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( function () {
const _va = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Vector3(),
// from pe to pa
_vb = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Vector3(),
// from pe to pb
_vc = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Vector3(),
// from pe to pc
_vr = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Vector3(),
// right axis of screen
_vu = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Vector3(),
// up axis of screen
_vn = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Vector3(),
// normal vector of screen
_vec = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Vector3(),
// temporary vector
_quat = /*@__PURE__*/new THREE.Quaternion(); // temporary quaternion
class CameraUtils {
/** Set a PerspectiveCamera's projectionMatrix and quaternion
* to exactly frame the corners of an arbitrary rectangle.
* NOTE: This function ignores the standard parameters;
* do not call updateProjectionMatrix() after this!
* @param {Vector3} bottomLeftCorner
* @param {Vector3} bottomRightCorner
* @param {Vector3} topLeftCorner
* @param {boolean} estimateViewFrustum */
static frameCorners( camera, bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, topLeftCorner, estimateViewFrustum = false ) {
const pa = bottomLeftCorner,
pb = bottomRightCorner,
pc = topLeftCorner;
const pe = camera.position; // eye position
const n = camera.near; // distance of near clipping plane
const f = camera.far; //distance of far clipping plane
_vr.copy( pb ).sub( pa ).normalize();
_vu.copy( pc ).sub( pa ).normalize();
_vn.crossVectors( _vr, _vu ).normalize();
_va.copy( pa ).sub( pe ); // from pe to pa
_vb.copy( pb ).sub( pe ); // from pe to pb
_vc.copy( pc ).sub( pe ); // from pe to pc
const d = - _vn ); // distance from eye to screen
const l = _va ) * n / d; // distance to left screen edge
const r = _vb ) * n / d; // distance to right screen edge
const b = _va ) * n / d; // distance to bottom screen edge
const t = _vc ) * n / d; // distance to top screen edge
// Set the camera rotation to match the focal plane to the corners' plane
_quat.setFromUnitVectors( _vec.set( 0, 1, 0 ), _vu );
camera.quaternion.setFromUnitVectors( _vec.set( 0, 0, 1 ).applyQuaternion( _quat ), _vn ).multiply( _quat ); // Set the off-axis projection matrix to match the corners
camera.projectionMatrix.set( 2.0 * n / ( r - l ), 0.0, ( r + l ) / ( r - l ), 0.0, 0.0, 2.0 * n / ( t - b ), ( t + b ) / ( t - b ), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ( f + n ) / ( n - f ), 2.0 * f * n / ( n - f ), 0.0, 0.0, - 1.0, 0.0 );
camera.projectionMatrixInverse.copy( camera.projectionMatrix ).invert(); // FoV estimation to fix frustum culling
if ( estimateViewFrustum ) {
// Set fieldOfView to a conservative estimate
// to make frustum tall/wide enough to encompass it
camera.fov = THREE.MathUtils.RAD2DEG / Math.min( 1.0, camera.aspect ) * Math.atan( ( _vec.copy( pb ).sub( pa ).length() + _vec.copy( pc ).sub( pa ).length() ) / _va.length() );
THREE.CameraUtils = CameraUtils;
} )();