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498 lines
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498 lines
12 KiB
( function () {
class MD2CharacterComplex {
constructor() {
this.scale = 1; // animation parameters
this.animationFPS = 6;
this.transitionFrames = 15; // movement model parameters
this.maxSpeed = 275;
this.maxReverseSpeed = - 275;
this.frontAcceleration = 600;
this.backAcceleration = 600;
this.frontDecceleration = 600;
this.angularSpeed = 2.5; // rig
this.root = new THREE.Object3D();
this.meshBody = null;
this.meshWeapon = null;
this.controls = null; // skins
this.skinsBody = [];
this.skinsWeapon = [];
this.weapons = [];
this.currentSkin = undefined; //
this.onLoadComplete = function () {}; // internals
this.meshes = [];
this.animations = {};
this.loadCounter = 0; // internal movement control variables
this.speed = 0;
this.bodyOrientation = 0;
this.walkSpeed = this.maxSpeed;
this.crouchSpeed = this.maxSpeed * 0.5; // internal animation parameters
this.activeAnimation = null;
this.oldAnimation = null; // API
enableShadows( enable ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < this.meshes.length; i ++ ) {
this.meshes[ i ].castShadow = enable;
this.meshes[ i ].receiveShadow = enable;
setVisible( enable ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < this.meshes.length; i ++ ) {
this.meshes[ i ].visible = enable;
this.meshes[ i ].visible = enable;
shareParts( original ) {
this.animations = original.animations;
this.walkSpeed = original.walkSpeed;
this.crouchSpeed = original.crouchSpeed;
this.skinsBody = original.skinsBody;
this.skinsWeapon = original.skinsWeapon; // BODY
const mesh = this._createPart( original.meshBody.geometry, this.skinsBody[ 0 ] );
mesh.scale.set( this.scale, this.scale, this.scale );
this.root.position.y = original.root.position.y;
this.root.add( mesh );
this.meshBody = mesh;
this.meshes.push( mesh ); // WEAPONS
for ( let i = 0; i < original.weapons.length; i ++ ) {
const meshWeapon = this._createPart( original.weapons[ i ].geometry, this.skinsWeapon[ i ] );
meshWeapon.scale.set( this.scale, this.scale, this.scale );
meshWeapon.visible = false;
| = original.weapons[ i ].name;
this.root.add( meshWeapon );
this.weapons[ i ] = meshWeapon;
this.meshWeapon = meshWeapon;
this.meshes.push( meshWeapon );
loadParts( config ) {
const scope = this;
function loadTextures( baseUrl, textureUrls ) {
const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
const textures = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < textureUrls.length; i ++ ) {
textures[ i ] = textureLoader.load( baseUrl + textureUrls[ i ], checkLoadingComplete );
textures[ i ].mapping = THREE.UVMapping;
textures[ i ].name = textureUrls[ i ];
textures[ i ].encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
return textures;
function checkLoadingComplete() {
scope.loadCounter -= 1;
if ( scope.loadCounter === 0 ) scope.onLoadComplete();
this.animations = config.animations;
this.walkSpeed = config.walkSpeed;
this.crouchSpeed = config.crouchSpeed;
this.loadCounter = config.weapons.length * 2 + config.skins.length + 1;
const weaponsTextures = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < config.weapons.length; i ++ ) weaponsTextures[ i ] = config.weapons[ i ][ 1 ]; // SKINS
this.skinsBody = loadTextures( config.baseUrl + 'skins/', config.skins );
this.skinsWeapon = loadTextures( config.baseUrl + 'skins/', weaponsTextures ); // BODY
const loader = new THREE.MD2Loader();
loader.load( config.baseUrl + config.body, function ( geo ) {
const boundingBox = new THREE.Box3();
boundingBox.setFromBufferAttribute( geo.attributes.position );
scope.root.position.y = - scope.scale * boundingBox.min.y;
const mesh = scope._createPart( geo, scope.skinsBody[ 0 ] );
