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<p class="desc">
AnimationActions schedule the performance of the animations which are stored in
[page:AnimationClip AnimationClips].<br /><br />
Note: Most of AnimationAction's methods can be chained.<br /><br />
For an overview of the different elements of the three.js animation system see the
"Animation System" article in the "Next Steps" section of the manual.
<h3>[name]( [param:AnimationMixer mixer], [param:AnimationClip clip], [param:Object3D localRoot] )</h3>
[page:AnimationMixer mixer] - the `AnimationMixer` that is controlled by this action.<br />
[page:AnimationClip clip] - the `AnimationClip` that holds the animation data for this action.<br />
[page:Object3D localRoot] - the root object on which this action is performed.<br />
[page:Number blendMode] - defines how the animation is blended/combined when two or more animations are simultaneously played.<br /><br />
Note: Instead of calling this constructor directly you should instantiate an AnimationAction with
[page:AnimationMixer.clipAction] since this method provides caching for better performance.
<h3>[property:Number blendMode]</h3>
Defines how the animation is blended/combined when two or more animations are simultaneously played.
Valid values are *NormalAnimationBlendMode* (default) and *AdditiveAnimationBlendMode*.
<h3>[property:Boolean clampWhenFinished]</h3>
If `clampWhenFinished` is set to true the animation will automatically be [page:.paused paused]
on its last frame.<br /><br />
If `clampWhenFinished` is set to false, [page:.enabled enabled] will automatically be switched
to false when the last loop of the action has finished, so that this action has no further
impact.<br /><br />
Default is false.<br /><br />
Note: `clampWhenFinished` has no impact if the action is interrupted (it has only an effect if
its last loop has really finished).
<h3>[property:Boolean enabled]</h3>
Setting `enabled` to `false` disables this action, so that it has no impact. Default is `true`.<br /><br />
When the action is re-enabled, the animation continues from its current [page:.time time]
(setting `enabled` to `false` doesn't reset the action).<br /><br />
Note: Setting `enabled` to `true` doesn’t automatically restart the animation. Setting `enabled`
to `true` will only restart the animation immediately if the following condition is fulfilled:
[page:.paused paused] is `false`, this action has not been deactivated in the meantime (by
executing a [page:.stop stop] or [page:.reset reset] command), and neither [page:.weight weight]
nor [page:.timeScale timeScale] is `0`.
<h3>[property:Number loop]</h3>
The looping mode (can be changed with [page:.setLoop setLoop]). Default is
[page:Animation THREE.LoopRepeat] (with an infinite number of [page:.repetitions repetitions])<br /><br />
Must be one of these constants:<br /><br />
[page:Animation THREE.LoopOnce] - playing the clip once,<br />
[page:Animation THREE.LoopRepeat] - playing the clip with the chosen number of `repetitions`,
each time jumping from the end of the clip directly to its beginning,<br />
[page:Animation THREE.LoopPingPong] - playing the clip with the chosen number of `repetitions`,
alternately playing forward and backward.
<h3>[property:Boolean paused]</h3>
Setting `paused` to `true` pauses the execution of the action by setting the effective time scale
to `0`. Default is `false`.<br /><br />
<h3>[property:Number repetitions]</h3>
The number of repetitions of the performed [page:AnimationClip] over the course of this action.
Can be set via [page:.setLoop setLoop]. Default is `Infinity`.<br /><br />
Setting this number has no effect, if the [page:.loop loop mode] is set to
[page:Animation THREE.LoopOnce].
<h3>[property:Number time]</h3>
The local time of this action (in seconds, starting with `0`).<br /><br />
The value gets clamped or wrapped to `0...clip.duration` (according to the loop state). It can be
scaled relatively to the global mixer time by changing [page:.timeScale timeScale] (using
[page:.setEffectiveTimeScale setEffectiveTimeScale] or [page:.setDuration setDuration]).<br />
<h3>[property:Number timeScale]</h3>
Scaling factor for the [page:.time time]. A value of `0` causes the animation to pause. Negative
values cause the animation to play backwards. Default is `1`.<br /><br />
Properties/methods concerning `timeScale` (respectively `time`) are:
[page:.getEffectiveTimeScale getEffectiveTimeScale],
[page:.halt halt],
[page:.paused paused],
[page:.setDuration setDuration],
[page:.setEffectiveTimeScale setEffectiveTimeScale],
[page:.stopWarping stopWarping],
[page:.syncWith syncWith],
[page:.warp warp].
