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[page:Curve] &rarr; [page:CurvePath] &rarr; [page:Path] &rarr;
<p class="desc">
Defines an arbitrary 2d shape plane using paths with optional holes. It can be used with [page:ExtrudeGeometry],
[page:ShapeGeometry], to get points, or to get triangulated faces.
<h2>Code Example</h2>
const heartShape = new THREE.Shape();
heartShape.moveTo( 25, 25 );
heartShape.bezierCurveTo( 25, 25, 20, 0, 0, 0 );
heartShape.bezierCurveTo( - 30, 0, - 30, 35, - 30, 35 );
heartShape.bezierCurveTo( - 30, 55, - 10, 77, 25, 95 );
heartShape.bezierCurveTo( 60, 77, 80, 55, 80, 35 );
heartShape.bezierCurveTo( 80, 35, 80, 0, 50, 0 );
heartShape.bezierCurveTo( 35, 0, 25, 25, 25, 25 );
const extrudeSettings = { depth: 8, bevelEnabled: true, bevelSegments: 2, steps: 2, bevelSize: 1, bevelThickness: 1 };
const geometry = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( heartShape, extrudeSettings );
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial() );
[example:webgl_geometry_shapes geometry / shapes ]<br/>
[example:webgl_geometry_extrude_shapes geometry / extrude / shapes ]<br/>
[example:webgl_geometry_extrude_shapes2 geometry / extrude / shapes2 ]<br/>
<h3>[name]( [param:Array points] )</h3>
points -- (optional) array of [page:Vector2 Vector2s].<br /><br />
Creates a Shape from the points. The first point defines the offset, then successive points
are added to the [page:CurvePath.curves curves] array as [page:LineCurve LineCurves].<br /><br />
If no points are specified, an empty shape is created and the [page:.currentPoint] is set to
the origin.
<p>See the base [page:Path] class for common properties.</p>
<h3>[property:String uuid]</h3>
[link: UUID] of this instance. This gets automatically assigned, so this shouldn't be edited.
<h3>[property:Array holes]</h3>
<p>An array of [page:Path paths] that define the holes in the shape.</p>
<p>See the base [page:Path] class for common methods.</p>
<h3>[method:Array extractPoints]( [param:Integer divisions] )</h3>
divisions -- The fineness of the result.<br /><br />
Call [page:Curve.getPoints getPoints] on the shape and the [page:.holes] array, and return an object of the form:
where shape and holes are arrays of [page:Vector2 Vector2s].
<h3>[method:Array getPointsHoles]( [param:Integer divisions] )</h3>
divisions -- The fineness of the result.<br /><br />
Get an array of [page:Vector2 Vector2s] that represent the holes in the shape.
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]