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( function () {
* Usage:
* const exporter = new ColladaExporter();
* const data = exporter.parse(mesh);
* Format Definition:
class ColladaExporter {
parse( object, onDone, options = {} ) {
options = Object.assign( {
version: '1.4.1',
author: null,
textureDirectory: ''
}, options );
if ( options.textureDirectory !== '' ) {
options.textureDirectory = `${options.textureDirectory}/`.replace( /\\/g, '/' ).replace( /\/+/g, '/' );
const version = options.version;
if ( version !== '1.4.1' && version !== '1.5.0' ) {
console.warn( `ColladaExporter : Version ${version} not supported for export. Only 1.4.1 and 1.5.0.` );
return null;
} // Convert the urdf xml into a well-formatted, indented format
function format( urdf ) {
const IS_END_TAG = /^<\//;
const IS_SELF_CLOSING = /(\?>$)|(\/>$)/;
const HAS_TEXT = /<[^>]+>[^<]*<\/[^<]+>/;
const pad = ( ch, num ) => num > 0 ? ch + pad( ch, num - 1 ) : '';
let tagnum = 0;
return urdf.match( /(<[^>]+>[^<]+<\/[^<]+>)|(<[^>]+>)/g ).map( tag => {
if ( ! HAS_TEXT.test( tag ) && ! IS_SELF_CLOSING.test( tag ) && IS_END_TAG.test( tag ) ) {
tagnum --;
const res = `${pad( ' ', tagnum )}${tag}`;
if ( ! HAS_TEXT.test( tag ) && ! IS_SELF_CLOSING.test( tag ) && ! IS_END_TAG.test( tag ) ) {
tagnum ++;
return res;
} ).join( '\n' );
} // Convert an image into a png format for saving
function base64ToBuffer( str ) {
const b = atob( str );
const buf = new Uint8Array( b.length );
for ( let i = 0, l = buf.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
buf[ i ] = b.charCodeAt( i );
return buf;
let canvas, ctx;
function imageToData( image, ext ) {
canvas = canvas || document.createElement( 'canvas' );
ctx = ctx || canvas.getContext( '2d' );
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
ctx.drawImage( image, 0, 0 ); // Get the base64 encoded data
const base64data = canvas.toDataURL( `image/${ext}`, 1 ).replace( /^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, '' ); // Convert to a uint8 array
return base64ToBuffer( base64data );
} // gets the attribute array. Generate a new array if the attribute is interleaved
const getFuncs = [ 'getX', 'getY', 'getZ', 'getW' ];
function attrBufferToArray( attr ) {
if ( attr.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) {
// use the typed array constructor to save on memory
const arr = new attr.array.constructor( attr.count * attr.itemSize );
const size = attr.itemSize;
for ( let i = 0, l = attr.count; i < l; i ++ ) {
for ( let j = 0; j < size; j ++ ) {
arr[ i * size + j ] = attr[ getFuncs[ j ] ]( i );
return arr;
} else {
return attr.array;
} // Returns an array of the same type starting at the `st` index,
// and `ct` length
function subArray( arr, st, ct ) {
if ( Array.isArray( arr ) ) return arr.slice( st, st + ct ); else return new arr.constructor( arr.buffer, st * arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, ct );
} // Returns the string for a geometry's attribute
function getAttribute( attr, name, params, type ) {
const array = attrBufferToArray( attr );
const res = `<source id="${name}">` + `<float_array id="${name}-array" count="${array.length}">` + array.join( ' ' ) + '</float_array>' + '<technique_common>' + `<accessor source="#${name}-array" count="${Math.floor( array.length / attr.itemSize )}" stride="${attr.itemSize}">` + n => `<param name="${n}" type="${type}" />` ).join( '' ) + '</accessor>' + '</technique_common>' + '</source>';
return res;
} // Returns the string for a node's transform information
let transMat;
function getTransform( o ) {
// ensure the object's matrix is up to date
// before saving the transform
transMat = transMat || new THREE.Matrix4();
transMat.copy( o.matrix );
return `<matrix>${transMat.toArray().join( ' ' )}</matrix>`;
} // Process the given piece of geometry into the geometry library
// Returns the mesh id
function processGeometry( g ) {
let info = geometryInfo.get( g );
if ( ! info ) {
// convert the geometry to bufferGeometry if it isn't already
const bufferGeometry = g;
if ( bufferGeometry.isBufferGeometry !== true ) {
throw new Error( 'THREE.ColladaExporter: Geometry is not of type THREE.BufferGeometry.' );
const meshid = `Mesh${libraryGeometries.length + 1}`;