mesh.scale.set( scope.scale, scope.scale, scope.scale );
scope.root.add( mesh );
scope.meshBody = mesh;
scope.meshes.push( mesh );
} ); // WEAPONS
const generateCallback = function ( index, name ) {
return function ( geo ) {
const mesh = scope._createPart( geo, scope.skinsWeapon[ index ] );
mesh.scale.set( scope.scale, scope.scale, scope.scale );
mesh.visible = false;
| = name;
scope.root.add( mesh );
scope.weapons[ index ] = mesh;
scope.meshWeapon = mesh;
scope.meshes.push( mesh );
for ( let i = 0; i < config.weapons.length; i ++ ) {
loader.load( config.baseUrl + config.weapons[ i ][ 0 ], generateCallback( i, config.weapons[ i ][ 0 ] ) );
setPlaybackRate( rate ) {
if ( this.meshBody ) this.meshBody.duration = this.meshBody.baseDuration / rate;
if ( this.meshWeapon ) this.meshWeapon.duration = this.meshWeapon.baseDuration / rate;
setWireframe( wireframeEnabled ) {
if ( wireframeEnabled ) {
if ( this.meshBody ) this.meshBody.material = this.meshBody.materialWireframe;
if ( this.meshWeapon ) this.meshWeapon.material = this.meshWeapon.materialWireframe;
} else {
if ( this.meshBody ) this.meshBody.material = this.meshBody.materialTexture;
if ( this.meshWeapon ) this.meshWeapon.material = this.meshWeapon.materialTexture;
setSkin( index ) {
if ( this.meshBody && this.meshBody.material.wireframe === false ) {
| = this.skinsBody[ index ];
this.currentSkin = index;
setWeapon( index ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < this.weapons.length; i ++ ) this.weapons[ i ].visible = false;
const activeWeapon = this.weapons[ index ];
if ( activeWeapon ) {
activeWeapon.visible = true;
this.meshWeapon = activeWeapon;
if ( this.activeAnimation ) {
activeWeapon.playAnimation( this.activeAnimation );
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationTime( this.activeAnimation, this.meshBody.getAnimationTime( this.activeAnimation ) );
setAnimation( animationName ) {
if ( animationName === this.activeAnimation || ! animationName ) return;
if ( this.meshBody ) {
this.meshBody.setAnimationWeight( animationName, 0 );
this.meshBody.playAnimation( animationName );
this.oldAnimation = this.activeAnimation;
this.activeAnimation = animationName;
this.blendCounter = this.transitionFrames;
if ( this.meshWeapon ) {
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationWeight( animationName, 0 );
this.meshWeapon.playAnimation( animationName );
update( delta ) {
if ( this.controls ) this.updateMovementModel( delta );
if ( this.animations ) {
this.updateAnimations( delta );
updateAnimations( delta ) {
let mix = 1;
if ( this.blendCounter > 0 ) {
mix = ( this.transitionFrames - this.blendCounter ) / this.transitionFrames;
this.blendCounter -= 1;
if ( this.meshBody ) {
this.meshBody.update( delta );
this.meshBody.setAnimationWeight( this.activeAnimation, mix );
this.meshBody.setAnimationWeight( this.oldAnimation, 1 - mix );
if ( this.meshWeapon ) {
this.meshWeapon.update( delta );
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationWeight( this.activeAnimation, mix );
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationWeight( this.oldAnimation, 1 - mix );
updateBehaviors() {
const controls = this.controls;
const animations = this.animations;
let moveAnimation, idleAnimation; // crouch vs stand
if ( controls.crouch ) {
moveAnimation = animations[ 'crouchMove' ];
idleAnimation = animations[ 'crouchIdle' ];
} else {
moveAnimation = animations[ 'move' ];
idleAnimation = animations[ 'idle' ];
} // actions
if ( controls.jump ) {
moveAnimation = animations[ 'jump' ];
idleAnimation = animations[ 'jump' ];
if ( controls.attack ) {
if ( controls.crouch ) {
moveAnimation = animations[ 'crouchAttack' ];
idleAnimation = animations[ 'crouchAttack' ];
} else {
moveAnimation = animations[ 'attack' ];
idleAnimation = animations[ 'attack' ];
