( function () { /** * Generate a texture that represents the luminosity of the current scene, adapted over time * to simulate the optic nerve responding to the amount of light it is receiving. * Based on a GDC2007 presentation by Wolfgang Engel titled "Post-Processing Pipeline" * * Full-screen tone-mapping shader based on http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~jaf/publications/sig02_paper.pdf */ class AdaptiveToneMappingPass extends THREE.Pass { constructor( adaptive, resolution ) { super(); this.resolution = resolution !== undefined ? resolution : 256; this.needsInit = true; this.adaptive = adaptive !== undefined ? !! adaptive : true; this.luminanceRT = null; this.previousLuminanceRT = null; this.currentLuminanceRT = null; if ( THREE.CopyShader === undefined ) console.error( 'THREE.AdaptiveToneMappingPass relies on THREE.CopyShader' ); const copyShader = THREE.CopyShader; this.copyUniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( copyShader.uniforms ); this.materialCopy = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { uniforms: this.copyUniforms, vertexShader: copyShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: copyShader.fragmentShader, blending: THREE.NoBlending, depthTest: false } ); if ( THREE.LuminosityShader === undefined ) console.error( 'THREE.AdaptiveToneMappingPass relies on THREE.LuminosityShader' ); this.materialLuminance = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( THREE.LuminosityShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: THREE.LuminosityShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: THREE.LuminosityShader.fragmentShader, blending: THREE.NoBlending } ); this.adaptLuminanceShader = { defines: { 'MIP_LEVEL_1X1': ( Math.log( this.resolution ) / Math.log( 2.0 ) ).toFixed( 1 ) }, uniforms: { 'lastLum': { value: null }, 'currentLum': { value: null }, 'minLuminance': { value: 0.01 }, 'delta': { value: 0.016 }, 'tau': { value: 1.0 } }, vertexShader: `varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); }`, fragmentShader: `varying vec2 vUv; uniform sampler2D lastLum; uniform sampler2D currentLum; uniform float minLuminance; uniform float delta; uniform float tau; void main() { vec4 lastLum = texture2D( lastLum, vUv, MIP_LEVEL_1X1 ); vec4 currentLum = texture2D( currentLum, vUv, MIP_LEVEL_1X1 ); float fLastLum = max( minLuminance, lastLum.r ); float fCurrentLum = max( minLuminance, currentLum.r ); //The adaption seems to work better in extreme lighting differences //if the input luminance is squared. fCurrentLum *= fCurrentLum; // Adapt the luminance using Pattanaik's technique float fAdaptedLum = fLastLum + (fCurrentLum - fLastLum) * (1.0 - exp(-delta * tau)); // "fAdaptedLum = sqrt(fAdaptedLum); gl_FragColor.r = fAdaptedLum; }` }; this.materialAdaptiveLum = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( this.adaptLuminanceShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: this.adaptLuminanceShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: this.adaptLuminanceShader.fragmentShader, defines: Object.assign( {}, this.adaptLuminanceShader.defines ), blending: THREE.NoBlending } ); if ( THREE.ToneMapShader === undefined ) console.error( 'THREE.AdaptiveToneMappingPass relies on THREE.ToneMapShader' ); this.materialToneMap = new THREE.ShaderMaterial( { uniforms: THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( THREE.ToneMapShader.uniforms ), vertexShader: THREE.ToneMapShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: THREE.ToneMapShader.fragmentShader, blending: THREE.NoBlending } ); this.fsQuad = new THREE.FullScreenQuad( null ); } render( renderer, writeBuffer, readBuffer, deltaTime /*, maskActive*/ ) { if ( this.needsInit ) { this.reset( renderer ); this.luminanceRT.texture.type = readBuffer.texture.type; this.previousLuminanceRT.texture.type = readBuffer.texture.type; this.currentLuminanceRT.texture.type = readBuffer.texture.type; this.needsInit = false; } if ( this.adaptive ) { //Render the luminance of the current scene into a render target with mipmapping enabled this.fsQuad.material = this.materialLuminance; this.materialLuminance.uniforms.tDiffuse.value = readBuffer.