import WebGPURenderPipeline from './WebGPURenderPipeline.js'; import WebGPUProgrammableStage from './WebGPUProgrammableStage.js'; class WebGPURenderPipelines { constructor( renderer, properties, device, glslang, sampleCount, nodes ) { this.renderer = renderer; = properties; this.device = device; this.glslang = glslang; this.sampleCount = sampleCount; this.nodes = nodes; this.pipelines = []; this.objectCache = new WeakMap(); this.stages = { vertex: new Map(), fragment: new Map() }; } get( object ) { const device = this.device; const glslang = this.glslang; const properties =; const material = object.material; const materialProperties = properties.get( material ); const cache = this._getCache( object ); let currentPipeline; if ( this._needsUpdate( object, cache ) ) { // get shader const nodeBuilder = this.nodes.get( object ); // programmable stages let stageVertex = this.stages.vertex.get( nodeBuilder.vertexShader ); if ( stageVertex === undefined ) { stageVertex = new WebGPUProgrammableStage( device, glslang, nodeBuilder.vertexShader, 'vertex' ); this.stages.vertex.set( nodeBuilder.vertexShader, stageVertex ); } let stageFragment = this.stages.fragment.get( nodeBuilder.fragmentShader ); if ( stageFragment === undefined ) { stageFragment = new WebGPUProgrammableStage( device, glslang, nodeBuilder.fragmentShader, 'fragment' ); this.stages.fragment.set( nodeBuilder.fragmentShader, stageFragment ); } // determine render pipeline currentPipeline = this._acquirePipeline( stageVertex, stageFragment, object, nodeBuilder ); cache.currentPipeline = currentPipeline; // keep track of all pipelines which are used by a material let materialPipelines = materialProperties.pipelines; if ( materialPipelines === undefined ) { materialPipelines = new Set(); materialProperties.pipelines = materialPipelines; } if ( materialPipelines.has( currentPipeline ) === false ) { materialPipelines.add( currentPipeline ); currentPipeline.usedTimes ++; stageVertex.usedTimes ++; stageFragment.usedTimes ++; } // dispose if ( materialProperties.disposeCallback === undefined ) { const disposeCallback = onMaterialDispose.bind( this ); materialProperties.disposeCallback = disposeCallback; material.addEventListener( 'dispose', disposeCallback ); } } else { currentPipeline = cache.currentPipeline; } return currentPipeline; } dispose() { this.pipelines = []; this.objectCache = new WeakMap(); this.shaderModules = { vertex: new Map(), fragment: new Map() }; } _acquirePipeline( stageVertex, stageFragment, object, nodeBuilder ) { let pipeline; const pipelines = this.pipelines; // check for existing pipeline const cacheKey = this._computeCacheKey( stageVertex, stageFragment, object ); for ( let i = 0, il = pipelines.length; i < il; i ++ ) { const preexistingPipeline = pipelines[ i ]; if ( preexistingPipeline.cacheKey === cacheKey ) { pipeline = preexistingPipeline; break; } } if ( pipeline === undefined ) { pipeline = new WebGPURenderPipeline( this.device, this.renderer, this.sampleCount ); pipeline.init( cacheKey, stageVertex, stageFragment, object, nodeBuilder ); pipelines.push( pipeline ); } return pipeline; } _computeCacheKey( stageVertex, stageFragment, object ) { const material = object.material; const renderer = this.renderer; const parameters = [,, material.transparent, material.blending, material.premultipliedAlpha, material.blendSrc, material.blendDst, material.blendEquation, material.blendSrcAlpha, material.blendDstAlpha, material.blendEquationAlpha, material.colorWrite, material.depthWrite, material.depthTest, material.depthFunc, material.stencilWrite, material.stencilFunc, material.stencilFail, material.stencilZFail, material.stencilZPass, material.stencilFuncMask, material.stencilWriteMask, material.side, this.sampleCount, renderer.getCurrentEncoding(), renderer.getCurrentColorFormat(), renderer.getCurrentDepthStencilFormat() ]; return