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368 lines
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2 years ago
"en": {
"Basics": {
"Fundamentals": "en/fundamentals",
"Responsive Design": "en/responsive",
"Prerequisites": "en/prerequisites",
"Setup": "en/setup"
"Fundamentals": {
"Primitives": "en/primitives",
"Scenegraph": "en/scenegraph",
"Materials": "en/materials",
"Textures": "en/textures",
"Lights": "en/lights",
"Cameras": "en/cameras",
"Shadows": "en/shadows",
"Fog": "en/fog",
"Render Targets": "en/rendertargets",
"Custom BufferGeometry": "en/custom-buffergeometry"
"Tips": {
"Rendering On Demand": "en/rendering-on-demand",
"Debugging JavaScript": "en/debugging-javascript",
"Debugging GLSL": "en/debugging-glsl",
"Taking a screenshot": "en/tips#screenshot",
"Prevent the Canvas Being Cleared": "en/tips#preservedrawingbuffer",
"Get Keyboard Input From a Canvas": "en/tips#tabindex",
"Make the Canvas Transparent": "en/tips#transparent-canvas",
"Use three.js as Background in HTML": "en/tips#html-background"
"Optimization": {
"Optimizing Lots of Objects": "en/optimize-lots-of-objects",
"Optimizing Lots of Objects Animated": "en/optimize-lots-of-objects-animated",
"Using OffscreenCanvas in a Web Worker": "en/offscreencanvas"
"Solutions": {
"Load an .OBJ file": "en/load-obj",
"Load a .GLTF file": "en/load-gltf",
"Add a Background or Skybox": "en/backgrounds",
"How to Draw Transparent Objects": "en/transparency",
"Multiple Canvases, Multiple Scenes": "en/multiple-scenes",
"Picking Objects with the mouse": "en/picking",
"Post Processing": "en/post-processing",
"Applying a LUT File for effects": "en/post-processing-3dlut",
"Using Shadertoy shaders": "en/shadertoy",
"Aligning HTML Elements to 3D": "en/align-html-elements-to-3d",
"Using Indexed Textures for Picking and Color": "en/indexed-textures",
"Using A Canvas for Dynamic Textures": "en/canvas-textures",
"Billboards and Facades": "en/billboards",
"Freeing Resources": "en/cleanup",
"Making Voxel Geometry (Minecraft)": "en/voxel-geometry",
"Start making a Game": "en/game"
"WebXR": {
"VR - Basics": "en/webxr-basics",
"VR - Look To Select": "en/webxr-look-to-select",
"VR - Point To Select": "en/webxr-point-to-select"
"Reference": {
"Material Table": "en/material-table"
"fr": {
"Bases": {
"Principes de base": "fr/fundamentals",
"Design réactif": "fr/responsive",
"Pré-requis": "fr/prerequisites",
"Configuration": "fr/setup"
"Principes de base": {
"Primitives": "fr/primitives",
"Graphe de scène": "fr/scenegraph",
"Matériaux": "fr/materials",
"Textures": "fr/textures",
"Lumières": "fr/lights",
"Caméras": "fr/cameras",
"Ombres": "fr/shadows",
"Brouillard": "fr/fog",
"Render Targets": "fr/rendertargets",
"Custom BufferGeometry": "fr/custom-buffergeometry"
"Сonseils": {
"Rendering On Demand": "fr/rendering-on-demand",
"Debugging JavaScript": "fr/debugging-javascript",
"Debugging GLSL": "fr/debugging-glsl",
"Taking a screenshot": "fr/tips#screenshot",
