () => {
object[ property ] = input.value;
} );
this.add( new LabelElement( property ).add( input ) );
return input;
addSlider( object, property, min, max ) {
return this.addInput( SliderInput, object, property, min, max );
addNumber( object, property ) {
return this.addInput( NumberInput, object, property );
addColor( object, property ) {
return this.addInput( ColorInput, object, property );
addString( object, property ) {
return this.addInput( StringInput, object, property );
addText( object, property ) {
const input = this.addInput( TextInput, object, property );
input.element.setHeight( 70 );
return input;
addButton( name ) {
const input = new ButtonInput( name );
this.add( new Element().setHeight( 34 ).add( input ) );
return input;
class Menu extends EventTarget {
constructor( className ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'f-menu' );
dom.className = className + ' bottom left hidden';
const listDOM = document.createElement( 'f-list' );
dom.append( listDOM );
this.dom = dom;
this.listDOM = listDOM;
this.visible = false;
this.align = 'bottom left';
this.subMenus = new WeakMap();
this.domButtons = new WeakMap();
this.buttons = [];
this.events = {};
onContext( callback ) {
this.events.context.push( callback );
return this;
setAlign( align ) {
const dom = this.dom;
removeDOMClass( dom, this.align );
addDOMClass( dom, align );
this.align = align;
return this;
getAlign() {
return this.align;
show() {
this.dom.classList.remove( 'hidden' );
this.visible = true;
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'show' ) );
return this;
hide() {
this.dom.classList.add( 'hidden' );
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'hide' ) );
this.visible = false;
add( button, submenu = null ) {
const liDOM = document.createElement( 'f-item' );
if ( submenu !== null ) {
liDOM.classList.add( 'submenu' );
liDOM.append( submenu.dom );
this.subMenus.set( button, submenu );
button.dom.addEventListener( 'mouseover', () => submenu.show() );
button.dom.addEventListener( 'mouseout', () => submenu.hide() );
liDOM.append( button.dom );
this.buttons.push( button );
this.listDOM.append( liDOM );
this.domButtons.set( button, liDOM );
return this;
clear() {
this.buttons = [];
this.subMenus = new WeakMap();
this.domButtons = new WeakMap();
while ( this.listDOM.firstChild ) {
let lastContext = null;
const onCloseLastContext = ( e ) => {
if ( lastContext && lastContext.visible === true && e.target.closest( 'f-menu.context' ) === null ) {
document.body.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onCloseLastContext, true );
document.body.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onCloseLastContext, true );
class ContextMenu extends Menu {
constructor( target = null ) {
super( 'context', target );
this.events.context = [];
this._lastButtonClick = null;
this._onButtonClick = ( e = null ) => {
const button = e ? e.target : null;
if ( this._lastButtonClick ) {
this._lastButtonClick.dom.parentElement.classList.remove( 'active' );
this._lastButtonClick = button;
if ( button ) {
if ( this.subMenus.has( button ) ) {
this.subMenus.get( button )._onButtonClick();
button.dom.parentElement.classList.add( 'active' );
this._onButtonMouseOver = ( e ) => {
const button = e.target;
if ( this.subMenus.has( button ) && this._lastButtonClick !== button ) {
this.addEventListener( 'context', ( ) => {
dispatchEventList( this.events.context, this );
} );
this.setTarget( target );
openFrom( dom ) {
const rect = dom.getBoundingClientRect();
return this.open( rect.x + ( rect.width / 2 ), rect.y + ( rect.height / 2 ) );
open( x = pointer.x, y = pointer.y ) {
if ( lastContext !== null ) {
lastContext = this;
this.setPosition( x, y );
document.body.append( this.dom );
return this.show();
setPosition( x, y ) {
const dom = this.dom;
dom.style.left = numberToPX( x );
dom.style.top = numberToPX( y );
return this;
setTarget( target = null ) {
if ( target !== null ) {
const onContextMenu = ( e ) => {
if ( e.pointerType !== 'mouse' || ( e.pageX === 0 && e.pageY === 0 ) ) return;
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'context' ) );
this.target = target;
target.addEventListener( 'contextmenu', onContextMenu, false );
return this;
show() {
if ( ! this.opened ) {
this.dom.style.left = '';
this.dom.style.transform = '';
const domRect = this.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
let offsetX = Math.min( window.innerWidth - ( domRect.x + domRect.width + 10 ), 0 );
let offsetY = Math.min( window.innerHeight - ( domRect.y + domRect.height + 10 ), 0 );
if ( this.opened ) {
if ( offsetX < 0 ) offsetX = - domRect.width;
if ( offsetY < 0 ) offsetY = - domRect.height;
this.setPosition( domRect.x + offsetX, domRect.y + offsetY );
} else {
// flip submenus
if ( offsetX < 0 ) this.dom.style.left = '-100%';
if ( offsetY < 0 ) this.dom.style.transform = 'translateY( calc( 32px - 100% ) )';
