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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Three.js Material Browser</title>
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canvas {
display: block;
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#newWindow {
display: block;
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color: #fff;
<!-- Import maps polyfill -->
<!-- Remove this when import maps will be widely supported -->
<script async src=""></script>
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"three": "../../build/three.module.js",
"three/addons/": "../../examples/jsm/"
<a id='newWindow' href='./material-browser.html' target='_blank'>Open in New Window</a>
<script type="module">
import * as THREE from 'three';
import { GUI } from 'three/addons/libs/lil-gui.module.min.js';
import { RoomEnvironment } from 'three/addons/environments/RoomEnvironment.js';
const constants = {
combine: {
'THREE.MultiplyOperation': THREE.MultiplyOperation,
'THREE.MixOperation': THREE.MixOperation,
'THREE.AddOperation': THREE.AddOperation
side: {
'THREE.FrontSide': THREE.FrontSide,
'THREE.BackSide': THREE.BackSide,
'THREE.DoubleSide': THREE.DoubleSide
blendingMode: {
'THREE.NoBlending': THREE.NoBlending,
'THREE.NormalBlending': THREE.NormalBlending,
'THREE.AdditiveBlending': THREE.AdditiveBlending,
'THREE.SubtractiveBlending': THREE.SubtractiveBlending,
'THREE.MultiplyBlending': THREE.MultiplyBlending,
'THREE.CustomBlending': THREE.CustomBlending
equations: {
'THREE.AddEquation': THREE.AddEquation,
'THREE.SubtractEquation': THREE.SubtractEquation,
'THREE.ReverseSubtractEquation': THREE.ReverseSubtractEquation
destinationFactors: {
'THREE.ZeroFactor': THREE.ZeroFactor,
'THREE.OneFactor': THREE.OneFactor,
'THREE.SrcColorFactor': THREE.SrcColorFactor,
'THREE.OneMinusSrcColorFactor': THREE.OneMinusSrcColorFactor,
'THREE.SrcAlphaFactor': THREE.SrcAlphaFactor,
'THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor': THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor,
'THREE.DstAlphaFactor': THREE.DstAlphaFactor,
'THREE.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor': THREE.OneMinusDstAlphaFactor
sourceFactors: {
'THREE.DstColorFactor': THREE.DstColorFactor,
'THREE.OneMinusDstColorFactor': THREE.OneMinusDstColorFactor,
'THREE.SrcAlphaSaturateFactor': THREE.SrcAlphaSaturateFactor
function getObjectsKeys( obj ) {
const keys = [];
for ( const key in obj ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
keys.push( key );
return keys;
const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
const cubeTextureLoader = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader();
const envMaps = ( function () {
const path = '../../examples/textures/cube/SwedishRoyalCastle/';
const format = '.jpg';
const urls = [
path + 'px' + format, path + 'nx' + format,
path + 'py' + format, path + 'ny' + format,
path + 'pz' + format, path + 'nz' + format
const reflectionCube = cubeTextureLoader.load( urls );
const refractionCube = cubeTextureLoader.load( urls );
refractionCube.mapping = THREE.CubeRefractionMapping;
return {
none: null,
reflection: reflectionCube,
refraction: refractionCube
} )();
const diffuseMaps = ( function () {
const bricks = textureLoader.load( '../../examples/textures/brick_diffuse.jpg' );
bricks.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
bricks.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
bricks.repeat.set( 9, 1 );
return {
none: null,
bricks: bricks
} )();
const roughnessMaps = ( function () {
const bricks = textureLoader.load( '../../examples/textures/brick_roughness.jpg' );
bricks.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
bricks.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
bricks.repeat.set( 9, 1 );
return {
none: null,
bricks: bricks
} )();
const matcaps = ( function () {
return {
none: null,
porcelainWhite: textureLoader.load( '../../examples/textures/matcaps/matcap-porcelain-white.jpg' )
} )();
const alphaMaps = ( function () {
const fibers = textureLoader.load( '../../examples/textures/alphaMap.jpg' );
fibers.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
fibers.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
fibers.repeat.set( 9, 1 );
return {
none: null,
fibers: fibers
} )();
const gradientMaps = ( function () {
const threeTone = textureLoader.load( '../../examples/textures/gradientMaps/threeTone.jpg' );
threeTone.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
threeTone.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
const fiveTone = textureLoader.load( '../../examples/textures/gradientMaps/fiveTone.jpg' );
fiveTone.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
fiveTone.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
return {
none: null,
threeTone: threeTone,
fiveTone: fiveTone
} )();
const envMapKeys = getObjectsKeys( envMaps );
const envMapKeysPBR = envMapKeys.slice( 0, 2 );
const diffuseMapKeys = getObjectsKeys( diffuseMaps );
const roughnessMapKeys = getObjectsKeys( roughnessMaps );
const matcapKeys = getObjectsKeys( matcaps );
const alphaMapKeys = getObjectsKeys( alphaMaps );
const gradientMapKeys = getObjectsKeys( gradientMaps );
