


[method:Group createMeshesFromInstancedMesh]( [param:InstancedMesh instancedMesh] )

instancedMesh -- 实例化网格。

为给定的实例化网格的每个实例,创建一个包含新网格的新物体组(Object Group)。

[method:Group createMeshesFromMultiMaterialMesh]( [param:Mesh mesh] )

mesh -- A mesh with multiple materials.

Converts the given multi-material mesh into an instance of [page:Group] holding for each material a separate mesh.

[method:Group createMultiMaterialObject]( [param:BufferGeometry geometry], [param:Array materials] )

geometry -- 材料集的几何形状。
materials -- 为物体准备的材料。


[method:undefined sortInstancedMesh]( [param:InstancedMesh mesh], [param:Function compareFn] )

mesh -- InstancedMesh in which instances will be sorted.
compareFn -- Comparator function defining the sort order.

Sorts the instances within an [page:InstancedMesh], according to a user-defined callback. The callback will be provided with two arguments, indexA and indexB, and must return a numerical value. See [link:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#description Array.prototype.sort] for more information on sorting callbacks and their return values.

Because of the high performance cost, three.js does not sort [page:InstancedMesh] instances automatically. Manually sorting may be helpful to improve display of alpha blended materials (back to front), and to reduce overdraw in opaque materials (front to back).


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/jsm/utils/SceneUtils.js examples/jsm/utils/SceneUtils.js]