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2 years ago
import WebGPUUniformsGroup from '../WebGPUUniformsGroup.js';
import {
FloatNodeUniform, Vector2NodeUniform, Vector3NodeUniform, Vector4NodeUniform,
ColorNodeUniform, Matrix3NodeUniform, Matrix4NodeUniform
} from './WebGPUNodeUniform.js';
import WebGPUNodeSampler from './WebGPUNodeSampler.js';
import { WebGPUNodeSampledTexture, WebGPUNodeSampledCubeTexture } from './WebGPUNodeSampledTexture.js';
import WebGPUUniformBuffer from '../WebGPUUniformBuffer.js';
import WebGPUStorageBuffer from '../WebGPUStorageBuffer.js';
import { getVectorLength, getStrideLength } from '../WebGPUBufferUtils.js';
import { NodeBuilder, WGSLNodeParser, CodeNode, NodeMaterial } from 'three/nodes';
const gpuShaderStageLib = {
'vertex': GPUShaderStage.VERTEX,
'fragment': GPUShaderStage.FRAGMENT,
'compute': GPUShaderStage.COMPUTE
const supports = {
instance: true
const wgslTypeLib = {
float: 'f32',
int: 'i32',
uint: 'u32',
bool: 'bool',
vec2: 'vec2<f32>',
ivec2: 'vec2<i32>',
uvec2: 'vec2<u32>',
bvec2: 'vec2<bool>',
vec3: 'vec3<f32>',
ivec3: 'vec3<i32>',
uvec3: 'vec3<u32>',
bvec3: 'vec3<bool>',
vec4: 'vec4<f32>',
ivec4: 'vec4<i32>',
uvec4: 'vec4<u32>',
bvec4: 'vec4<bool>',
mat3: 'mat3x3<f32>',
imat3: 'mat3x3<i32>',
umat3: 'mat3x3<u32>',
bmat3: 'mat3x3<bool>',
mat4: 'mat4x4<f32>',
imat4: 'mat4x4<i32>',
umat4: 'mat4x4<u32>',
bmat4: 'mat4x4<bool>'
const wgslMethods = {
dFdx: 'dpdx',
dFdy: 'dpdy',
mod: 'threejs_mod',
lessThanEqual: 'threejs_lessThanEqual',
inversesqrt: 'inverseSqrt'
const wgslPolyfill = {
lessThanEqual: new CodeNode( `
fn threejs_lessThanEqual( a : vec3<f32>, b : vec3<f32> ) -> vec3<bool> {
return vec3<bool>( a.x <= b.x, a.y <= b.y, a.z <= b.z );
` ),
mod: new CodeNode( `
fn threejs_mod( x : f32, y : f32 ) -> f32 {
return x - y * floor( x / y );
` ),
repeatWrapping: new CodeNode( `
fn threejs_repeatWrapping( uv : vec2<f32>, dimension : vec2<u32> ) -> vec2<u32> {
let uvScaled = vec2<u32>( uv * vec2<f32>( dimension ) );
return ( ( uvScaled % dimension ) + dimension ) % dimension;
` )
class WebGPUNodeBuilder extends NodeBuilder {
constructor( object, renderer ) {
super( object, renderer, new WGSLNodeParser() );
this.bindings = { vertex: [], fragment: [], compute: [] };
this.bindingsOffset = { vertex: 0, fragment: 0, compute: 0 };
this.uniformsGroup = {};
this.builtins = {
vertex: new Map(),
fragment: new Map(),
compute: new Map(),
attribute: new Map()
build() {
const { object, material } = this;
if ( material !== null ) {
NodeMaterial.fromMaterial( material ).build( this );
} else {
this.addFlow( 'compute', object );
addFlowCode( code ) {
if ( ! /;\s*$/.test( code ) ) {
code += ';';
super.addFlowCode( code + '\n\t' );
getSampler( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
return `textureSample( ${textureProperty}, ${textureProperty}_sampler, ${uvSnippet} )`;
} else {
this._include( 'repeatWrapping' );
const dimension = `textureDimensions( ${textureProperty}, 0 )`;
return `textureLoad( ${textureProperty}, threejs_repeatWrapping( ${uvSnippet}, ${dimension} ), 0 )`;
getSamplerLevel( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
return `textureSampleLevel( ${textureProperty}, ${textureProperty}_sampler, ${uvSnippet}, ${biasSnippet} )`;
} else {
this._include( 'repeatWrapping' );
const dimension = `textureDimensions( ${textureProperty}, 0 )`;
return `textureLoad( ${textureProperty}, threejs_repeatWrapping( ${uvSnippet}, ${dimension} ), i32( ${biasSnippet} ) )`;
getTexture( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
return this.getSampler( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage );
getTextureLevel( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
return this.getSamplerLevel( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet, shaderStage );
getCubeTexture( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
return this.getSampler( textureProperty, uvSnippet, shaderStage );
