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<p class="desc">
使用一个[page:Bone bones]数组来创建一个可以由[page:SkinnedMesh]使用的骨架。
// Create a simple "arm"
const bones = [];
const shoulder = new THREE.Bone();
const elbow = new THREE.Bone();
const hand = new THREE.Bone();
shoulder.add( elbow );
elbow.add( hand );
bones.push( shoulder );
bones.push( elbow );
bones.push( hand );
shoulder.position.y = -5;
elbow.position.y = 0;
hand.position.y = 5;
const armSkeleton = new THREE.Skeleton( bones );
<h3>[name]( [param:Array bones], [param:Array boneInverses] )</h3>
[page:Array bones] —— 包含有一组[page:Bone bone]的数组,默认值是一个空数组。<br/>
[page:Array boneInverses] —— (可选) 包含[page:Matrix4 Matrix4]的数组。<br /><br />
<h3>[property:Array bones]</h3>
包含有一组[page:Bone bone]的数组。请注意,这是一份原始数组的拷贝,不是引用,所以你可以在不对当前数组造成影响的情况下,修改原始数组。
<h3>[property:Array boneInverses]</h3>
包含有一组[page:Matrix4 Matrix4],表示每个独立骨骼[page:Matrix4 matrixWorld]矩阵的逆矩阵。
<h3>[property:Float32Array boneMatrices]</h3>
<h3>[property:DataTexture boneTexture]</h3>
<h3>[property:Integer boneTextureSize]</h3>
The size of the [page:.boneTexture].
<h3>[method:Skeleton clone]()</h3>
<h3>[method:undefined calculateInverses]()</h3>
<p>如果没有在构造器中提供,生成[page:.boneInverses boneInverses]数组。
<h3>[method:this computeBoneTexture]()</h3>
<p>Computes an instance of [page:DataTexture] in order to pass the bone data more efficiently to the shader. The texture is assigned to [page:.boneTexture boneTexture].</p>
<h3>[method:undefined pose]()</h3>
<h3>[method:undefined update]()</h3>
在改变骨骼后,更新[page:Float32Array boneMatrices] 和 [page:DataTexture boneTexture]的值。
<h3>[method:Bone getBoneByName]( [param:String name] )</h3>
name —— 匹配Bone对象中.name属性的字符串。<br /><br />
在骨架中的骨骼数组中遍览,并返回第一个能够和name匹配上的骨骼对象。<br />
<h3>[method:undefined dispose]()</h3>
Can be used if an instance of [name] becomes obsolete in an application. The method will free internal resources.
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]