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3 years ago
import math
PI = 3.1415926535898
DistPerSec = 30.83
#point_x point_y,目标xy坐标, origin_longitude origin_latitude,激光雷达原点经纬度, direction_angle,y轴与正北方向逆时针夹角
def Point2GPS(point_x, point_y, origin_longitude, origin_latitude, direction_angle) :
beta = math.atan2(point_x, point_y)
if (0 > beta):
beta += 2 * PI
garma = direction_angle - beta
if (0 > garma):
garma += 2 * PI
radius = math.sqrt(point_x * point_x + point_y * point_y)
cal_latitude = radius * math.cos(garma) / DistPerSec
cal_latitude = cal_latitude / 3600 + origin_latitude
cal_longitude = radius * math.sin(garma) / (DistPerSec * math.cos((cal_latitude) * PI / 180))
cal_longitude = cal_longitude / 3600 + origin_longitude
return cal_longitude , cal_latitude
# before_longitude before_latitude,目标初始位置经纬度
# after_longitude after_latitude,目标终止位置经纬度
# time_difference 初始终止位置差时间
def GPS2Speed(before_longitude, before_latitude, after_longitude, after_latitude, time_difference) :
NS_point = (after_latitude - before_latitude) * 3600 * DistPerSec
EW_point = (after_longitude - before_longitude)* 3600 * (DistPerSec * math.cos((after_latitude) * PI / 180))
NS_speed = NS_point / time_difference
EW_speed = EW_point / time_difference
speed = math.sqrt(EW_speed * EW_speed + NS_speed * NS_speed)
beta = math.atan2(EW_speed, NS_speed)
if (0 > beta):
beta += 2 * PI
heading = beta * (180 / PI)
return speed , heading
# lon , lat = Point2GPS(30, 30, 121.23603816, 30.34010020, 0.0)
# print ("lon = ", lon)
# print ("lat = ", lat)