物联网平台 +Web 组态
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* 版权所有 @鸿名物联
* 未经授权,禁止侵权和商业用途,违法必究
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<div class="container-layout sceneList-info" style="position: relative;">
<div class="box join-device-box">
<input class="node_id" type="hidden" >
<input class="sensor_device_id" type="hidden">
<div style="margin-top:10px;">
<div id="init-table" type-option="table" config-option="'url':'/page/sensor',
param:{ node_id:'$.node_id$',data_type:-1 ,sensor_device_id: '$.sensor_device_id$' },
{'name':'操作','type':'self','value_callback':'value_function','width':'10%'}]" >
<img title="增加传感器" alt="增加传感器" style="cursor:pointer;width:45px;position:absolute;bottom: 11%;right:6%;" onclick="addSensor()" src="<%=basePath%>/image/oss/iot/add.png">
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeScene(obj){
$(".dashboard-menu li").removeClass("active");
$(".scene_id").val($(".dashboard-menu li.active").attr("sid"));
reflash( $(".dashboard-menu li.active").attr("sid"));
function reflash(id){
$("#init-table").data("params",{ scene_id: $(".scene_id").val(),data_type:-1 });
function value_function(data,seq){
return "<span tag='编辑' onclick='t_edit(this,"+data.id+")' class='self-icon icon-edit'></span>"+
"<span tag='删除' onclick='t_delete(this,"+data.id+")' class='self-icon icon-bitbucket'></span>";
function t_edit(obj,id){
var subUrl = '' ;
var sensor_device_id = GetQueryString("sensor_device_id") ;
if( !validater.empty( sensor_device_id ) ){
subUrl = "&sensor_device_id=" + sensor_device_id ;
forwardUrl("/iot/sensor_info_detail?id="+ $(".node_id").val() +"&sid="+id + subUrl );
function func_type_name(obj){
if(obj.data_type == 0 ){
return "<span class='blue-span'>数据</span>" ;
}else if(obj.data_type == 1) {
return "<span class='red-span'>配置</span>" ;
}else if(obj.data_type == 2) {
return "<span class='red-span'>报警</span>" ;
function t_delete(obj,id){
commonAjax("DELETE",localUrl+"/sensor?id="+id, "",function(){
function addSensor(){
var subUrl = '' ;
var sensor_device_id = GetQueryString("sensor_device_id") ;
if( !validater.empty( sensor_device_id ) ){
subUrl = "&sensor_device_id=" + sensor_device_id ;
forwardUrl("/iot/sensor_info_detail?id="+ $(".node_id").val() + subUrl ) ;
$(".node_id").val( GetQueryString("node_id") );
$(".sensor_device_id").val(GetQueryString("sensor_device_id")) ;