getCubeTextureLevel( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
return this.getSamplerLevel( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet, shaderStage );
getPropertyName( node, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
if ( node.isNodeVarying === true && node.needsInterpolation === true ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
return `NodeVaryings.${ }`;
} else if ( node.isNodeUniform === true ) {
const name =;
const type = node.type;
if ( type === 'texture' || type === 'cubeTexture' ) {
return name;
} else if ( type === 'buffer' || type === 'storageBuffer' ) {
return `NodeBuffer_${}.${name}`;
} else {
return `NodeUniforms.${name}`;
return super.getPropertyName( node );
getBindings() {
const bindings = this.bindings;
return this.material !== null ? [ ...bindings.vertex, ...bindings.fragment ] : bindings.compute;
getUniformFromNode( node, shaderStage, type ) {
const uniformNode = super.getUniformFromNode( node, shaderStage, type );
const nodeData = this.getDataFromNode( node, shaderStage );
if ( nodeData.uniformGPU === undefined ) {
let uniformGPU;
const bindings = this.bindings[ shaderStage ];
if ( type === 'texture' || type === 'cubeTexture' ) {
const sampler = new WebGPUNodeSampler( `${}_sampler`, uniformNode.node );
let texture = null;
if ( type === 'texture' ) {
texture = new WebGPUNodeSampledTexture(, uniformNode.node );
} else if ( type === 'cubeTexture' ) {
texture = new WebGPUNodeSampledCubeTexture(, uniformNode.node );
// add first textures in sequence and group for last
const lastBinding = bindings[ bindings.length - 1 ];
const index = lastBinding && lastBinding.isUniformsGroup ? bindings.length - 1 : bindings.length;
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
bindings.splice( index, 0, sampler, texture );
uniformGPU = [ sampler, texture ];
} else {
bindings.splice( index, 0, texture );
uniformGPU = [ texture ];
} else if ( type === 'buffer' || type === 'storageBuffer' ) {
const bufferClass = type === 'storageBuffer' ? WebGPUStorageBuffer : WebGPUUniformBuffer;
const buffer = new bufferClass( 'NodeBuffer_' +, node.value );
buffer.setVisibility( gpuShaderStageLib[ shaderStage ] );
// add first textures in sequence and group for last
const lastBinding = bindings[ bindings.length - 1 ];
const index = lastBinding && lastBinding.isUniformsGroup ? bindings.length - 1 : bindings.length;
bindings.splice( index, 0, buffer );
uniformGPU = buffer;
} else {
let uniformsGroup = this.uniformsGroup[ shaderStage ];
if ( uniformsGroup === undefined ) {
uniformsGroup = new WebGPUUniformsGroup( 'nodeUniforms' );
uniformsGroup.setVisibility( gpuShaderStageLib[ shaderStage ] );
this.uniformsGroup[ shaderStage ] = uniformsGroup;
bindings.push( uniformsGroup );
if ( node.isArrayUniformNode === true ) {
uniformGPU = [];
for ( const uniformNode of node.nodes ) {
const uniformNodeGPU = this._getNodeUniform( uniformNode, type );
// fit bounds to buffer
uniformNodeGPU.boundary = getVectorLength( uniformNodeGPU.itemSize );
uniformNodeGPU.itemSize = getStrideLength( uniformNodeGPU.itemSize );
uniformsGroup.addUniform( uniformNodeGPU );
uniformGPU.push( uniformNodeGPU );
} else {
uniformGPU = this._getNodeUniform( uniformNode, type );
uniformsGroup.addUniform( uniformGPU );
nodeData.uniformGPU = uniformGPU;
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
this.bindingsOffset[ 'fragment' ] = bindings.length;
return uniformNode;
isReference( type ) {
return super.isReference( type ) || type === 'texture_2d' || type === 'texture_cube';
getBuiltin( name, property, type, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) {
const map = this.builtins[ shaderStage ];
if ( map.has( name ) === false ) {
map.set( name, {
} );
return property;
getInstanceIndex() {
if ( this.shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
return this.getBuiltin( 'instance_index', 'instanceIndex', 'u32', 'attribute' );