return super.show();
hide() {
if ( this.opened ) {
lastContext = null;
return super.hide();
add( button, submenu = null ) {
button.addEventListener( 'click', this._onButtonClick );
button.addEventListener( 'mouseover', this._onButtonMouseOver );
return super.add( button, submenu );
get opened() {
return lastContext === this;
class CircleMenu extends Menu {
constructor( target = null ) {
super( 'circle', target );
class Tips extends EventTarget {
constructor() {
const dom = document.createElement( 'f-tips' );
this.dom = dom;
this.time = 0;
this.duration = 3000;
message( str ) {
return this.tip( str );
error( str ) {
return this.tip( str, 'error' );
tip( html, className = '' ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'f-tip' );
dom.className = className;
dom.innerHTML = html;
this.dom.prepend( dom );
//requestAnimationFrame( () => dom.style.opacity = 1 );
this.time = Math.min( this.time + this.duration, this.duration );
setTimeout( () => {
this.time = Math.max( this.time - this.duration, 0 );
dom.style.opacity = 0;
setTimeout( () => dom.remove(), 250 );
}, this.time );
return this;
const filterString = ( str ) => {
return str.trim().toLowerCase().replace( /\s\s+/g, ' ' );
class Search extends Menu {
constructor() {
super( 'search' );
this.events.submit = [];
this.events.filter = [];
this.tags = new WeakMap();
const inputDOM = document.createElement( 'input' );
inputDOM.placeholder = 'Type here';
let filter = true;
let filterNeedUpdate = true;
inputDOM.addEventListener( 'focusout', () => {
filterNeedUpdate = true;
this.setValue( '' );
} );
inputDOM.onkeydown = ( e ) => {
const keyCode = e.keyCode;
if ( keyCode === 38 ) {
const index = this.filteredIndex;
if ( this.forceAutoComplete ) {
this.filteredIndex = index !== null ? ( index + 1 ) % ( this.filtered.length || 1 ) : 0;
} else {
this.filteredIndex = index !== null ? Math.min( index + 1, this.filtered.length - 1 ) : 0;
filter = false;
} else if ( keyCode === 40 ) {
const index = this.filteredIndex;
if ( this.forceAutoComplete ) {
this.filteredIndex = index - 1;
if ( this.filteredIndex === null ) this.filteredIndex = this.filtered.length - 1;
} else {
this.filteredIndex = index !== null ? index - 1 : null;
filter = false;
} else if ( keyCode === 13 ) {
this.value = this.currentFiltered ? this.currentFiltered.button.getValue() : inputDOM.value;
filter = false;
} else {
filter = true;
inputDOM.onkeyup = () => {
if ( filter ) {
if ( filterNeedUpdate ) {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'filter' ) );
filterNeedUpdate = false;
this.filter( inputDOM.value );
this.filtered = [];
this.currentFiltered = null;
this.value = '';
this.forceAutoComplete = false;
this.dom.append( inputDOM );
this.inputDOM = inputDOM;
this.addEventListener( 'filter', ( ) => {
dispatchEventList( this.events.filter, this );
} );
this.addEventListener( 'submit', ( ) => {
dispatchEventList( this.events.submit, this );
} );
submit() {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'submit' ) );
return this.setValue( '' );
setValue( value ) {
this.inputDOM.value = value;
this.filter( value );
return this;
getValue() {
return this.value;
onFilter( callback ) {
this.events.filter.push( callback );
return this;
onSubmit( callback ) {
this.events.submit.push( callback );
return this;
getFilterByButton( button ) {
for ( const filter of this.filtered ) {
if ( filter.button === button ) {
return filter;
return null;
add( button ) {
super.add( button );
const onDown = () => {
const filter = this.getFilterByButton( button );
this.filteredIndex = this.filtered.indexOf( filter );
this.value = button.getValue();
button.dom.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onDown );
button.dom.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onDown );
this.domButtons.get( button ).remove();
return this;
set filteredIndex( index ) {
if ( this.currentFiltered ) {
const buttonDOM = this.domButtons.get( this.currentFiltered.button );
buttonDOM.classList.remove( 'active' );
this.currentFiltered = null;
const filteredItem = this.filtered[ index ];
if ( filteredItem ) {
const buttonDOM = this.domButtons.get( filteredItem.button );
buttonDOM.classList.add( 'active' );
this.currentFiltered = filteredItem;
get filteredIndex() {
return this.currentFiltered ? this.filtered.indexOf( this.currentFiltered ) : null;
setTag( button, tags ) {
this.tags.set( button, tags );
filter( text ) {
text = filterString( text );
const tags = this.tags;
const filtered = [];
for ( const button of this.buttons ) {
const buttonDOM = this.domButtons.get( button );
const buttonTags = tags.has( button ) ? ' ' + tags.get( button ) : '';
const label = filterString( button.getValue() + buttonTags );
if ( text && label.includes( text ) === true ) {
const score = text.length / label.length;
filtered.push( {
} );
filtered.sort( ( a, b ) => b.score - a.score );
