import WebGPUBinding from './WebGPUBinding.js'; import { GPUBindingType } from './constants.js'; class WebGPUUniformsGroup extends WebGPUBinding { constructor( name ) { super( name ); // the order of uniforms in this array must match the order of uniforms in the shader this.uniforms = []; this.onBeforeUpdate = function () {}; this.bytesPerElement = Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; this.type = GPUBindingType.UniformBuffer; this.visibility = GPUShaderStage.VERTEX; this.usage = GPUBufferUsage.UNIFORM | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST; this.array = null; // set by the renderer this.bufferGPU = null; // set by the renderer } addUniform( uniform ) { this.uniforms.push( uniform ); return this; } removeUniform( uniform ) { const index = this.uniforms.indexOf( uniform ); if ( index !== - 1 ) { this.uniforms.splice( index, 1 ); } return this; } setOnBeforeUpdate( callback ) { this.onBeforeUpdate = callback; return this; } getByteLength() { let offset = 0; // global buffer offset in bytes const chunkSize = 16; // size of a chunk in bytes (STD140 layout) for ( let i = 0, l = this.uniforms.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const uniform = this.uniforms[ i ]; // offset within a single chunk in bytes const chunkOffset = offset % chunkSize; const remainingSizeInChunk = chunkSize - chunkOffset; // conformance tests if ( chunkOffset !== 0 && ( remainingSizeInChunk - uniform.boundary ) < 0 ) { // check for chunk overflow offset += ( chunkSize - chunkOffset ); } else if ( chunkOffset % uniform.boundary !== 0 ) { // check for correct alignment offset += ( chunkOffset % uniform.boundary ); } uniform.offset = ( offset / this.bytesPerElement ); offset += ( uniform.itemSize * this.bytesPerElement ); } return offset; } update() { let updated = false; for ( const uniform of this.uniforms ) { if ( this.updateByType( uniform ) === true ) { updated = true; } } return updated; } updateByType( uniform ) { if ( uniform.isFloatUniform ) return this.updateNumber( uniform ); if ( uniform.isVector2Uniform ) return this.updateVector2( uniform ); if ( uniform.isVector3Uniform ) return this.updateVector3( uniform ); if ( uniform.isVector4Uniform ) return this.updateVector4( uniform ); if ( uniform.isColorUniform ) return this.updateColor( uniform ); if ( uniform.isMatrix3Uniform ) return this.updateMatrix3( uniform ); if ( uniform.isMatrix4Uniform ) return this.updateMatrix4( uniform ); console.error( 'THREE.WebGPUUniformsGroup: Unsupported uniform type.', uniform ); } updateNumber( uniform ) { let updated = false; const a = this.array; const v = uniform.getValue(); const offset = uniform.offset; if ( a[ offset ] !== v ) { a[ offset ] = v; updated = true; } return updated; } updateVector2( uniform ) { let updated = false; const a = this.array; const v = uniform.getValue(); const offset = uniform.offset; if ( a[ offset + 0 ] !== v.x || a[ offset + 1 ] !== v.y ) { a[ offset + 0 ] = v.x; a[ offset + 1 ] = v.y; updated = true; } return updated; } updateVector3( uniform ) { let updated = false; const a = this.array; const v = uniform.getValue(); const offset = uniform.offset; if ( a[ offset + 0 ] !== v.x || a[ offset + 1 ] !== v.y || a[ offset + 2 ] !== v.z ) { a[ offset + 0 ] = v.x; a[ offset + 1 ] = v.y; a[ offset + 2 ] = v.z; updated = true; } return updated; } updateVector4( uniform ) { let updated = false; const a = this.array; const v = uniform.getValue(); const offset = uniform.offset; if ( a[ offset + 0 ] !== v.x || a[ offset + 1 ] !== v.y || a[ offset + 2 ] !== v.z || a[ offset + 4 ] !== v.w ) { a[ offset + 0 ] = v.x; a[ offset + 1 ] = v.y; a[ offset + 2 ] = v.z; a[ offset + 3 ] = v.w; updated = true; } return updated; } updateColor( uniform ) { let updated = false; const a = this.array; const c = uniform.getValue(); const offset = uniform.offset; if ( a[ offset + 0 ] !== c.r || a[ offset + 1 ] !== c.g || a[ offset + 2 ] !== c.b ) { a[ offset + 0 ] = c.r; a[ offset + 1 ] = c.g; a[ offset + 2 ] = c.b; updated = true; } return updated; } updateMatrix3( uniform ) { let updated = false; const a = this.array; const e = uniform.getValue().elements; const offset = uniform.offset; if ( a[ offset + 0 ] !== e[ 0 ] || a[ offset + 1 ] !== e[ 1 ] || a[ offset + 2 ] !== e[ 2 ] || a[ offset + 4 ] !== e[ 3 ] || a[ offset + 5 ] !== e[ 4 ] || a[ offset + 6 ] !== e[ 5 ] || a[ offset + 8 ] !== e[ 6 ] || a[ offset + 9 ] !== e[ 7 ] || a[ offset + 10 ] !== e[ 8 ] ) { a[ offset + 0 ] = e[ 0 ]; a[ offset + 1 ] = e[ 1 ]; a[ offset + 2 ] = e[ 2 ]; a[ offset + 4 ] = e[ 3 ]; a[ offset + 5 ] = e[ 4 ]; a[ offset + 6 ] = e[ 5 ]; a[ offset + 8 ] = e[ 6 ]; a[ offset + 9 ] = e[ 7 ]; a[ offset + 10 ] = e[ 8 ]; updated = true; } return updated; } updateMatrix4( uniform ) { let updated = false; const a = this.array; const e = uniform.getValue().elements; const offset = uniform.offset; if ( arraysEqual( a, e, offset ) === false ) { a.set( e, offset ); updated = true; } return updated; } } function arraysEqual( a, b, offset ) { for ( let i = 0, l = b.length; i < l; i ++ ) { if ( a[ offset + i ] !== b[ i ] ) return false; } return true; } WebGPUUniformsGroup.prototype.isUniformsGroup = true; export default WebGPUUniformsGroup;