return 'instanceIndex';
getFrontFacing() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'front_facing', 'isFront', 'bool' );
getFragCoord() {
return this.getBuiltin( 'position', 'fragCoord', 'vec4<f32>', 'fragment' );
isFlipY() {
return false;
getAttributes( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' || shaderStage === 'compute' ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'compute' ) {
this.getBuiltin( 'global_invocation_id', 'id', 'vec3<u32>', 'attribute' );
for ( const { name, property, type } of this.builtins.attribute.values() ) {
snippets.push( `@builtin( ${name} ) ${property} : ${type}` );
const attributes = this.attributes;
const length = attributes.length;
for ( let index = 0; index < length; index ++ ) {
const attribute = attributes[ index ];
const name =;
const type = this.getType( attribute.type );
snippets.push( `@location( ${index} ) ${ name } : ${ type }` );
return snippets.join( ',\n\t' );
getVars( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
const vars = this.vars[ shaderStage ];
for ( const variable of vars ) {
const name =;
const type = this.getType( variable.type );
snippets.push( `\tvar ${name} : ${type};` );
return `\n${ snippets.join( '\n' ) }\n`;
getVaryings( shaderStage ) {
const snippets = [];
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
this.getBuiltin( 'position', 'Vertex', 'vec4<f32>', 'vertex' );
const varyings = this.varyings;
const vars = this.vars[ shaderStage ];
for ( let index = 0; index < varyings.length; index ++ ) {
const varying = varyings[ index ];
if ( varying.needsInterpolation ) {
snippets.push( `@location( ${index} ) ${ } : ${ this.getType( varying.type ) }` );
} else if ( vars.includes( varying ) === false ) {
vars.push( varying );
} else if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
const varyings = this.varyings;
const vars = this.vars[ shaderStage ];
for ( let index = 0; index < varyings.length; index ++ ) {
const varying = varyings[ index ];
if ( varying.needsInterpolation ) {
snippets.push( `@location( ${index} ) ${ } : ${ this.getType( varying.type ) }` );
} else if ( vars.includes( varying ) === false ) {
vars.push( varying );
for ( const { name, property, type } of this.builtins[ shaderStage ].values() ) {
snippets.push( `@builtin( ${name} ) ${property} : ${type}` );
const code = snippets.join( ',\n\t' );
return shaderStage === 'vertex' ? this._getWGSLStruct( 'NodeVaryingsStruct', '\t' + code ) : code;
getUniforms( shaderStage ) {
const uniforms = this.uniforms[ shaderStage ];
const bindingSnippets = [];
const bufferSnippets = [];
const groupSnippets = [];
let index = this.bindingsOffset[ shaderStage ];
for ( const uniform of uniforms ) {
if ( uniform.type === 'texture' ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
bindingSnippets.push( `@group( 0 ) @binding( ${index ++} ) var ${}_sampler : sampler;` );
bindingSnippets.push( `@group( 0 ) @binding( ${index ++} ) var ${} : texture_2d<f32>;` );
} else if ( uniform.type === 'cubeTexture' ) {
if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
bindingSnippets.push( `@group( 0 ) @binding( ${index ++} ) var ${}_sampler : sampler;` );
bindingSnippets.push( `@group( 0 ) @binding( ${index ++} ) var ${} : texture_cube<f32>;` );
} else if ( uniform.type === 'buffer' || uniform.type === 'storageBuffer' ) {
const bufferNode = uniform.node;
const bufferType = this.getType( bufferNode.bufferType );
const bufferCount = bufferNode.bufferCount;
const bufferCountSnippet = bufferCount > 0 ? ', ' + bufferCount : '';
const bufferSnippet = `\t${} : array< ${bufferType}${bufferCountSnippet} >\n`;
const bufferAccessMode = bufferNode.isStorageBufferNode ? 'storage,read_write' : 'uniform';
bufferSnippets.push( this._getWGSLStructBinding( 'NodeBuffer_' +, bufferSnippet, bufferAccessMode, index ++ ) );
} else {
const vectorType = this.getType( this.getVectorType( uniform.type ) );
