import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel'; import path from 'path'; import os from 'os'; import glob from 'glob'; import babelrc from './.babelrc.json'; const EOL = os.EOL; function babelCleanup() { return { transform( code ) { // remove comments messed up by babel that break eslint // example: // setSize: function () // /* width, height */ // { // ↓ // setSize: function () { code = code.replace( new RegExp( `\\(\\)${EOL}\\s*\\/\\*([a-zA-Z0-9_, ]+)\\*\\/${EOL}\\s*{`, 'g' ), '( ) {' ); return { code: code, map: null }; } }; } function unmodularize() { return { renderChunk( code, { fileName } ) { // Namespace the modules that end with Utils const fileNameNoExtension = fileName.slice( 0, fileName.indexOf( '.' ) ); const namespace = fileNameNoExtension.endsWith( 'Utils' ) ? fileNameNoExtension : undefined; // export { Example }; // ↓ // THREE.Example = Example; code = code.replace( /export { ([a-zA-Z0-9_, ]+) };/g, ( match, p1 ) => { const exps = p1.split( ', ' ); let output = ''; if ( namespace ) { output += `THREE.${namespace} = {};${ EOL }`; output += exp => `THREE.${namespace}.${exp} = ${exp};` ).join( EOL ); } else { output += exp => `THREE.${exp} = ${exp};` ).join( EOL ); } return output; } ); // import { Example } from '...'; // but excluding imports importing from the libs/ folder const imports = []; code = code.replace( /import { ([a-zA-Z0-9_, ]+) } from '((?!libs).)*';/g, ( match, p1 ) => { const imps = p1.split( ', ' ); imps.reverse(); imports.push( ...imps ); return ''; } ); // import * as Example from '...'; // but excluding imports importing from the libs/ folder code = code.replace( /import \* as ([a-zA-Z0-9_, ]+) from '((?!libs).)*';/g, ( match, p1 ) => { const imp = p1; if ( imp !== 'THREE' ) { imports.push( imp ); } return ''; } ); // new Example() // (Example) // [Example] // Example2 // ↓ // new THREE.Example() // (THREE.Example) // [THREE.Example] // Example2 function prefixThree( word ) { code = code.replace( new RegExp( `([\\s([!])${word}([^a-zA-Z0-9_])`, 'g' ), ( match, p1, p2 ) => { return `${p1}THREE.${word}${p2}`; } ); } imports.forEach( prefixThree ); // Do it again for this particular example // new Example(Example) // ↓ // new THREE.Example(THREE.Example) imports.forEach( prefixThree ); // fix for BasisTextureLoader.js imports.forEach( imp => { code = code.replace( new RegExp( `${EOL}(\\s)*THREE\\.${imp}:`, 'g' ), ( match, p1 ) => { return `${EOL}${p1}${imp}:`; } ); } ); // import * as THREE from '...'; code = code.replace( /import \* as THREE from '(.*)';/g, '' ); // Remove library imports that are exposed as // global variables in the non-module world code = code.replace( /import (.*) from '(.*)\/libs\/(.*)';/g, '' ); // remove newline at the start of file code = code.trimStart(); code = `( function () {${EOL}${code}${EOL}} )();`; return { code: code, map: null }; } }; } const jsFolder = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../examples/js' ); const jsmFolder = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../examples/jsm' ); // list of all .js file nested in the examples/jsm folder const files = glob.sync( '**/*.js', { cwd: jsmFolder, ignore: [ // don't convert libs 'capabilities/*', 'libs/**/*', 'loaders/ifc/**/*', // no non-module library // 'webxr/**/*', // no non-module library // 'loaders/IFCLoader.js', 'loaders/USDZLoader.js', 'node-editor/**/*', 'renderers/webgl/**/*', 'renderers/webgpu/**/*', 'renderers/nodes/**/*', 'nodes/**/*', 'loaders/NodeMaterialLoader.js', 'offscreen/**/*', // dont convert new files 'exporters/KTX2Exporter.js', 'loaders/KTX2Loader.js', ] } ); // Create a rollup config for each .js file export default file => { const inputPath = path.join( 'examples/jsm', file ); const outputPath = path.resolve( jsFolder, file ); return { input: inputPath, treeshake: false, external: () => true, // don't bundle anything plugins: [ babel( { babelHelpers: 'bundled', babelrc: false, ...babelrc } ), babelCleanup(), unmodularize(), ], output: { format: 'esm', file: outputPath, } }; } );