const indexCount = bufferGeometry.index ? bufferGeometry.index.count * bufferGeometry.index.itemSize : bufferGeometry.attributes.position.count;
const groups = bufferGeometry.groups != null && bufferGeometry.groups.length !== 0 ? bufferGeometry.groups : [ {
start: 0,
count: indexCount,
materialIndex: 0
} ];
const gname = ? ` name="${}"` : '';
let gnode = `<geometry id="${meshid}"${gname}><mesh>`; // define the geometry node and the vertices for the geometry
const posName = `${meshid}-position`;
const vertName = `${meshid}-vertices`;
gnode += getAttribute( bufferGeometry.attributes.position, posName, [ 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ], 'float' );
gnode += `<vertices id="${vertName}"><input semantic="POSITION" source="#${posName}" /></vertices>`; // NOTE: We're not optimizing the attribute arrays here, so they're all the same length and
// can therefore share the same triangle indices. However, MeshLab seems to have trouble opening
// models with attributes that share an offset.
// MeshLab Bug#424:
// serialize normals
let triangleInputs = `<input semantic="VERTEX" source="#${vertName}" offset="0" />`;
if ( 'normal' in bufferGeometry.attributes ) {
const normName = `${meshid}-normal`;
gnode += getAttribute( bufferGeometry.attributes.normal, normName, [ 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ], 'float' );
triangleInputs += `<input semantic="NORMAL" source="#${normName}" offset="0" />`;
} // serialize uvs
if ( 'uv' in bufferGeometry.attributes ) {
const uvName = `${meshid}-texcoord`;
gnode += getAttribute( bufferGeometry.attributes.uv, uvName, [ 'S', 'T' ], 'float' );
triangleInputs += `<input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#${uvName}" offset="0" set="0" />`;
} // serialize lightmap uvs
if ( 'uv2' in bufferGeometry.attributes ) {
const uvName = `${meshid}-texcoord2`;
gnode += getAttribute( bufferGeometry.attributes.uv2, uvName, [ 'S', 'T' ], 'float' );
triangleInputs += `<input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#${uvName}" offset="0" set="1" />`;
} // serialize colors
if ( 'color' in bufferGeometry.attributes ) {
const colName = `${meshid}-color`;
gnode += getAttribute( bufferGeometry.attributes.color, colName, [ 'X', 'Y', 'Z' ], 'uint8' );
triangleInputs += `<input semantic="COLOR" source="#${colName}" offset="0" />`;
let indexArray = null;
if ( bufferGeometry.index ) {
indexArray = attrBufferToArray( bufferGeometry.index );
} else {
indexArray = new Array( indexCount );
for ( let i = 0, l = indexArray.length; i < l; i ++ ) indexArray[ i ] = i;
for ( let i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
const group = groups[ i ];
const subarr = subArray( indexArray, group.start, group.count );
const polycount = subarr.length / 3;
gnode += `<triangles material="MESH_MATERIAL_${group.materialIndex}" count="${polycount}">`;
gnode += triangleInputs;
gnode += `<p>${subarr.join( ' ' )}</p>`;
gnode += '</triangles>';
gnode += '</mesh></geometry>';
libraryGeometries.push( gnode );
info = {
meshid: meshid,
bufferGeometry: bufferGeometry
geometryInfo.set( g, info );
return info;
} // Process the given texture into the image library
// Returns the image library
function processTexture( tex ) {
let texid = imageMap.get( tex );
if ( texid == null ) {
texid = `image-${libraryImages.length + 1}`;
const ext = 'png';
const name = || texid;
let imageNode = `<image id="${texid}" name="${name}">`;
if ( version === '1.5.0' ) {
imageNode += `<init_from><ref>${options.textureDirectory}${name}.${ext}</ref></init_from>`;
} else {
// version image node 1.4.1
imageNode += `<init_from>${options.textureDirectory}${name}.${ext}</init_from>`;
imageNode += '</image>';
libraryImages.push( imageNode );
imageMap.set( tex, texid );
textures.push( {
directory: options.textureDirectory,
data: imageToData( tex.image, ext ),
original: tex
} );
return texid;
} // Process the given material into the material and effect libraries
// Returns the material id
function processMaterial( m ) {
let matid = materialMap.get( m );
if ( matid == null ) {
matid = `Mat${libraryEffects.length + 1}`;
let type = 'phong';
if ( m.isMeshLambertMaterial === true ) {
type = 'lambert';
} else if ( m.isMeshBasicMaterial === true ) {
type = 'constant';
if ( !== null ) {
// The Collada spec does not support diffuse texture maps with the
// constant shader type.