if ( Array.isArray( uniform.value ) === true ) {
const length = uniform.value.length;
groupSnippets.push( `uniform ${vectorType}[ ${length} ] ${}` );
} else {
groupSnippets.push( `\t${} : ${ vectorType}` );
let code = bindingSnippets.join( '\n' );
code += bufferSnippets.join( '\n' );
if ( groupSnippets.length > 0 ) {
code += this._getWGSLStructBinding( 'NodeUniforms', groupSnippets.join( ',\n' ), 'uniform', index ++ );
return code;
buildCode() {
const shadersData = this.material !== null ? { fragment: {}, vertex: {} } : { compute: {} };
for ( const shaderStage in shadersData ) {
let flow = '// code\n';
flow += `\t${ this.flowCode[ shaderStage ] }`;
flow += '\n\t';
const flowNodes = this.flowNodes[ shaderStage ];
const mainNode = flowNodes[ flowNodes.length - 1 ];
for ( const node of flowNodes ) {
const flowSlotData = this.getFlowData( node/*, shaderStage*/ );
const slotName =;
if ( slotName ) {
if ( flow.length > 0 ) flow += '\n';
flow += `\t// FLOW -> ${ slotName }\n\t`;
flow += `${ flowSlotData.code }\n\t`;
if ( node === mainNode && shaderStage !== 'compute' ) {
flow += '// FLOW RESULT\n\t';
if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) {
flow += 'NodeVaryings.Vertex = ';
} else if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) {
flow += 'return ';
flow += `${ flowSlotData.result };`;
const stageData = shadersData[ shaderStage ];
stageData.uniforms = this.getUniforms( shaderStage );
stageData.attributes = this.getAttributes( shaderStage );
stageData.varyings = this.getVaryings( shaderStage );
stageData.vars = this.getVars( shaderStage ); = this.getCodes( shaderStage );
stageData.flow = flow;
if ( this.material !== null ) {
this.vertexShader = this._getWGSLVertexCode( shadersData.vertex );
this.fragmentShader = this._getWGSLFragmentCode( shadersData.fragment );
} else {
this.computeShader = this._getWGSLComputeCode( shadersData.compute, ( this.object.workgroupSize || [ 64 ] ).join( ', ' ) );
getMethod( method ) {
if ( wgslPolyfill[ method ] !== undefined ) {
this._include( method );
return wgslMethods[ method ] || method;
getType( type ) {
return wgslTypeLib[ type ] || type;
isAvailable( name ) {
return supports[ name ] === true;
_include( name ) {
wgslPolyfill[ name ].build( this );
_getNodeUniform( uniformNode, type ) {
if ( type === 'float' ) return new FloatNodeUniform( uniformNode );
if ( type === 'vec2' ) return new Vector2NodeUniform( uniformNode );
if ( type === 'vec3' ) return new Vector3NodeUniform( uniformNode );
if ( type === 'vec4' ) return new Vector4NodeUniform( uniformNode );
if ( type === 'color' ) return new ColorNodeUniform( uniformNode );
if ( type === 'mat3' ) return new Matrix3NodeUniform( uniformNode );
if ( type === 'mat4' ) return new Matrix4NodeUniform( uniformNode );
throw new Error( `Uniform "${type}" not declared.` );
_getWGSLVertexCode( shaderData ) {
return `${ this.getSignature() }
// uniforms
// varyings
// codes
fn main( ${shaderData.attributes} ) -> NodeVaryingsStruct {
// system
var NodeVaryings: NodeVaryingsStruct;
// vars
// flow
return NodeVaryings;
_getWGSLFragmentCode( shaderData ) {
return `${ this.getSignature() }
// uniforms
// codes
fn main( ${shaderData.varyings} ) -> @location( 0 ) vec4<f32> {
// vars
// flow
_getWGSLComputeCode( shaderData, workgroupSize ) {
return `${ this.getSignature() }
// system
var<private> instanceIndex : u32;
// uniforms
// codes
@compute @workgroup_size( ${workgroupSize} )
fn main( ${shaderData.attributes} ) {
// system
instanceIndex = id.x;
// vars
// flow
_getWGSLStruct( name, vars ) {
return `
struct ${name} {
_getWGSLStructBinding( name, vars, access, binding = 0, group = 0 ) {
const structName = name + 'Struct';
const structSnippet = this._getWGSLStruct( structName, vars );
return `${structSnippet}
@binding( ${binding} ) @group( ${group} )
var<${access}> ${name} : ${structName};`;
export default WebGPUNodeBuilder;