function generateVertexColors( geometry ) {
const positionAttribute = geometry.attributes.position;
const colors = [];
const color = new THREE.Color();
for ( let i = 0, il = positionAttribute.count; i < il; i ++ ) {
color.setHSL( i / il * Math.random(), 0.5, 0.5 );
colors.push( color.r, color.g, color.b );
geometry.setAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );
function handleColorChange( color, converSRGBToLinear = false ) {
return function ( value ) {
if ( typeof value === 'string' ) {
value = value.replace( '#', '0x' );
color.setHex( value );
if ( converSRGBToLinear === true ) color.convertSRGBToLinear();
function needsUpdate( material, geometry ) {
return function () {
material.side = parseInt( material.side ); //Ensure number
material.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.attributes.normal.needsUpdate = true;
geometry.attributes.color.needsUpdate = true;
function updateCombine( material ) {
return function ( combine ) {
material.combine = parseInt( combine );
material.needsUpdate = true;
function updateTexture( material, materialKey, textures ) {
return function ( key ) {
material[ materialKey ] = textures[ key ];
material.needsUpdate = true;
function guiScene( gui, scene ) {
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'Scene' );
const data = {
background: '#000000',
'ambient light': ambientLight.color.getHex()
folder.addColor( data, 'ambient light' ).onChange( handleColorChange( ambientLight.color, true ) );
guiSceneFog( folder, scene );
function guiSceneFog( folder, scene ) {
const fogFolder = folder.addFolder( 'scene.fog' );
const fog = new THREE.Fog( 0x3f7b9d, 0, 60 );
const data = {
fog: {
'THREE.Fog()': false,
'scene.fog.color': fog.color.getHex()
fogFolder.add( data.fog, 'THREE.Fog()' ).onChange( function ( useFog ) {
if ( useFog ) {
scene.fog = fog;
} else {
scene.fog = null;
} );
fogFolder.addColor( data.fog, 'scene.fog.color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( fog.color ) );
function guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.Material' );
folder.add( material, 'transparent' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'opacity', 0, 1 ).step( 0.01 );
// folder.add( material, 'blending', constants.blendingMode );
// folder.add( material, 'blendSrc', constants.destinationFactors );
// folder.add( material, 'blendDst', constants.destinationFactors );
// folder.add( material, 'blendEquation', constants.equations );
folder.add( material, 'depthTest' );
folder.add( material, 'depthWrite' );
// folder.add( material, 'polygonOffset' );
// folder.add( material, 'polygonOffsetFactor' );
// folder.add( material, 'polygonOffsetUnits' );
folder.add( material, 'alphaTest', 0, 1 ).step( 0.01 ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'visible' );
folder.add( material, 'side', constants.side ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
function guiMeshBasicMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex(),
envMaps: envMapKeys[ 0 ],
map: diffuseMapKeys[ 0 ],
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshBasicMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.add( material, 'wireframe' );
folder.add( material, 'vertexColors' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'fog' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( data, 'envMaps', envMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'envMap', envMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'map', diffuseMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'map', diffuseMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
folder.add( material, 'combine', constants.combine ).onChange( updateCombine( material ) );
folder.add( material, 'reflectivity', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'refractionRatio', 0, 1 );
function guiMeshDepthMaterial( gui, mesh, material ) {
const data = {
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshDepthMaterial' );
folder.add( material, 'wireframe' );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
function guiMeshNormalMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshNormalMaterial' );
folder.add( material, 'flatShading' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'wireframe' );
function guiLineBasicMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex()
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.LineBasicMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.add( material, 'linewidth', 0, 10 );
folder.add( material, 'linecap', [ 'butt', 'round', 'square' ] );
folder.add( material, 'linejoin', [ 'round', 'bevel', 'miter' ] );
folder.add( material, 'vertexColors' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'fog' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
function guiMeshLambertMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex(),
emissive: material.emissive.getHex(),
envMaps: envMapKeys[ 0 ],
map: diffuseMapKeys[ 0 ],
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshLambertMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.addColor( data, 'emissive' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.emissive, true ) );
folder.add( material, 'wireframe' );