// mrdoob/three.js#15469
console.warn( 'ColladaExporter: Texture maps not supported with THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.' );
const emissive = m.emissive ? m.emissive : new THREE.Color( 0, 0, 0 );
const diffuse = m.color ? m.color : new THREE.Color( 0, 0, 0 );
const specular = m.specular ? m.specular : new THREE.Color( 1, 1, 1 );
const shininess = m.shininess || 0;
const reflectivity = m.reflectivity || 0; // Do not export and alpha map for the reasons mentioned in issue (#13792)
// in three.js alpha maps are black and white, but collada expects the alpha
// channel to specify the transparency
let transparencyNode = '';
if ( m.transparent === true ) {
transparencyNode += '<transparent>' + ( ? '<texture texture="diffuse-sampler"></texture>' : '<float>1</float>' ) + '</transparent>';
if ( m.opacity < 1 ) {
transparencyNode += `<transparency><float>${m.opacity}</float></transparency>`;
const techniqueNode = `<technique sid="common"><${type}>` + '<emission>' + ( m.emissiveMap ? '<texture texture="emissive-sampler" texcoord="TEXCOORD" />' : `<color sid="emission">${emissive.r} ${emissive.g} ${emissive.b} 1</color>` ) + '</emission>' + ( type !== 'constant' ? '<diffuse>' + ( ? '<texture texture="diffuse-sampler" texcoord="TEXCOORD" />' : `<color sid="diffuse">${diffuse.r} ${diffuse.g} ${diffuse.b} 1</color>` ) + '</diffuse>' : '' ) + ( type !== 'constant' ? '<bump>' + ( m.normalMap ? '<texture texture="bump-sampler" texcoord="TEXCOORD" />' : '' ) + '</bump>' : '' ) + ( type === 'phong' ? `<specular><color sid="specular">${specular.r} ${specular.g} ${specular.b} 1</color></specular>` + '<shininess>' + ( m.specularMap ? '<texture texture="specular-sampler" texcoord="TEXCOORD" />' : `<float sid="shininess">${shininess}</float>` ) + '</shininess>' : '' ) + `<reflective><color>${diffuse.r} ${diffuse.g} ${diffuse.b} 1</color></reflective>` + `<reflectivity><float>${reflectivity}</float></reflectivity>` + transparencyNode + `</${type}></technique>`;
const effectnode = `<effect id="${matid}-effect">` + '<profile_COMMON>' + ( ? '<newparam sid="diffuse-surface"><surface type="2D">' + `<init_from>${processTexture( )}</init_from>` + '</surface></newparam>' + '<newparam sid="diffuse-sampler"><sampler2D><source>diffuse-surface</source></sampler2D></newparam>' : '' ) + ( m.specularMap ? '<newparam sid="specular-surface"><surface type="2D">' + `<init_from>${processTexture( m.specularMap )}</init_from>` + '</surface></newparam>' + '<newparam sid="specular-sampler"><sampler2D><source>specular-surface</source></sampler2D></newparam>' : '' ) + ( m.emissiveMap ? '<newparam sid="emissive-surface"><surface type="2D">' + `<init_from>${processTexture( m.emissiveMap )}</init_from>` + '</surface></newparam>' + '<newparam sid="emissive-sampler"><sampler2D><source>emissive-surface</source></sampler2D></newparam>' : '' ) + ( m.normalMap ? '<newparam sid="bump-surface"><surface type="2D">' + `<init_from>${processTexture( m.normalMap )}</init_from>` + '</surface></newparam>' + '<newparam sid="bump-sampler"><sampler2D><source>bump-surface</source></sampler2D></newparam>' : '' ) + techniqueNode + ( m.side === THREE.DoubleSide ? '<extra><technique profile="THREEJS"><double_sided sid="double_sided" type="int">1</double_sided></technique></extra>' : '' ) + '</profile_COMMON>' + '</effect>';