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget( this.currentLuminanceRT ); this.fsQuad.render( renderer ); //Use the new luminance values, the previous luminance and the frame delta to //adapt the luminance over time. this.fsQuad.material = this.materialAdaptiveLum; this.materialAdaptiveLum.uniforms.delta.value = deltaTime; this.materialAdaptiveLum.uniforms.lastLum.value = this.previousLuminanceRT.texture; this.materialAdaptiveLum.uniforms.currentLum.value = this.currentLuminanceRT.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget( this.luminanceRT ); this.fsQuad.render( renderer ); //Copy the new adapted luminance value so that it can be used by the next frame. this.fsQuad.material = this.materialCopy; this.copyUniforms.tDiffuse.value = this.luminanceRT.texture; renderer.setRenderTarget( this.previousLuminanceRT ); this.fsQuad.render( renderer ); } this.fsQuad.material = this.materialToneMap; this.materialToneMap.uniforms.tDiffuse.value = readBuffer.texture; if ( this.renderToScreen ) { renderer.setRenderTarget( null ); this.fsQuad.render( renderer ); } else { renderer.setRenderTarget( writeBuffer ); if ( this.clear ) renderer.clear(); this.fsQuad.render( renderer ); } } reset() { // render targets if ( this.luminanceRT ) { this.luminanceRT.dispose(); } if ( this.currentLuminanceRT ) { this.currentLuminanceRT.dispose(); } if ( this.previousLuminanceRT ) { this.previousLuminanceRT.dispose(); } this.luminanceRT = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution, this.resolution ); this.luminanceRT.texture.name = 'AdaptiveToneMappingPass.l'; this.luminanceRT.texture.generateMipmaps = false; this.previousLuminanceRT = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution, this.resolution ); this.previousLuminanceRT.texture.name = 'AdaptiveToneMappingPass.pl'; this.previousLuminanceRT.texture.generateMipmaps = false; // We only need mipmapping for the current luminosity because we want a down-sampled version to sample in our adaptive shader const pars = { minFilter: THREE.LinearMipmapLinearFilter, generateMipmaps: true }; this.currentLuminanceRT = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( this.resolution, this.resolution, pars ); this.currentLuminanceRT.texture.name = 'AdaptiveToneMappingPass.cl'; if ( this.adaptive ) { this.materialToneMap.defines[ 'ADAPTED_LUMINANCE' ] = ''; this.materialToneMap.uniforms.luminanceMap.value = this.luminanceRT.texture; } //Put something in the adaptive luminance texture so that the scene can render initially this.fsQuad.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x777777 } ); this.materialLuminance.needsUpdate = true; this.materialAdaptiveLum.needsUpdate = true; this.materialToneMap.needsUpdate = true; // renderer.render( this.scene, this.camera, this.luminanceRT ); // renderer.render( this.scene, this.camera, this.previousLuminanceRT ); // renderer.render( this.scene, this.camera, this.currentLuminanceRT ); } setAdaptive( adaptive ) { if ( adaptive ) { this.adaptive = true; this.materialToneMap.defines[ 'ADAPTED_LUMINANCE' ] = ''; this.materialToneMap.uniforms.luminanceMap.value = this.luminanceRT.texture; } else { this.adaptive = false; delete this.materialToneMap.defines[ 'ADAPTED_LUMINANCE' ]; this.materialToneMap.uniforms.luminanceMap.value = null; } this.materialToneMap.needsUpdate = true; } setAdaptionRate( rate ) { if ( rate ) { this.materialAdaptiveLum.uniforms.tau.value = Math.abs( rate ); } } setMinLuminance( minLum ) { if ( minLum ) { this.materialToneMap.uniforms.minLuminance.value = minLum; this.materialAdaptiveLum.uniforms.minLuminance.value = minLum; } } setMaxLuminance( maxLum ) { if ( maxLum ) { this.materialToneMap.uniforms.maxLuminance.value = maxLum; } } setAverageLuminance( avgLum ) { if ( avgLum ) { this.materialToneMap.uniforms.averageLuminance.value = avgLum; } } setMiddleGrey( middleGrey ) { if ( middleGrey ) { this.materialToneMap.uniforms.middleGrey.value = middleGrey; } } dispose() { if ( this.luminanceRT ) { this.luminanceRT.dispose(); } if ( this.previousLuminanceRT ) { this.previousLuminanceRT.dispose(); } if ( this.currentLuminanceRT ) { this.currentLuminanceRT.dispose(); } if ( this.materialLuminance ) { this.materialLuminance.dispose(); } if ( this.materialAdaptiveLum ) { this.materialAdaptiveLum.dispose(); } if ( this.materialCopy ) { this.materialCopy.dispose(); } if ( this.materialToneMap ) { this.materialToneMap.dispose(); } } } THREE.AdaptiveToneMappingPass = AdaptiveToneMappingPass; } )();