import { Styles, Canvas, CircleMenu, ButtonInput, ContextMenu, Tips, Search, Loader } from '../libs/flow.module.js'; import { BasicMaterialEditor } from './materials/BasicMaterialEditor.js'; import { StandardMaterialEditor } from './materials/StandardMaterialEditor.js'; import { PointsMaterialEditor } from './materials/PointsMaterialEditor.js'; import { OperatorEditor } from './math/OperatorEditor.js'; import { NormalizeEditor } from './math/NormalizeEditor.js'; import { InvertEditor } from './math/InvertEditor.js'; import { LimiterEditor } from './math/LimiterEditor.js'; import { DotEditor } from './math/DotEditor.js'; import { PowerEditor } from './math/PowerEditor.js'; import { AngleEditor } from './math/AngleEditor.js'; import { TrigonometryEditor } from './math/TrigonometryEditor.js'; import { FloatEditor } from './inputs/FloatEditor.js'; import { Vector2Editor } from './inputs/Vector2Editor.js'; import { Vector3Editor } from './inputs/Vector3Editor.js'; import { Vector4Editor } from './inputs/Vector4Editor.js'; import { SliderEditor } from './inputs/SliderEditor.js'; import { ColorEditor } from './inputs/ColorEditor.js'; import { TextureEditor } from './inputs/TextureEditor.js'; import { BlendEditor } from './display/BlendEditor.js'; import { NormalMapEditor } from './display/NormalMapEditor.js'; import { UVEditor } from './accessors/UVEditor.js'; import { MatcapUVEditor } from './accessors/MatcapUVEditor.js'; import { PositionEditor } from './accessors/PositionEditor.js'; import { NormalEditor } from './accessors/NormalEditor.js'; import { PreviewEditor } from './utils/PreviewEditor.js'; import { TimerEditor } from './utils/TimerEditor.js'; import { OscillatorEditor } from './utils/OscillatorEditor.js'; import { SplitEditor } from './utils/SplitEditor.js'; import { JoinEditor } from './utils/JoinEditor.js'; import { CheckerEditor } from './procedural/CheckerEditor.js'; import { PointsEditor } from './scene/PointsEditor.js'; import { MeshEditor } from './scene/MeshEditor.js'; import { FileEditor } from './core/FileEditor.js'; import { FileURLEditor } from './core/FileURLEditor.js'; import { EventDispatcher } from 'three'; Styles.icons.unlink = 'ti ti-unlink'; export const NodeList = [ { name: 'Inputs', icon: 'forms', children: [ { name: 'Slider', icon: 'adjustments-horizontal', tags: 'number', nodeClass: SliderEditor }, { name: 'Float', icon: 'box-multiple-1', nodeClass: FloatEditor }, { name: 'Vector 2', icon: 'box-multiple-2', nodeClass: Vector2Editor }, { name: 'Vector 3', icon: 'box-multiple-3', nodeClass: Vector3Editor }, { name: 'Vector 4', icon: 'box-multiple-4', nodeClass: Vector4Editor }, { name: 'Color', icon: 'palette', nodeClass: ColorEditor }, { name: 'Texture', icon: 'photo', nodeClass: TextureEditor }, { name: 'File URL', icon: 'cloud-download', nodeClass: FileURLEditor } ] }, { name: 'Accessors', icon: 'vector-triangle', children: [ { name: 'UV', icon: 'details', nodeClass: UVEditor }, { name: 'Position', icon: 'hierarchy', nodeClass: PositionEditor }, { name: 'Normal', icon: 'fold-up', nodeClass: NormalEditor }, { name: 'Matcap UV', icon: 'circle', nodeClass: MatcapUVEditor } ] }, { name: 'Display', icon: 'brightness', children: [ { name: 'Blend', icon: 'layers-subtract', tags: 'mix', nodeClass: BlendEditor }, { name: 'Normal Map', icon: 'chart-line', nodeClass: NormalMapEditor } ] }, { name: 'Math', icon: 'calculator', children: [ { name: 'Operator', icon: 'math-symbols', tags: 'addition, subtration, multiplication, division', nodeClass: OperatorEditor }, { name: 'Invert', icon: 'flip-vertical', tip: 'Negate', nodeClass: InvertEditor }, { name: 'Limiter', icon: 'arrow-bar-to-up', tip: 'Min / Max', nodeClass: LimiterEditor }, { name: 'Dot Product', icon: 'arrows-up-left', nodeClass: DotEditor }, { name: 'Power', icon: 'arrow-up-right', nodeClass: PowerEditor }, { name: 'Trigonometry', icon: 'wave-sine', tip: 'Sin / Cos / Tan / ...', tags: 'sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sine, cosine, tangent, arcsine, arccosine, arctangent', nodeClass: TrigonometryEditor }, { name: 'Angle', icon: 'angle', tip: 'Degress / Radians', tags: 'degress, radians', nodeClass: AngleEditor }, { name: 'Normalize', icon: 'fold', nodeClass: NormalizeEditor } ] }, { name: 'Procedural', icon: 'infinity', children: [ { name: 'Checker', icon: 'border-outer', nodeClass: CheckerEditor } ] }, { name: 'Utils', icon: 'apps', children: [ { name: 'Preview', icon: 'square-check', nodeClass: PreviewEditor }, { name: 'Timer', icon: 'clock', nodeClass: TimerEditor }, { name: 'Oscillator', icon: 'wave-sine', nodeClass: OscillatorEditor }, { name: 'Split', icon: 'arrows-split-2', nodeClass: SplitEditor }, { name: 'Join', icon: 'arrows-join-2', nodeClass: JoinEditor } ] }, /*{ name: 'Scene', icon: '3d-cube-sphere', children: [ { name: 'Mesh', icon: '3d-cube-sphere', nodeClass: MeshEditor } ] },*/ { name: 'Material', icon: 'circles', children: [ { name: 'Basic Material', icon: 'circle', nodeClass: BasicMaterialEditor }, { name: 'Standard Material', icon: 'circle', nodeClass: StandardMaterialEditor }, { name: 'Points Material', icon: 'circle-dotted', nodeClass: PointsMaterialEditor } ] } ]; export const ClassLib = { BasicMaterialEditor, StandardMaterialEditor, PointsMaterialEditor, PointsEditor, MeshEditor, OperatorEditor, NormalizeEditor, InvertEditor, LimiterEditor, DotEditor, PowerEditor, AngleEditor, TrigonometryEditor, FloatEditor, Vector2Editor, Vector3Editor, Vector4Editor, SliderEditor, ColorEditor, TextureEditor, BlendEditor, NormalMapEditor, UVEditor, MatcapUVEditor, PositionEditor, NormalEditor, TimerEditor, OscillatorEditor, SplitEditor, JoinEditor, CheckerEditor, FileURLEditor }; export class NodeEditor extends EventDispatcher { constructor( scene = null ) { super(); const domElement = document.createElement( 'flow' ); const canvas = new Canvas(); domElement.append( canvas.dom ); this.scene = scene; this.canvas = canvas; this.domElement = domElement; this._preview = false; = null; = null; this.previewMenu = null; this.nodesContext = null; this.examplesContext = null; this._initUpload(); this._initTips(); this._initMenu(); this._initSearch(); this._initNodesContext(); this._initExamplesContext(); } setSize( width, height ) { this.canvas.setSize( width, height ); return this; } centralizeNode( node ) { const canvas = this.canvas; const nodeRect = node.dom.getBoundingClientRect(); node.setPosition( ( ( canvas.width / 2 ) - canvas.scrollLeft ) - nodeRect.width, ( ( canvas.height / 2 ) - canvas.scrollTop ) - nodeRect.height ); return this; } add( node ) { const onRemove = () => { node.removeEventListener( 'remove', onRemove ); node.setEditor( null ); }; node.setEditor( this ); node.addEventListener( 'remove', onRemove ); this.canvas.add( node ); this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'add', node } ); return this; } get nodes() { return this.canvas.nodes; } set preview( value ) { if ( this._preview === value ) return; if ( value ) {; this.canvas.dom.remove();; this.domElement.append( this.previewMenu.dom ); } else { this.canvas.focusSelected = false; this.domElement.append( ); this.domElement.append( this.canvas.dom ); this.domElement.append( ); this.previewMenu.dom.remove(); } this._preview = value; } get preview() { return this._preview; } newProject() { const canvas = this.canvas; canvas.clear(); canvas.scrollLeft = 0; canvas.scrollTop = 0; canvas.zoom = 1; this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'new' } ); } loadJSON( json ) { const canvas = this.canvas; canvas.clear(); canvas.deserialize( json ); for ( const node of canvas.nodes ) { this.add( node ); } this.dispatchEvent( { type: 'load' } ); } _initUpload() { const canvas = this.canvas; canvas.onDrop( () => { for ( const item of canvas.droppedItems ) { if ( /^image\//.test( item.type ) === true ) { const { relativeClientX, relativeClientY } = canvas; const file = item.getAsFile(); const fileEditor = new FileEditor( file ); fileEditor.setPosition( relativeClientX - ( fileEditor.getWidth() / 2 ), relativeClientY - 20 ); this.add( fileEditor ); } } } ); } _initTips() { = new Tips(); this.domElement.append( ); } _initMenu() { const menu = new CircleMenu(); const previewMenu = new CircleMenu(); menu.setAlign( 'top left' ); previewMenu.setAlign( 'top left' ); const previewButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-3d-cube-sphere' ).setToolTip( 'Preview' ); const menuButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-apps' ).setToolTip( 'Add' ); const examplesButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-file-symlink' ).setToolTip( 'Examples' ); const newButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-file' ).setToolTip( 'New' ); const openButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-upload' ).setToolTip( 'Open' ); const saveButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-download' ).setToolTip( 'Save' ); const editorButton = new ButtonInput().setIcon( 'ti ti-subtask' ).setToolTip( 'Editor' ); previewButton.onClick( () => this.preview = true ); editorButton.onClick( () => this.preview = false ); menuButton.onClick( () => ); examplesButton.onClick( () => ); newButton.onClick( () => { if ( confirm( 'Are you sure?' ) === true ) { this.newProject(); } } ); openButton.onClick( () => { const input = document.createElement( 'input' ); input.type = 'file'; input.onchange = e => { const file =[ 0 ]; const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText( file, 'UTF-8' ); reader.onload = readerEvent => { const loader = new Loader( Loader.OBJECTS ); const json = loader.parse( JSON.parse( ), ClassLib ); this.loadJSON( json ); }; };; } ); saveButton.onClick( () => { const json = JSON.stringify( this.canvas.toJSON() ); const a = document.createElement( 'a' ); const file = new Blob( [ json ], { type: 'text/plain' } ); a.href = URL.createObjectURL( file ); = 'node_editor.json';; } ); menu.add( previewButton ) .add( newButton ) .add( examplesButton ) .add( openButton ) .add( saveButton ) .add( menuButton ); previewMenu.add( editorButton ); this.domElement.append( menu.dom ); = menu; this.previewMenu = previewMenu; } _initExamplesContext() { const context = new ContextMenu(); //**************// // MAIN //**************// const onClickExample = async ( button ) => { this.examplesContext.hide(); const filename = button.getExtra(); const loader = new Loader( Loader.OBJECTS ); const json = await loader.load( `./jsm/node-editor/examples/${filename}.json`, ClassLib ); this.loadJSON( json ); }; const addExample = ( context, name, filename = null ) => { filename = filename || name.replaceAll( ' ', '-' ).toLowerCase(); context.add( new ButtonInput( name ) .setIcon( 'ti ti-file-symlink' ) .onClick( onClickExample ) .setExtra( filename ) ); }; //**************// // EXAMPLES //**************// const basicContext = new ContextMenu(); const advancedContext = new ContextMenu(); addExample( basicContext, 'Animate UV' ); addExample( basicContext, 'Fake top light' ); addExample( basicContext, 'Oscillator color' ); addExample( advancedContext, 'Rim' ); //**************// // MAIN //**************// context.add( new ButtonInput( 'Basic' ), basicContext ); context.add( new ButtonInput( 'Advanced' ), advancedContext ); this.examplesContext = context; } _initSearch() { const traverseNodeEditors = ( item ) => { if ( item.nodeClass ) { const button = new ButtonInput( ); button.setIcon( `ti ti-${item.icon}` ); button.addEventListener( 'complete', () => { const node = new item.nodeClass(); this.add( node ); this.centralizeNode( node ); node ); } ); search.add( button ); if ( item.tags !== undefined ) { search.setTag( button, item.tags ); } } if ( item.children ) { for ( const subItem of item.children ) { traverseNodeEditors( subItem ); } } }; const search = new Search(); search.forceAutoComplete = true; search.onFilter( () => { search.clear(); for ( const item of NodeList ) { traverseNodeEditors( item ); } const object3d = this.scene; if ( object3d !== null ) { object3d.traverse( ( obj3d ) => { if ( obj3d.isMesh === true || obj3d.isPoints === true ) { let prefix = null; let icon = null; let editorClass = null; if ( obj3d.isMesh === true ) { prefix = 'Mesh'; icon = 'ti ti-3d-cube-sphere'; editorClass = MeshEditor; } else if ( obj3d.isPoints === true ) { prefix = 'Points'; icon = 'ti ti-border-none'; editorClass = PointsEditor; } const button = new ButtonInput( `${prefix} - ${}` ); button.setIcon( icon ); button.addEventListener( 'complete', () => { for ( const node of this.canvas.nodes ) { if ( node.value === obj3d ) { // prevent duplicated node node ); return; } } const node = new editorClass( obj3d ); this.add( node ); this.centralizeNode( node ); node ); } ); search.add( button ); } } ); } } ); search.onSubmit( () => { if ( search.currentFiltered !== null ) { search.currentFiltered.button.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'complete' ) ); } } ); = search; this.domElement.append( search.dom ); } _initNodesContext() { const context = new ContextMenu( this.domElement ); let isContext = false; const contextPosition = {}; const add = ( node ) => { if ( isContext ) { node.setPosition( Math.round( contextPosition.x ), Math.round( contextPosition.y ) ); } else { this.centralizeNode( node ); node ); } context.hide(); this.add( node ); node ); isContext = false; }; context.onContext( () => { isContext = true; const { relativeClientX, relativeClientY } = this.canvas; contextPosition.x = Math.round( relativeClientX ); contextPosition.y = Math.round( relativeClientY ); } ); //**************// // INPUTS //**************// const createButtonMenu = ( item ) => { const button = new ButtonInput( ); button.setIcon( `ti ti-${item.icon}` ); let context = null; if ( item.nodeClass ) { button.onClick( () => add( new item.nodeClass() ) ); } if ( item.tip ) { button.setToolTip( item.tip ); } if ( item.children ) { context = new ContextMenu(); for ( const subItem of item.children ) { const buttonMenu = createButtonMenu( subItem ); context.add( buttonMenu.button, buttonMenu.context ); } } return { button, context }; }; for ( const item of NodeList ) { const buttonMenu = createButtonMenu( item ); context.add( buttonMenu.button, buttonMenu.context ); } this.nodesContext = context; } }