DT 的数据字典
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

323 lines
9.5 KiB

<%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" ClassName="MvcDAL" TargetLanguage="C#" Debug="False" Description="" %>
<%@ Property Name="databaseProjectName" Type="System.String" Default="SpSampleDb" Optional="True" Category="Context" Description="" %>
<%@ Property Name="nameSpace" Type="System.String" Default="Dal" Optional="True" Category="Context" Description="" %>
DbEntity db = Template.GetDataBase(databaseProjectName);
foreach(Table tb in db.Tables)
string noDefaultFields = "";
string noDefaultFieldFormats = "";
string noDefaultFieldValues = "";
int iField = 0;
foreach(Field fd in tb.Fields)
if( (fd.DefaultValue != "" || fd.DefaultValue != null) && fd.Identity.Enable == false)
noDefaultFields += "\t\t\t\t\t"+fd.MemberName+",\r\n";
if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "STRING")
noDefaultFieldValues += "\t\t\t\t\tFormatCom.String("+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+"),\r\n";
else if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "DATETIME")
noDefaultFieldValues += "\t\t\t\t\tDBAccess.DateStr("+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+"),\r\n";
noDefaultFieldValues += "\t\t\t\t\t"+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+",\r\n";
if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "NUMBER")
noDefaultFieldFormats += "{"+iField.ToString()+"},";
//else if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "DATETIME")
// noDefaultFieldFormats += "{"+iField.ToString()+"},";
noDefaultFieldFormats += "'{"+iField.ToString()+"}',";
if( noDefaultFields.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
noDefaultFields = noDefaultFields.Substring(0,noDefaultFields.Length-3);
if( noDefaultFieldValues.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
noDefaultFieldValues = noDefaultFieldValues.Substring(0,noDefaultFieldValues.Length-3);
noDefaultFieldFormats = noDefaultFieldFormats.Trim(',');
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mobile.Model;
Module :
Description :
Date : <%=DateTime.Now.ToString()%>
Create : lxc
Update :
TODO : */
namespace Mobile.<%=nameSpace%>
public class <%=tb.PropertyName%>Dal
public <%=tb.PropertyName%>Dal()
#region Insert
public static int Insert(<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model <%=tb.MemberName%>)
string sql = @"Insert Into tab<%=tb.MemberName%> (
) values(<%=noDefaultFieldFormats%>)";
sql = string.Format(sql,
return DBAccess.ExecuteSql(sql);
#region Update
public static int Update(<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model <%=tb.MemberName%>)
string sql = @"Update tab<%=tb.MemberName%> set
iField = 0;
string updstr = "";
string upvalue = "";
iField = 0;
bool bHasPrevPk = false;
foreach(Field fd in tb.Fields)
if( fd.Identity.Enable == false && (fd.IsPK == false || bHasPrevPk== true))
updstr += "\t\t\t\t\t"+fd.MemberName+"= ";
if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "NUMBER")
updstr += "{"+iField.ToString()+"}";
//else if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "DATETIME")
// updstr += "{"+iField.ToString()+"}";
updstr += "'{"+iField.ToString()+"}'";
updstr += ",\r\n";
if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "STRING")
upvalue += "\t\t\t\t\tFormatCom.String("+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+"),\r\n";
else if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "DATETIME")
upvalue += "\t\t\t\t\tDBAccess.DateStr("+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+"),\r\n";
upvalue += "\t\t\t\t\t"+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+",\r\n";
if( fd.IsPK == true)
bHasPrevPk = true;
if( updstr.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
updstr = updstr.Substring(0,updstr.Length-3);
updstr = "";
foreach(Field fd in tb.Fields){
if( fd.IsPK == true)
updstr += "\t\t\t\t\t"+fd.PropertyName+"= ";
if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "NUMBER")
updstr += "{"+iField.ToString()+"}";
//else if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "DATETIME")
// updstr += "{"+iField.ToString()+"}";
updstr += "'{"+iField.ToString()+"}'";
updstr += ",\r\n";
if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "DATETIME")
upvalue += "\t\t\t\t\tDBAccess.DateStr("+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+"),\r\n";
upvalue += "\t\t\t\t\t"+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.MemberName+",\r\n";
if( updstr.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
updstr = updstr.Substring(0,updstr.Length-3);
if( upvalue.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