parameters.join(); } _getCache( object ) { let cache = this.objectCache.get( object ); if ( cache === undefined ) { cache = {}; this.objectCache.set( object, cache ); } return cache; } _releasePipeline( pipeline ) { if ( -- pipeline.usedTimes === 0 ) { const pipelines = this.pipelines; const i = pipelines.indexOf( pipeline ); pipelines[ i ] = pipelines[ pipelines.length - 1 ]; pipelines.pop(); this._releaseStage( pipeline.stageVertex ); this._releaseStage( pipeline.stageFragment ); } } _releaseStage( stage ) { if ( -- stage.usedTimes === 0 ) { const code = stage.code; const type = stage.type; this.stages[ type ].delete( code ); } } _needsUpdate( object, cache ) { const material = object.material; let needsUpdate = false; // check material state if ( cache.material !== material || cache.materialVersion !== material.version || cache.transparent !== material.transparent || cache.blending !== material.blending || cache.premultipliedAlpha !== material.premultipliedAlpha || cache.blendSrc !== material.blendSrc || cache.blendDst !== material.blendDst || cache.blendEquation !== material.blendEquation || cache.blendSrcAlpha !== material.blendSrcAlpha || cache.blendDstAlpha !== material.blendDstAlpha || cache.blendEquationAlpha !== material.blendEquationAlpha || cache.colorWrite !== material.colorWrite || cache.depthWrite !== material.depthWrite || cache.depthTest !== material.depthTest || cache.depthFunc !== material.depthFunc || cache.stencilWrite !== material.stencilWrite || cache.stencilFunc !== material.stencilFunc || cache.stencilFail !== material.stencilFail || cache.stencilZFail !== material.stencilZFail || cache.stencilZPass !== material.stencilZPass || cache.stencilFuncMask !== material.stencilFuncMask || cache.stencilWriteMask !== material.stencilWriteMask || cache.side !== material.side ) { cache.material = material; cache.materialVersion = material.version; cache.transparent = material.transparent; cache.blending = material.blending; cache.premultipliedAlpha = material.premultipliedAlpha; cache.blendSrc = material.blendSrc; cache.blendDst = material.blendDst; cache.blendEquation = material.blendEquation; cache.blendSrcAlpha = material.blendSrcAlpha; cache.blendDstAlpha = material.blendDstAlpha; cache.blendEquationAlpha = material.blendEquationAlpha; cache.colorWrite = material.colorWrite; cache.depthWrite = material.depthWrite; cache.depthTest = material.depthTest; cache.depthFunc = material.depthFunc; cache.stencilWrite = material.stencilWrite; cache.stencilFunc = material.stencilFunc; cache.stencilFail = material.stencilFail; cache.stencilZFail = material.stencilZFail; cache.stencilZPass = material.stencilZPass; cache.stencilFuncMask = material.stencilFuncMask; cache.stencilWriteMask = material.stencilWriteMask; cache.side = material.side; needsUpdate = true; } // check renderer state const renderer = this.renderer; const encoding = renderer.getCurrentEncoding(); const colorFormat = renderer.getCurrentColorFormat(); const depthStencilFormat = renderer.getCurrentDepthStencilFormat(); if ( cache.sampleCount !== this.sampleCount || cache.encoding !== encoding || cache.colorFormat !== colorFormat || cache.depthStencilFormat !== depthStencilFormat ) { cache.sampleCount = this.sampleCount; cache.encoding = encoding; cache.colorFormat = colorFormat; cache.depthStencilFormat = depthStencilFormat; needsUpdate = true; } return needsUpdate; } } function onMaterialDispose( event ) { const properties =; const material =; const materialProperties = properties.get( material ); material.removeEventListener( 'dispose', materialProperties.disposeCallback ); properties.remove( material ); // remove references to pipelines const pipelines = materialProperties.pipelines; if ( pipelines !== undefined ) { for ( const pipeline of pipelines ) { this._releasePipeline( pipeline ); } } } export default WebGPURenderPipelines;