<h3>[property:Number weight]</h3>
The degree of influence of this action (in the interval `[0, 1]`). Values between `0` (no impact)
and 1 (full impact) can be used to blend between several actions. Default is `1`. <br /><br />
Properties/methods concerning `weight` are:
[page:.crossFadeFrom crossFadeFrom],
[page:.crossFadeTo crossFadeTo],
[page:.enabled enabled],
[page:.fadeIn fadeIn],
[page:.fadeOut fadeOut],
[page:.getEffectiveWeight getEffectiveWeight],
[page:.setEffectiveWeight setEffectiveWeight],
[page:.stopFading stopFading].
<h3>[property:Boolean zeroSlopeAtEnd]</h3>
Enables smooth interpolation without separate clips for start, loop and end. Default is `true`.
<h3>[property:Boolean zeroSlopeAtStart]</h3>
Enables smooth interpolation without separate clips for start, loop and end. Default is `true`.
<h3>[method:this crossFadeFrom]( [param:AnimationAction fadeOutAction], [param:Number durationInSeconds], [param:Boolean warpBoolean] )</h3>
Causes this action to [page:.fadeIn fade in], fading out another action simultaneously, within
the passed time interval. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
If warpBoolean is true, additional [page:.warp warping] (gradually changes of the time scales)
will be applied.<br /><br />
Note: Like with `fadeIn`/`fadeOut`, the fading starts/ends with a weight of 1.
<h3>[method:this crossFadeTo]( [param:AnimationAction fadeInAction], [param:Number durationInSeconds], [param:Boolean warpBoolean] )</h3>
Causes this action to [page:.fadeOut fade out], fading in another action simultaneously, within
the passed time interval. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
If warpBoolean is true, additional [page:.warp warping] (gradually changes of the time scales)
will be applied.<br /><br />
Note: Like with `fadeIn`/`fadeOut`, the fading starts/ends with a weight of 1.
<h3>[method:this fadeIn]( [param:Number durationInSeconds] )</h3>
Increases the [page:.weight weight] of this action gradually from `0` to `1`, within the passed time
interval. This method can be chained.
<h3>[method:this fadeOut]( [param:Number durationInSeconds] )</h3>
Decreases the [page:.weight weight] of this action gradually from `1` to `0`, within the passed time
interval. This method can be chained.
<h3>[method:Number getEffectiveTimeScale]()</h3>
Returns the effective time scale (considering the current states of warping and
[page:.paused paused]).
<h3>[method:Number getEffectiveWeight]()</h3>
Returns the effective weight (considering the current states of fading and
[page:.enabled enabled]).
<h3>[method:AnimationClip getClip]()</h3>
Returns the clip which holds the animation data for this action.
<h3>[method:AnimationMixer getMixer]()</h3>
Returns the mixer which is responsible for playing this action.
<h3>[method:Object3D getRoot]()</h3>
Returns the root object on which this action is performed.
<h3>[method:this halt]( [param:Number durationInSeconds] )</h3>
Decelerates this animation's speed to `0` by decreasing [page:.timeScale timeScale] gradually
(starting from its current value), within the passed time interval. This method can be chained.
<h3>[method:Boolean isRunning]()</h3>
Returns true if the action’s [page:.time time] is currently running.<br /><br />
In addition to being activated in the mixer (see [page:.isScheduled isScheduled]) the following conditions must be fulfilled:
[page:.paused paused] is equal to false, [page:.enabled enabled] is equal to true,
[page:.timeScale timeScale] is different from `0`, and there is no scheduling for a delayed start
([page:.startAt startAt]).<br /><br />
Note: `isRunning` being true doesn’t necessarily mean that the animation can actually be seen.
This is only the case, if [page:.weight weight] is additionally set to a non-zero value.
<h3>[method:Boolean isScheduled]()</h3>
Returns true, if this action is activated in the mixer.<br /><br />
Note: This doesn’t necessarily mean that the animation is actually running (compare the additional
conditions for [page:.isRunning isRunning]).
