创建一个三维的纹理贴图。这种纹理贴图只能被用于WebGL 2渲染环境中。
[page:Object data] -- 纹理的数据。
[page:Number width] -- 纹理的宽度。
[page:Number height] -- 纹理的高度。
[page:Number depth] -- 纹理的深度。
[example:webgl2_materials_texture3d WebGL2 / materials / texture3d]
共有属性请参见其基类[page:Texture Texture]。
This defines how the texture is wrapped in the depth direction.
The default is [page:Textures THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping], where the edge is clamped to the outer edge texels.
The other two choices are [page:Textures THREE.RepeatWrapping] and [page:Textures THREE.MirroredRepeatWrapping].
See the [page:Textures texture constants] page for details.
共有方法请参见其基类[page:Texture Texture]。
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]