this.filtered = filtered;
this.filteredIndex = this.forceAutoComplete ? 0 : null;
updateFilter() {
const filteredIndex = Math.min( this.filteredIndex, this.filteredIndex - 3 );
for ( let i = 0; i < this.filtered.length; i ++ ) {
const button = this.filtered[ i ].button;
const buttonDOM = this.domButtons.get( button );
if ( i >= filteredIndex ) {
this.listDOM.append( buttonDOM );
class SelectInput extends Input {
constructor( options = [], value = null ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'select' );
super( dom );
dom.onchange = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
dom.onmousedown = dom.ontouchstart = () => {
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'click' ) );
this.setOptions( options, value );
setOptions( options, value = null ) {
const dom = this.dom;
const defaultValue = dom.value;
let containsDefaultValue = false;
this.options = options;
dom.innerHTML = '';
for ( let index = 0; index < options.length; index ++ ) {
let opt = options[ index ];
if ( typeof opt === 'string' ) {
opt = { name: opt, value: index };
const option = document.createElement( 'option' );
option.innerText = opt.name;
option.value = opt.value;
if ( containsDefaultValue === false && defaultValue === opt.value ) {
containsDefaultValue = true;
dom.append( option );
dom.value = value !== null ? value : containsDefaultValue ? defaultValue : '';
return this;
getOptions() {
return this._options;
serialize( data ) {
data.options = [ ...this.options ];
super.serialize( data );
deserialize( data ) {
const currentOptions = this.options;
if ( currentOptions.length === 0 ) {
this.setOptions( data.options );
super.deserialize( data );
class ToggleInput extends Input {
constructor( value = false ) {
const dom = document.createElement( 'input' );
super( dom );
dom.type = 'checkbox';
dom.className = 'toggle';
dom.checked = value;
dom.onclick = () => this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'click' ) );
dom.onchange = () => this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
setValue( val ) {
this.dom.checked = val;
this.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'change' ) );
return this;
getValue() {
return this.dom.checked;
var Flow = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
Element: Element,
Input: Input,
Node: Node,
Canvas: Canvas,
Serializer: Serializer,
Styles: Styles,
ObjectNode: ObjectNode,
PanelNode: PanelNode,
Menu: Menu,
ContextMenu: ContextMenu,
CircleMenu: CircleMenu,
Tips: Tips,
Search: Search,
DraggableElement: DraggableElement,
LabelElement: LabelElement,
TitleElement: TitleElement,
ButtonInput: ButtonInput,
ColorInput: ColorInput,
NumberInput: NumberInput,
SelectInput: SelectInput,
SliderInput: SliderInput,
StringInput: StringInput,
TextInput: TextInput,
ToggleInput: ToggleInput
class Loader extends EventTarget {
constructor( parseType = Loader.DEFAULT ) {
this.parseType = parseType;
this.events = {
'load': []
setParseType( type ) {
this.parseType = type;
return this;
getParseType() {
return this.parseType;
onLoad( callback ) {
this.events.load.push( callback );
return this;
async load( url, lib = null ) {
return await fetch( url )
.then( response => response.json() )
.then( result => {
this.data = this.parse( result, lib );
dispatchEventList( this.events.load, this );
return this.data;
} )
.catch( err => {
console.error( 'Loader:', err );
} );
parse( json, lib = null ) {
json = this._parseObjects( json, lib );
const parseType = this.parseType;
if ( parseType === Loader.DEFAULT ) {
const flowObj = new Flow[ json.type ]();
if ( flowObj.getSerializable() ) {
flowObj.deserialize( json );
return flowObj;
} else if ( parseType === Loader.OBJECTS ) {
return json;
_parseObjects( json, lib = null ) {
json = { ...json };
const objects = {};
for ( const id in json.objects ) {
const obj = json.objects[ id ];
obj.objects = objects;
const Class = lib && lib[ obj.type ] ? lib[ obj.type ] : Flow[ obj.type ];
if ( ! Class ) {
console.error( `Class "${ obj.type }" not found!` );
objects[ id ] = new Class();
const ref = new WeakMap();
const deserializePass = ( prop = null ) => {
for ( const id in json.objects ) {
const newObject = objects[ id ];
if ( ref.has( newObject ) === false && ( prop === null || newObject[ prop ] === true ) ) {
ref.set( newObject, true );
if ( newObject.getSerializable() ) {
newObject.deserialize( json.objects[ id ] );
deserializePass( 'isNode' );
deserializePass( 'isElement' );
deserializePass( 'isInput' );
json.objects = objects;
return json;
Loader.DEFAULT = 'default';
Loader.OBJECTS = 'objects';
export { ButtonInput, Canvas, CircleMenu, ColorInput, ContextMenu, DraggableElement, Element, Input, LabelElement, Loader, Menu, Node, NumberInput, ObjectNode, PanelNode, REVISION, Search, SelectInput, Serializer, SliderInput, StringInput, Styles, TextInput, Tips, TitleElement, ToggleInput, Utils };