<h3>[method:this play]()</h3>
Tells the mixer to activate the action. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
Note: Activating this action doesn’t necessarily mean that the animation starts immediately:
If the action had already finished before (by reaching the end of its last loop), or if a time
for a delayed start has been set (via [page:.startAt startAt]), a [page:.reset reset] must be
executed first. Some other settings ([page:.paused paused]=true, [page:.enabled enabled]=false,
[page:.weight weight]=0, [page:.timeScale timeScale]=0) can prevent the animation from playing,
<h3>[method:this reset]()</h3>
Resets the action. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
This method sets [page:.paused paused] to false, [page:.enabled enabled] to true,
[page:.time time] to `0`, interrupts any scheduled fading and warping, and removes the internal
loop count and scheduling for delayed starting.<br /><br />
Note: .`reset` is always called by [page:.stop stop], but .`reset` doesn’t call .`stop` itself.
This means: If you want both, resetting and stopping, don’t call .`reset`; call .`stop` instead.
<h3>[method:this setDuration]( [param:Number durationInSeconds] )</h3>
Sets the duration for a single loop of this action (by adjusting [page:.timeScale timeScale]
and stopping any scheduled warping). This method can be chained.
<h3>[method:this setEffectiveTimeScale]( [param:Number timeScale] )</h3>
Sets the [page:.timeScale timeScale] and stops any scheduled warping. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
If [page:.paused paused] is false, the effective time scale (an internal property) will also be set
to this value; otherwise the effective time scale (directly affecting the animation at
this moment) will be set to `0`.<br /><br />
Note: .`paused` will not be switched to `true` automatically, if .`timeScale` is set to `0` by
this method.
<h3>[method:this setEffectiveWeight]( [param:Number weight] )</h3>
Sets the [page:.weight weight] and stops any scheduled fading. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
If [page:.enabled enabled] is true, the effective weight (an internal property) will also be set
to this value; otherwise the effective weight (directly affecting the animation at this moment)
will be set to `0`.<br /><br />
Note: .`enabled` will not be switched to `false` automatically, if .`weight` is set to `0` by
this method.
<h3>[method:this setLoop]( [param:Number loopMode], [param:Number repetitions] )</h3>
Sets the [page:.loop loop mode] and the number of [page:.repetitions repetitions]. This method
can be chained.
<h3>[method:this startAt]( [param:Number startTimeInSeconds] )</h3>
Defines the time for a delayed start (usually passed as [page:AnimationMixer.time] +
deltaTimeInSeconds). This method can be chained.<br /><br />
Note: The animation will only start at the given time, if .`startAt` is chained with
[ play], or if the action has already been activated in the mixer (by a previous
call of .`play`, without stopping or resetting it in the meantime).
<h3>[method:this stop]()</h3>
Tells the mixer to deactivate this action. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
The action will be immediately stopped and completely [page:.reset reset].<br /><br />
Note: You can stop all active actions on the same mixer in one go via
[page:AnimationMixer.stopAllAction mixer.stopAllAction].
<h3>[method:this stopFading]()</h3>
Stops any scheduled [page:.fadeIn fading] which is applied to this action. This method can be
<h3>[method:this stopWarping]()</h3>
Stops any scheduled [page:.warp warping] which is applied to this action. This method can be
<h3>[method:this syncWith]( [param:AnimationAction otherAction] )</h3>
Synchronizes this action with the passed other action. This method can be chained.<br /><br />
Synchronizing is done by setting this action’s [page:.time time] and [page:.timeScale timeScale] values
to the corresponding values of the other action (stopping any scheduled warping).<br /><br />
Note: Future changes of the other action's `time` and `timeScale` will not be detected.
<h3>[method:this warp]( [param:Number startTimeScale], [param:Number endTimeScale], [param:Number durationInSeconds] )</h3>
Changes the playback speed, within the passed time interval, by modifying
[page:.timeScale timeScale] gradually from `startTimeScale` to `endTimeScale`. This method can
be chained.
<p class="desc">
There are two events indicating when a single loop of the action respectively the entire action has finished. You can react to them with:
mixer.addEventListener( 'loop', function( e ) { …} ); // properties of e: type, action and loopDelta
mixer.addEventListener( 'finished', function( e ) { …} ); // properties of e: type, action and direction
[link:[path].js src/[path].js]