} // set animations
if ( controls.moveForward || controls.moveBackward || controls.moveLeft || controls.moveRight ) {
if ( this.activeAnimation !== moveAnimation ) {
this.setAnimation( moveAnimation );
if ( Math.abs( this.speed ) < 0.2 * this.maxSpeed && ! ( controls.moveLeft || controls.moveRight || controls.moveForward || controls.moveBackward ) ) {
if ( this.activeAnimation !== idleAnimation ) {
this.setAnimation( idleAnimation );
} // set animation direction
if ( controls.moveForward ) {
if ( this.meshBody ) {
this.meshBody.setAnimationDirectionForward( this.activeAnimation );
this.meshBody.setAnimationDirectionForward( this.oldAnimation );
if ( this.meshWeapon ) {
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationDirectionForward( this.activeAnimation );
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationDirectionForward( this.oldAnimation );
if ( controls.moveBackward ) {
if ( this.meshBody ) {
this.meshBody.setAnimationDirectionBackward( this.activeAnimation );
this.meshBody.setAnimationDirectionBackward( this.oldAnimation );
if ( this.meshWeapon ) {
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationDirectionBackward( this.activeAnimation );
this.meshWeapon.setAnimationDirectionBackward( this.oldAnimation );
updateMovementModel( delta ) {
function exponentialEaseOut( k ) {
return k === 1 ? 1 : - Math.pow( 2, - 10 * k ) + 1;
const controls = this.controls; // speed based on controls
if ( controls.crouch ) this.maxSpeed = this.crouchSpeed; else this.maxSpeed = this.walkSpeed;
this.maxReverseSpeed = - this.maxSpeed;
if ( controls.moveForward ) this.speed = THREE.MathUtils.clamp( this.speed + delta * this.frontAcceleration, this.maxReverseSpeed, this.maxSpeed );
if ( controls.moveBackward ) this.speed = THREE.MathUtils.clamp( this.speed - delta * this.backAcceleration, this.maxReverseSpeed, this.maxSpeed ); // orientation based on controls
// (don't just stand while turning)
const dir = 1;
if ( controls.moveLeft ) {
this.bodyOrientation += delta * this.angularSpeed;
this.speed = THREE.MathUtils.clamp( this.speed + dir * delta * this.frontAcceleration, this.maxReverseSpeed, this.maxSpeed );
if ( controls.moveRight ) {
this.bodyOrientation -= delta * this.angularSpeed;
this.speed = THREE.MathUtils.clamp( this.speed + dir * delta * this.frontAcceleration, this.maxReverseSpeed, this.maxSpeed );
} // speed decay
if ( ! ( controls.moveForward || controls.moveBackward ) ) {
if ( this.speed > 0 ) {
const k = exponentialEaseOut( this.speed / this.maxSpeed );
this.speed = THREE.MathUtils.clamp( this.speed - k * delta * this.frontDecceleration, 0, this.maxSpeed );
} else {
const k = exponentialEaseOut( this.speed / this.maxReverseSpeed );
this.speed = THREE.MathUtils.clamp( this.speed + k * delta * this.backAcceleration, this.maxReverseSpeed, 0 );
} // displacement
const forwardDelta = this.speed * delta;
this.root.position.x += Math.sin( this.bodyOrientation ) * forwardDelta;
this.root.position.z += Math.cos( this.bodyOrientation ) * forwardDelta; // steering
this.root.rotation.y = this.bodyOrientation;
} // internal
_createPart( geometry, skinMap ) {
const materialWireframe = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {
color: 0xffaa00,
wireframe: true,
morphTargets: true,
morphNormals: true
} );
const materialTexture = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( {
color: 0xffffff,
wireframe: false,
map: skinMap,
morphTargets: true,
morphNormals: true
} ); //
const mesh = new THREE.MorphBlendMesh( geometry, materialTexture );
mesh.rotation.y = - Math.PI / 2; //
mesh.materialTexture = materialTexture;
mesh.materialWireframe = materialWireframe; //
mesh.autoCreateAnimations( this.animationFPS );
return mesh;
THREE.MD2CharacterComplex = MD2CharacterComplex;
} )();