"Prevent the Canvas Being Cleared": "fr/tips#preservedrawingbuffer",
"Get Keyboard Input From a Canvas": "fr/tips#tabindex",
"Make the Canvas Transparent": "fr/tips#transparent-canvas",
"Use three.js as Background in HTML": "fr/tips#html-background"
"Optimisation": {
"Optimizing Lots of Objects": "fr/optimize-lots-of-objects",
"Optimizing Lots of Objects Animated": "fr/optimize-lots-of-objects-animated",
"Using OffscreenCanvas in a Web Worker": "fr/offscreencanvas"
"Solutions": {
"Load an .OBJ file": "fr/load-obj",
"Load a .GLTF file": "fr/load-gltf",
"Add a Background or Skybox": "fr/backgrounds",
"How to Draw Transparent Objects": "fr/transparency",
"Multiple Canvases, Multiple Scenes": "fr/multiple-scenes",
"Picking Objects with the mouse": "fr/picking",
"Post Processing": "fr/post-processing",
"Applying a LUT File for effects": "fr/post-processing-3dlut",
"Using Shadertoy shaders": "fr/shadertoy",
"Aligning HTML Elements to 3D": "fr/align-html-elements-to-3d",
"Using Indexed Textures for Picking and Color": "fr/indexed-textures",
"Using A Canvas for Dynamic Textures": "fr/canvas-textures",
"Billboards and Facades": "fr/billboards",
"Freeing Resources": "fr/cleanup",
"Making Voxel Geometry (Minecraft)": "fr/voxel-geometry",
"Start making a Game": "fr/game"
"WebXR": {
"VR - Basics": "fr/webxr-basics",
"VR - Look To Select": "fr/webxr-look-to-select",
"VR - Point To Select": "fr/webxr-point-to-select"
"Référence": {
"Material Table": "fr/material-table"
"ja": {
"基本": {
"基礎知識": "ja/fundamentals",
"レスポンシブデザイン": "ja/responsive",
"前提条件": "ja/prerequisites",
"セットアップ": "ja/setup"
"基礎": {
"プリミティブ": "ja/primitives",
"シーングラフ": "ja/scenegraph",
"マテリアル": "ja/materials",
"テクスチャ": "ja/textures",
"ライト": "ja/lights",
"カメラ": "ja/cameras",
"シャドウ": "ja/shadows",
"フォグ": "ja/fog",
"レンダーターゲット": "ja/rendertargets",
"カスタムバッファジオメトリ": "ja/custom-buffergeometry"
"Tips": {
"要求されたレンダリング": "ja/rendering-on-demand",
"JavaScriptのデバッグ": "ja/debugging-javascript",
"GLSLのデバッグ": "ja/debugging-glsl",
"スクリーンショットを撮る": "ja/tips#screenshot",
"キャンバスがクリアされるのを防ぐ": "ja/tips#preservedrawingbuffer",
"キャンバスからキーボード入力を取得する": "ja/tips#tabindex",
"キャンバスを透明にする": "ja/tips#transparent-canvas",
"HTMLの背景にthree.jsを使う": "ja/tips#html-background"
"最適化": {
"多くのオブジェクトを最適化": "ja/optimize-lots-of-objects",
"アニメーションする多くのオブジェクトを最適化": "ja/optimize-lots-of-objects-animated",
"Web WorkerでOffscreenCanvasを使用する": "ja/offscreencanvas"
"解決策": {
"OBJファイルの読み込み": "ja/load-obj",
"GLTFファイルの読み込み": "ja/load-gltf",
"背景やスカイボックスを追加する": "ja/backgrounds",
"透明なオブジェクトの描画方法": "ja/transparency",
"複数キャンバスと複数シーン": "ja/multiple-scenes",
"マウスでオブジェクトをピッキング": "ja/picking",
"ポストプロセス": "ja/post-processing",
"エフェクトにLUTファイルを適用する": "ja/post-processing-3dlut",
"Shadertoyのシェーダーを使う": "ja/shadertoy",
"HTML要素を3Dに揃える": "ja/align-html-elements-to-3d",
"圧縮テクスチャのピッキングとカラー": "ja/indexed-textures",
"動的なテクスチャのキャンバスを使用する": "ja/canvas-textures",
"Billboards and Facades": "ja/billboards",
"Freeing Resources": "ja/cleanup",