upvalue = upvalue.Substring(0,upvalue.Length-3);
sql = string.Format(sql,
return DBAccess.ExecuteSql(sql);
string signPk = "";
string signPkValue = "";
string pkList = "";
string pkListValue = "";
foreach(Field fd in tb.Fields)
if( fd.IsPK == true)
pkList += fd.DataType.DotNetType+" "+ fd.MemberName+",";
pkListValue += "\t\t\t\t\t"+fd.MemberName+",\r\n";
if( signPk == "")
signPk = fd.DataType.DotNetType+" "+ fd.MemberName;
signPkValue = "\t\t\t"+fd.MemberName ;//+"\r\n";
pkList = pkList.Trim(',');
if( pkListValue.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
pkListValue = pkListValue.Substring(0,pkListValue.Length-3);
#region Delete
public static int Delete(<%=signPk%>)
string delInsstr = "";
string selectInsstr = "";
string signSelectInsstr = "";
string delIncvalue = "";
iField = 0;
foreach(Field fd in tb.Fields)
if( fd.IsPK == true)
string strt = "";
if( fd.DataType.GroupName.ToUpper() == "NUMBER")
strt = "{"+iField.ToString()+"}";
strt = "'{"+iField.ToString()+"}'";
if( signSelectInsstr == "")
signSelectInsstr = "\t\t\t\t\ta."+fd.PropertyName+"= " + strt +"\r\n";
selectInsstr += "\t\t\t\t\ta."+fd.PropertyName+"= " + strt +",\r\n";
delInsstr += "\t\t\t\t\t"+fd.PropertyName+"= " + strt +",\r\n";
delIncvalue += "\t\t\t"+tb.MemberName+"."+fd.PropertyName+",\r\n";
if( selectInsstr.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
selectInsstr = selectInsstr.Substring(0,selectInsstr.Length-3);
if( delInsstr.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
delInsstr = delInsstr.Substring(0,delInsstr.Length-3);
if( delIncvalue.EndsWith(",\r\n"))
delIncvalue = delIncvalue.Substring(0,delIncvalue.Length-3);
string sql = @"Delete from tab<%=tb.MemberName%> where <%=delInsstr%>";
sql = string.Format(sql,<%=signPkValue%>);
return DBAccess.ExecuteSql(sql);
#region Select
string fieldstr = "a.*";
string tablestr = tb.Name+" a ";
foreach(Field fd in tb.Fields)
FieldRel fieldRel = new FieldRel(fd.Code);
if( fieldRel.RelTable != "")
fieldstr +=","+fieldRel.RelTableAlias+"."+fieldRel.RelShowField;
if( fieldRel.RelShowFieldAlias != fieldRel.RelShowField)
fieldstr += " as "+fieldRel.RelShowFieldAlias;
tablestr +=" inner join "+fieldRel.RelTable;
if( fieldRel.RelTableAlias != fieldRel.RelTable)
tablestr += " "+fieldRel.RelTableAlias;
tablestr +=" on a."+fd.PropertyName+"="+fieldRel.RelTableAlias+"."+fieldRel.RelField;
string sqlHead = "select "+fieldstr+" from "+tablestr;
public static DataSet Select()
string sql = "<%=sqlHead%>";
return DBAccess.Query(sql);
public static DataSet Select(string where)
string sql = "<%=sqlHead%>";
if( where !="")
sql += " where "+ where;
return DBAccess.Query(sql);
public static List<<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model> SelectModelList(string where)
List<<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model> modelLst = new List<<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model>();
DataSet ds = Select(where);
if (DBUnit.HasRow(ds))
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
int icount = dt.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < icount; i++)
DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i];
<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model messagemodel = new <%=tb.PropertyName%>Model(dr);
return modelLst;
public static List<<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model> SelectModelList(string where,int pageIndex,int pageSize,out int count )
List<<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model> modelLst = new List<<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model>();
DataSet ds = SelectForList(where,pageIndex,pageSize,out count);
if (DBUnit.HasRow(ds))
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
int icount = dt.Rows.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < icount; i++)
DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i];
<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model messagemodel = new <%=tb.PropertyName%>Model(dr);
return modelLst;
public static DataSet SelectForList(string where,int pageIndex,int pageSize,out int count )
count = 0;
string tableName ="V_<%=tb.Name%>";
return DBAccess.Query(tableName,pageSize,pageIndex, where,ref count);
public static <%=tb.PropertyName%>Model SelectByWhere(string where)
<%=tb.PropertyName%>Model <%=tb.MemberName%> = null;
DataSet ds = Select(where);
if (DBUnit.HasRow(ds))
<%=tb.MemberName%> = new <%=tb.PropertyName%>Model(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
return <%=tb.MemberName%>;
public static <%=tb.PropertyName%>Model Select(Int32 id)
string where = "id="+id;
return SelectByWhere(where);