Helper object to visualize a [page:Box3].
const box = new THREE.Box3();
box.setFromCenterAndSize( new THREE.Vector3( 1, 1, 1 ), new THREE.Vector3( 2, 1, 3 ) );
const helper = new THREE.Box3Helper( box, 0xffff00 );
scene.add( helper );
[page:Box3 box] -- the Box3 to show.
[page:Color color] -- (optional) the box's color. Default is 0xffff00.
Creates a new wireframe box that represents the passed Box3.
See the base [page:LineSegments] class for common properties.
The Box3 being visualized.
See the base [page:LineSegments] class for common methods.
This overrides the method in the base [page:Object3D] class so that it also updates the wireframe box to the extent of the [ .box] property.
Frees the GPU-related resources allocated by this instance. Call this method whenever this instance is no longer used in your app.
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]