"Making Voxel Geometry (Minecraft)": "ja/voxel-geometry",
"Start making a Game": "ja/game"
"WebXR": {
"VR - Basics": "ja/webxr-basics",
"VR - Look To Select": "ja/webxr-look-to-select",
"VR - Point To Select": "ja/webxr-point-to-select"
"参照": {
"Material Table": "ja/material-table"
"ko": {
"Three.js란?": {
"Three.js란?": "ko/fundamentals",
"반응형 디자인": "ko/responsive",
"먼저 알아야 할 것들": "ko/prerequisites",
"개발 환경": "ko/setup"
"기본 구조": {
"원시 모델(Primitives)": "ko/primitives",
"씬 그래프(Scenegraph)": "ko/scenegraph",
"재질(Materials)": "ko/materials",
"텍스처(Textures)": "ko/textures",
"조명(Lights)": "ko/lights",
"카메라(Cameras)": "ko/cameras",
"그림자(Shadows)": "ko/shadows",
"안개(Fog)": "ko/fog",
"렌더 타겟(Render Targets)": "ko/rendertargets",
"사용자 지정 BufferGeometry": "ko/custom-buffergeometry"
"팁": {
"불필요한 렌더링 없애기": "ko/rendering-on-demand",
"자바스크립트 디버깅": "ko/debugging-javascript",
"GLSL 디버깅": "ko/debugging-glsl",
"스크린샷 찍기": "ko/tips#screenshot",
"캔버스 초기화 방지하기": "ko/tips#preservedrawingbuffer",
"캔버스에서 키 입력 받기": "ko/tips#tabindex",
"캔버스를 투명하게 만들기": "ko/tips#transparent-canvas",
"Three.js를 HTML 요소의 배경으로 사용하기": "ko/tips#html-background"
"최적화하기": {
"요소가 많을 때 최적화하는 방법": "ko/optimize-lots-of-objects",
"애니메이션 요소가 많을 때 최적화하는 방법": "ko/optimize-lots-of-objects-animated",
"웹 워커에서 OffscreenCanvas 사용하기": "ko/offscreencanvas"
"활용하기": {
".OBJ 파일 불러오기": "ko/load-obj",
".GLTF 파일 불러오기": "ko/load-gltf",
"배경, 하늘 상자 추가하기": "ko/backgrounds",
"물체의 투명도 설정하기": "ko/transparency",
"다중 캔버스, 다중 장면 만들기": "ko/multiple-scenes",
"물체를 마우스로 피킹하기": "ko/picking",
"후처리": "ko/post-processing",
"LUT 파일로 후처리 효과 적용하기": "ko/post-processing-3dlut",
"쉐이더토이 쉐이더 활용하기": "ko/shadertoy",
"HTML 요소를 3D로 정렬하기": "ko/align-html-elements-to-3d",
"피킹과 색상에 인덱스 텍스처 사용하기": "ko/indexed-textures",
"캔버스로 동적 텍스처 만들기": "ko/canvas-textures",
"빌보드와 파사드": "ko/billboards",
"메모리 해제하기": "ko/cleanup",
"복셀 Geometry(마인크래프트) 만들기": "ko/voxel-geometry",
"게임 만들기": "ko/game"
"웹VR": {
"VR - 기본 사항": "ko/webxr-basics",
"VR - Look To Select": "ko/webxr-look-to-select",
"VR - Point To Select": "ko/webxr-point-to-select"
"레퍼런스": {
"재질(Material) 속성표": "ko/material-table"
"ru": {
"Введение": {
"Базовые принципы": "ru/fundamentals",
"Адаптивный дизайн": "ru/responsive",
"Необходимые условия": "ru/prerequisites",
"Настройка": "ru/setup"
"Фунаментальные понятия": {
"Примитивы": "ru/primitives",
"Граф сцены": "ru/scenegraph",
"Материалы": "ru/materials",
"Текстуры": "ru/textures",
"Освещение": "ru/lights",
"Камера": "ru/cameras",
"Тени": "ru/shadows",
"Туман": "ru/fog",
"Цели рендеринга": "ru/rendertargets",
"Пользовательская BufferGeometry": "ru/custom-buffergeometry"
"Советы": {
"Рендеринг по требованию": "ru/rendering-on-demand",
"Отладка JavaScript": "ru/debugging-javascript",
"Отладка GLSL": "ru/debugging-glsl",
"Делаем скриншот холста": "ru/tips#screenshot",
"Предотвращение очистки холста ": "ru/tips#preservedrawingbuffer",
"Ввод с клавиатуры": "ru/tips#tabindex",
"Делаем холст прозрачным ": "ru/tips#transparent-canvas",
