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import { TempNode } from '../core/TempNode.js';
import { FunctionNode } from '../core/FunctionNode.js';
import { MaxMIPLevelNode } from './MaxMIPLevelNode.js';
class SpecularMIPLevelNode extends TempNode {
constructor( roughness, texture ) {
super( 'f' );
this.roughness = roughness;
this.texture = texture;
this.maxMIPLevel = undefined;
setTexture( texture ) {
this.texture = texture;
return this;
generate( builder, output ) {
if ( builder.isShader( 'fragment' ) ) {
this.maxMIPLevel = this.maxMIPLevel || new MaxMIPLevelNode();
this.maxMIPLevel.texture = this.texture;
const getSpecularMIPLevel = builder.include( SpecularMIPLevelNode.Nodes.getSpecularMIPLevel );
return builder.format( getSpecularMIPLevel + '( ' + builder, 'f' ) + ', ' + builder, 'f' ) + ' )', this.type, output );
} else {
console.warn( 'THREE.SpecularMIPLevelNode is not compatible with ' + builder.shader + ' shader.' );
return builder.format( '0.0', this.type, output );
copy( source ) {
super.copy( source );
this.texture = source.texture;
this.roughness = source.roughness;
return this;
toJSON( meta ) {
let data = this.getJSONNode( meta );
if ( ! data ) {
data = this.createJSONNode( meta );
data.texture = this.texture;
data.roughness = this.roughness;
return data;
SpecularMIPLevelNode.Nodes = ( function () {
// taken from here:
const getSpecularMIPLevel = new FunctionNode( /* glsl */`
float getSpecularMIPLevel( const in float roughness, const in float maxMIPLevelScalar ) {
float sigma = PI * roughness * roughness / ( 1.0 + roughness );
float desiredMIPLevel = maxMIPLevelScalar + log2( sigma );
return clamp( desiredMIPLevel, 0.0, maxMIPLevelScalar );
return {
getSpecularMIPLevel: getSpecularMIPLevel
} )();
SpecularMIPLevelNode.prototype.nodeType = 'SpecularMIPLevel';
export { SpecularMIPLevelNode };