three 基础库
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import { PI } from '../consts/MathConsts.js';
import CodeNode from '../core/CodeNode.js';
import FunctionNode from '../core/FunctionNode.js';
// variadic macros
export const saturateMacro = new CodeNode( '#define saturate(a) clamp( a, 0.0, 1.0 )' );
export const whiteComplementMacro = new CodeNode( '#define whiteComplement(a) ( 1.0 - saturate( a ) )' );
export const transformDirection = new FunctionNode( `
vec3 transformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {
return normalize( ( matrix * vec4( dir, 0.0 ) ).xyz );
}` );
export const inverseTransformDirection = new FunctionNode( `
vec3 inverseTransformDirection( in vec3 dir, in mat4 matrix ) {
// dir can be either a direction vector or a normal vector
// upper-left 3x3 of matrix is assumed to be orthogonal
return normalize( ( vec4( dir, 0.0 ) * matrix ).xyz );
}` );
export const pow2 = new FunctionNode( 'float pow2( const in float x ) { return x*x; }' );
export const pow3 = new FunctionNode( 'float pow3( const in float x ) { return x*x*x; }' );
export const pow4 = new FunctionNode( 'float pow4( const in float x ) { float x2 = x*x; return x2*x2; }' );
export const average = new FunctionNode( 'float average( const in vec3 color ) { return dot( color, vec3( 0.3333 ) ); }' );
export const max3 = new FunctionNode( 'float max3( vec3 v ) { return max( max( v.x, v.y ), v.z ); }' );
// expects values in the range of [0,1]x[0,1], returns values in the [0,1] range.
// do not collapse into a single function per:
export const rand = new FunctionNode( `
highp float rand( const in vec2 uv ) {
const highp float a = 12.9898, b = 78.233, c = 43758.5453;
highp float dt = dot( uv.xy, vec2( a,b ) ), sn = mod( dt, 3.141592653589793 );
return fract(sin(sn) * c);
}` ).setIncludes( [ PI ] );
export const precisionSafeLength = new FunctionNode( 'float precisionSafeLength( vec3 v ) { return length( v ); }' );