folder.add( material, 'vertexColors' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'fog' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( data, 'envMaps', envMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'envMap', envMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'map', diffuseMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'map', diffuseMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
folder.add( material, 'combine', constants.combine ).onChange( updateCombine( material ) );
folder.add( material, 'reflectivity', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'refractionRatio', 0, 1 );
function guiMeshMatcapMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex(),
matcap: matcapKeys[ 1 ],
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.add( material, 'flatShading' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( data, 'matcap', matcapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'matcap', matcaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
function guiMeshPhongMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex(),
emissive: material.emissive.getHex(),
specular: material.specular.getHex(),
envMaps: envMapKeys[ 0 ],
map: diffuseMapKeys[ 0 ],
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshPhongMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.addColor( data, 'emissive' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.emissive, true ) );
folder.addColor( data, 'specular' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.specular ) );
folder.add( material, 'shininess', 0, 100 );
folder.add( material, 'flatShading' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'wireframe' );
folder.add( material, 'vertexColors' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'fog' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( data, 'envMaps', envMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'envMap', envMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'map', diffuseMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'map', diffuseMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
folder.add( material, 'combine', constants.combine ).onChange( updateCombine( material ) );
folder.add( material, 'reflectivity', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'refractionRatio', 0, 1 );
function guiMeshToonMaterial( gui, mesh, material ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex(),
map: diffuseMapKeys[ 0 ],
gradientMap: gradientMapKeys[ 1 ],
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshToonMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.add( data, 'map', diffuseMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'map', diffuseMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'gradientMap', gradientMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'gradientMap', gradientMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
function guiMeshStandardMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex(),
emissive: material.emissive.getHex(),
envMaps: envMapKeysPBR[ 0 ],
map: diffuseMapKeys[ 0 ],
roughnessMap: roughnessMapKeys[ 0 ],
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshStandardMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.addColor( data, 'emissive' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.emissive, true ) );
folder.add( material, 'roughness', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'metalness', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'flatShading' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'wireframe' );
folder.add( material, 'vertexColors' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'fog' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( data, 'envMaps', envMapKeysPBR ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'envMap', envMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'map', diffuseMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'map', diffuseMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'roughnessMap', roughnessMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'roughnessMap', roughnessMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
// TODO metalnessMap
function guiMeshPhysicalMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry ) {
const data = {
color: material.color.getHex(),
emissive: material.emissive.getHex(),
envMaps: envMapKeys[ 0 ],
map: diffuseMapKeys[ 0 ],
roughnessMap: roughnessMapKeys[ 0 ],
alphaMap: alphaMapKeys[ 0 ]
const folder = gui.addFolder( 'THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial' );
folder.addColor( data, 'color' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.color, true ) );
folder.addColor( data, 'emissive' ).onChange( handleColorChange( material.emissive, true ) );
folder.add( material, 'roughness', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'metalness', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'reflectivity', 0, 1 );
folder.add( material, 'clearcoat', 0, 1 ).step( 0.01 );
folder.add( material, 'clearcoatRoughness', 0, 1 ).step( 0.01 );
folder.add( material, 'flatShading' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'wireframe' );