"Создание анимированного фона в three.js ": "ru/tips#html-background"
"Оптимизация": {
"Оптимизация большого количества объектов": "ru/optimize-lots-of-objects",
"Оптимизация множества анимированных объектов": "ru/optimize-lots-of-objects-animated",
"Использование OffscreenCanvas в воркере": "ru/offscreencanvas"
"Решения": {
"Load an .OBJ file": "ru/load-obj",
"Load a .GLTF file": "ru/load-gltf",
"Add a Background or Skybox": "ru/backgrounds",
"How to Draw Transparent Objects": "ru/transparency",
"Несколько холстов, несколько сцен": "ru/multiple-scenes",
"Picking Objects with the mouse": "ru/picking",
"Post Processing": "ru/post-processing",
"Applying a LUT File for effects": "ru/post-processing-3dlut",
"Using Shadertoy shaders": "ru/shadertoy",
"Aligning HTML Elements to 3D": "ru/align-html-elements-to-3d",
"Using Indexed Textures for Picking and Color": "ru/indexed-textures",
"Using A Canvas for Dynamic Textures": "ru/canvas-textures",
"Billboards and Facades": "ru/billboards",
"Freeing Resources": "ru/cleanup",
"Making Voxel Geometry (Minecraft)": "ru/voxel-geometry",
"Start making a Game": "ru/game"
"WebXR": {
"VR - Basics": "ru/webxr-basics",
"VR - Look To Select": "ru/webxr-look-to-select",
"VR - Point To Select": "ru/webxr-point-to-select"
"Ссылки": {
"Таблица материалов": "ru/material-table"
"zh": {
"基本": {
"基础": "zh/fundamentals",
"响应式设计": "zh/responsive",
"先决条件": "zh/prerequisites",
"设置": "zh/setup"
"基础": {
"图元": "zh/primitives",
"场景图": "zh/scenegraph",
"材质": "zh/materials",
"纹理": "zh/textures",
"光照": "zh/lights",
"摄像机": "zh/cameras",
"阴影": "zh/shadows",
"雾": "zh/fog",
"渲染目标": "zh/rendertargets",
"自定义缓冲几何体": "zh/custom-buffergeometry"
"技巧": {
"按需渲染": "zh/rendering-on-demand",
"调试JavaScript": "zh/debugging-javascript",
"调试着色器": "zh/debugging-glsl",
"canvas截图": "zh/tips#screenshot",
"防止canvas被清空": "zh/tips#preservedrawingbuffer",
"从canvas获取键盘输入": "zh/tips#tabindex",
"透明化canvas": "zh/tips#transparent-canvas",
"在HTML中使用three.js动画背景": "zh/tips#html-background"
"优化": {
"大量对象的优化": "zh/optimize-lots-of-objects",
"优化对象的同时保持动画效果": "zh/optimize-lots-of-objects-animated",
"Using OffscreenCanvas in a Web Worker": "zh/offscreencanvas"
"解决方案": {
"加载 .OBJ 文件": "zh/load-obj",
"加载 .GLTF 文件": "zh/load-gltf",
"添加背景或天空盒": "zh/backgrounds",
"如何绘制透明的物体": "zh/transparency",
"多个画布, 多个场景": "zh/multiple-scenes",
"鼠标选取对象": "zh/picking",
"后期处理": "zh/post-processing",
"Applying a LUT File for effects": "zh/post-processing-3dlut",
"Using Shadertoy shaders": "zh/shadertoy",
"对齐HTML元素到3D对象": "zh/align-html-elements-to-3d",
"使用纹理索引来拾取和着色": "zh/indexed-textures",
"使用Canvas生成动态纹理": "zh/canvas-textures",
"广告牌(Billboards)": "zh/billboards",
"释放资源": "zh/cleanup",
"Making Voxel Geometry (Minecraft)": "zh/voxel-geometry",
"Start making a Game": "zh/game"
"WebXR": {
"VR - Basics": "zh/webxr-basics",
"VR - Look To Select": "zh/webxr-look-to-select",
"VR - Point To Select": "zh/webxr-point-to-select"
"参考": {
"材质特性表": "zh/material-table"