const materialName = ? ` name="${}"` : '';
const materialNode = `<material id="${matid}"${materialName}><instance_effect url="#${matid}-effect" /></material>`;
libraryMaterials.push( materialNode );
libraryEffects.push( effectnode );
materialMap.set( m, matid );
return matid;
} // Recursively process the object into a scene
function processObject( o ) {
let node = `<node name="${}">`;
node += getTransform( o );
if ( o.isMesh === true && o.geometry !== null ) {
// function returns the id associated with the mesh and a "BufferGeometry" version
// of the geometry in case it's not a geometry.
const geomInfo = processGeometry( o.geometry );
const meshid = geomInfo.meshid;
const geometry = geomInfo.bufferGeometry; // ids of the materials to bind to the geometry
let matids = null;
let matidsArray; // get a list of materials to bind to the sub groups of the geometry.
// If the amount of subgroups is greater than the materials, than reuse
// the materials.
const mat = o.material || new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
const materials = Array.isArray( mat ) ? mat : [ mat ];
if ( geometry.groups.length > materials.length ) {
matidsArray = new Array( geometry.groups.length );
} else {
matidsArray = new Array( materials.length );
matids = matidsArray.fill().map( ( v, i ) => processMaterial( materials[ i % materials.length ] ) );
node += `<instance_geometry url="#${meshid}">` + ( matids != null ? '<bind_material><technique_common>' + ( id, i ) => `<instance_material symbol="MESH_MATERIAL_${i}" target="#${id}" >` + '<bind_vertex_input semantic="TEXCOORD" input_semantic="TEXCOORD" input_set="0" />' + '</instance_material>' ).join( '' ) + '</technique_common></bind_material>' : '' ) + '</instance_geometry>';
o.children.forEach( c => node += processObject( c ) );
node += '</node>';
return node;
const geometryInfo = new WeakMap();
const materialMap = new WeakMap();
const imageMap = new WeakMap();
const textures = [];
const libraryImages = [];
const libraryGeometries = [];
const libraryEffects = [];
const libraryMaterials = [];
const libraryVisualScenes = processObject( object );
const specLink = version === '1.4.1' ? '' : '';
let dae = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>' + `<COLLADA xmlns="${specLink}" version="${version}">` + '<asset>' + ( '<contributor>' + '<authoring_tool>three.js Collada Exporter</authoring_tool>' + ( !== null ? `<author>${}</author>` : '' ) + '</contributor>' + `<created>${new Date().toISOString()}</created>` + `<modified>${new Date().toISOString()}</modified>` + '<up_axis>Y_UP</up_axis>' ) + '</asset>';
dae += `<library_images>${libraryImages.join( '' )}</library_images>`;
dae += `<library_effects>${libraryEffects.join( '' )}</library_effects>`;
dae += `<library_materials>${libraryMaterials.join( '' )}</library_materials>`;
dae += `<library_geometries>${libraryGeometries.join( '' )}</library_geometries>`;
dae += `<library_visual_scenes><visual_scene id="Scene" name="scene">${libraryVisualScenes}</visual_scene></library_visual_scenes>`;
dae += '<scene><instance_visual_scene url="#Scene"/></scene>';
dae += '</COLLADA>';
const res = {
data: format( dae ),
if ( typeof onDone === 'function' ) {
requestAnimationFrame( () => onDone( res ) );
return res;
THREE.ColladaExporter = ColladaExporter;
} )();