folder.add( material, 'vertexColors' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( material, 'fog' ).onChange( needsUpdate( material, geometry ) );
folder.add( data, 'envMaps', envMapKeysPBR ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'envMap', envMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'map', diffuseMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'map', diffuseMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'roughnessMap', roughnessMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'roughnessMap', roughnessMaps ) );
folder.add( data, 'alphaMap', alphaMapKeys ).onChange( updateTexture( material, 'alphaMap', alphaMaps ) );
// TODO metalnessMap
function chooseFromHash( gui, mesh, geometry ) {
const selectedMaterial = window.location.hash.substring( 1 ) || 'MeshBasicMaterial';
let material;
switch ( selectedMaterial ) {
case 'MeshBasicMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x049EF4 } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshBasicMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
return material;
case 'MeshLambertMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0x049EF4 } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshLambertMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
return material;
case 'MeshMatcapMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshMatcapMaterial( { matcap: matcaps.porcelainWhite } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshMatcapMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
// no need for lights
light1.visible = false;
light2.visible = false;
light3.visible = false;
return material;
case 'MeshPhongMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0x049EF4 } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshPhongMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
return material;
case 'MeshToonMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshToonMaterial( { color: 0x049EF4, gradientMap: gradientMaps.threeTone } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshToonMaterial( gui, mesh, material );
// only use a single point light
light1.visible = false;
light3.visible = false;
return material;
case 'MeshStandardMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: 0x049EF4 } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshStandardMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
// only use scene environment
light1.visible = false;
light2.visible = false;
light3.visible = false;
return material;
case 'MeshPhysicalMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial( { color: 0x049EF4 } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshPhysicalMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
// only use scene environment
light1.visible = false;
light2.visible = false;
light3.visible = false;
return material;
case 'MeshDepthMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshDepthMaterial();
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshDepthMaterial( gui, mesh, material );
return material;
case 'MeshNormalMaterial' :
material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiMeshNormalMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
return material;
case 'LineBasicMaterial' :
material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x2194CE } );
guiMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
guiLineBasicMaterial( gui, mesh, material, geometry );
return material;
const selectedMaterial = window.location.hash.substring( 1 );
if ( THREE[ selectedMaterial ] !== undefined ) {
document.getElementById( 'newWindow' ).href += '#' + selectedMaterial;
const gui = new GUI();
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio );
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
const pmremGenerator = new THREE.PMREMGenerator( renderer );
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
scene.background = new THREE.Color( 0x444444 );
scene.environment = pmremGenerator.fromScene( new RoomEnvironment(), 0.04 ).texture;
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 10, 100 );
camera.position.z = 35;
const ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight( 0x000000 );
scene.add( ambientLight );
const light1 = new THREE.PointLight( 0xffffff, 1, 0 );
light1.position.set( 0, 200, 0 );
scene.add( light1 );
const light2 = new THREE.PointLight( 0xffffff, 1, 0 );
light2.position.set( 100, 200, 100 );
scene.add( light2 );
const light3 = new THREE.PointLight( 0xffffff, 1, 0 );
light3.position.set( - 100, - 200, - 100 );
scene.add( light3 );
guiScene( gui, scene );
const geometry = new THREE.TorusKnotGeometry( 10, 3, 200, 32 ).toNonIndexed();
generateVertexColors( geometry );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry );
mesh.material = chooseFromHash( gui, mesh, geometry );
scene.add( mesh );
let prevFog = false;
function render() {
requestAnimationFrame( render );
mesh.rotation.x += 0.005;
mesh.rotation.y += 0.005;
if ( prevFog !== scene.fog ) {
mesh.material.needsUpdate = true;
prevFog = scene.fog;
renderer.render( scene, camera );
window.addEventListener( 'resize', function () {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
}, false );