using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.ComponentModel; namespace Sp.Web.UI { [DefaultProperty( "BackColorOn" ), ToolboxData( "<{0}:TextboxEx runat=\"server\" SkinID=\"TextBoxEx\">" )] public class TextboxEx : System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox { private Color _colOff = Color.White; [Category( "Appearance" ), Description( "The background color when the control loses focus" )] public Color BackColorOff { get{return _colOff; } set{_colOff = value;} } private Color _colOn = Color.WhiteSmoke; [Category( "Appearance" ), Description( "The background color when the control has the focus" )] public Color BackColorOn { get{return _colOn; } set{_colOn = value;} } protected override void AddAttributesToRender( HtmlTextWriter writer ) { base.AddAttributesToRender(writer); if( inDesignMode() || System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Type.IndexOf( "IE" ) > -1 ) { writer.AddAttribute( "onFocus", "'" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml( _colOn ) + "';" ); if( _colOff.Equals( Color.Empty ) ) { _colOff = this.BackColor; } writer.AddAttribute( "onBlur", "'" + ColorTranslator.ToHtml( _colOff ) + "';" ); } } private bool inDesignMode() { bool blnOut = false; if( object.ReferenceEquals( System.Web.HttpContext.Current, null ) ) { blnOut = true; } else { blnOut = false; } return blnOut; } } }