import { TempNode } from '../core/TempNode.js'; import { ConstNode } from '../core/ConstNode.js'; import { StructNode } from '../core/StructNode.js'; import { FunctionNode } from '../core/FunctionNode.js'; import { FunctionCallNode } from '../core/FunctionCallNode.js'; import { ExpressionNode } from '../core/ExpressionNode.js'; import { FloatNode } from '../inputs/FloatNode.js'; import { OperatorNode } from '../math/OperatorNode.js'; import { MathNode } from '../math/MathNode.js'; import { ColorSpaceNode } from '../utils/ColorSpaceNode.js'; class TextureCubeUVNode extends TempNode { constructor( value, uv, bias ) { super( 'v4' ); this.value = value, this.uv = uv; this.bias = bias; } bilinearCubeUV( builder, texture, uv, mipInt ) { const bilinearCubeUV = new FunctionCallNode( TextureCubeUVNode.Nodes.bilinearCubeUV, [ texture, uv, mipInt ] ); this.colorSpaceTL = this.colorSpaceTL || new ColorSpaceNode( new ExpressionNode( '', 'v4' ) ); this.colorSpaceTL.fromDecoding( builder.getTextureEncodingFromMap( this.value.value ) ); this.colorSpaceTL.input.parse( builder ) + '.tl' ); this.colorSpaceTR = this.colorSpaceTR || new ColorSpaceNode( new ExpressionNode( '', 'v4' ) ); this.colorSpaceTR.fromDecoding( builder.getTextureEncodingFromMap( this.value.value ) ); this.colorSpaceTR.input.parse( builder ) + '.tr' ); this.colorSpaceBL = this.colorSpaceBL || new ColorSpaceNode( new ExpressionNode( '', 'v4' ) ); this.colorSpaceBL.fromDecoding( builder.getTextureEncodingFromMap( this.value.value ) ); this.colorSpaceBL.input.parse( builder ) + '.bl' ); this.colorSpaceBR = this.colorSpaceBR || new ColorSpaceNode( new ExpressionNode( '', 'v4' ) ); this.colorSpaceBR.fromDecoding( builder.getTextureEncodingFromMap( this.value.value ) ); this.colorSpaceBR.input.parse( builder ) + '.br' ); // add a custom context for fix incompatibility with the core // include ColorSpace function only for vertex shader (in fragment shader color space functions is added automatically by core) // this should be removed in the future // context.include =: is used to include or not functions if used FunctionNode // context.ignoreCache =: not create temp variables nodeT0..9 to optimize the code const context = { include: builder.isShader( 'vertex' ), ignoreCache: true }; builder.addContext( context ); this.colorSpaceTLExp = new ExpressionNode( builder, 'v4' ), 'v4' ); this.colorSpaceTRExp = new ExpressionNode( builder, 'v4' ), 'v4' ); this.colorSpaceBLExp = new ExpressionNode( builder, 'v4' ), 'v4' ); this.colorSpaceBRExp = new ExpressionNode( builder, 'v4' ), 'v4' ); // end custom context builder.removeContext(); // -- const output = new ExpressionNode( 'mix( mix( cubeUV_TL, cubeUV_TR, cubeUV.f.x ), mix( cubeUV_BL, cubeUV_BR, cubeUV.f.x ), cubeUV.f.y )', 'v4' ); output.keywords[ 'cubeUV_TL' ] = this.colorSpaceTLExp; output.keywords[ 'cubeUV_TR' ] = this.colorSpaceTRExp; output.keywords[ 'cubeUV_BL' ] = this.colorSpaceBLExp; output.keywords[ 'cubeUV_BR' ] = this.colorSpaceBRExp; output.keywords[ 'cubeUV' ] = bilinearCubeUV; return output; } generate( builder, output ) { if ( builder.isShader( 'fragment' ) ) { const uv = this.uv; const bias = this.bias || builder.context.roughness; const mipV = new FunctionCallNode( TextureCubeUVNode.Nodes.roughnessToMip, [ bias ] ); const mip = new MathNode( mipV, TextureCubeUVNode.Nodes.m0, TextureCubeUVNode.Nodes.cubeUV_maxMipLevel, MathNode.CLAMP ); const mipInt = new MathNode( mip, MathNode.FLOOR ); const mipF = new MathNode( mip, MathNode.FRACT ); const color0 = this.bilinearCubeUV( builder, this.value, uv, mipInt ); const color1 = this.bilinearCubeUV( builder, this.value, uv, new OperatorNode( mipInt, new FloatNode( 1 ).setReadonly( true ), OperatorNode.ADD ) ); const color1Mix = new MathNode( color0, color1, mipF, MathNode.MIX ); /* // TODO: Optimize this in the future let cond = new CondNode( mipF, new FloatNode( 0 ).setReadonly( true ), CondNode.EQUAL, color0, // if color1Mix // else ); */ return builder.format( builder ), 'v4', output ); } else { console.warn( 'THREE.TextureCubeUVNode is not compatible with ' + builder.shader + ' shader.' ); return builder.format( 'vec4( 0.0 )', this.getType( builder ), output ); } } toJSON( meta ) { let data = this.getJSONNode( meta ); if ( ! data ) { data = this.createJSONNode( meta ); data.value = this.value.toJSON( meta ).uuid; data.uv = this.uv.toJSON( meta ).uuid; data.bias = this.bias.toJSON( meta ).uuid; } return data; } } TextureCubeUVNode.Nodes = ( function () { const TextureCubeUVData = new StructNode( `struct TextureCubeUVData { vec4 tl; vec4 tr; vec4 br; vec4 bl; vec2 f; }` ); const cubeUV_maxMipLevel = new ConstNode( 'float cubeUV_maxMipLevel 8.0', true ); const cubeUV_minMipLevel = new ConstNode( 'float cubeUV_minMipLevel 4.0', true ); const cubeUV_maxTileSize = new ConstNode( 'float cubeUV_maxTileSize 256.0', true ); const cubeUV_minTileSize = new ConstNode( 'float cubeUV_minTileSize 16.0', true ); // These shader functions convert between the UV coordinates of a single face of // a cubemap, the 0-5 integer index of a cube face, and the direction vector for // sampling a textureCube (not generally normalized). const getFace = new FunctionNode( `float getFace(vec3 direction) { vec3 absDirection = abs(direction); float face = -1.0; if (absDirection.x > absDirection.z) { if (absDirection.x > absDirection.y) face = direction.x > 0.0 ? 0.0 : 3.0; else face = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0; } else { if (absDirection.z > absDirection.y) face = direction.z > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 5.0; else face = direction.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 4.0; } return face; }` ); getFace.useKeywords = false; const getUV = new FunctionNode( `vec2 getUV(vec3 direction, float face) { vec2 uv; if (face == 0.0) { uv = vec2(direction.z, direction.y) / abs(direction.x); // pos x } else if (face == 1.0) { uv = vec2(-direction.x, -direction.z) / abs(direction.y); // pos y } else if (face == 2.0) { uv = vec2(-direction.x, direction.y) / abs(direction.z); // pos z } else if (face == 3.0) { uv = vec2(-direction.z, direction.y) / abs(direction.x); // neg x } else if (face == 4.0) { uv = vec2(-direction.x, direction.z) / abs(direction.y); // neg y } else { uv = vec2(direction.x, direction.y) / abs(direction.z); // neg z } return 0.5 * (uv + 1.0); }` ); getUV.useKeywords = false; const bilinearCubeUV = new FunctionNode( `TextureCubeUVData bilinearCubeUV(sampler2D envMap, vec3 direction, float mipInt) { float face = getFace(direction); float filterInt = max(cubeUV_minMipLevel - mipInt, 0.0); mipInt = max(mipInt, cubeUV_minMipLevel); float faceSize = exp2(mipInt); float texelSize = 1.0 / (3.0 * cubeUV_maxTileSize); vec2 uv = getUV(direction, face) * (faceSize - 1.0); vec2 f = fract(uv); uv += 0.5 - f; if (face > 2.0) { uv.y += faceSize; face -= 3.0; } uv.x += face * faceSize; if(mipInt < cubeUV_maxMipLevel){ uv.y += 2.0 * cubeUV_maxTileSize; } uv.y += filterInt * 2.0 * cubeUV_minTileSize; uv.x += 3.0 * max(0.0, cubeUV_maxTileSize - 2.0 * faceSize); uv *= texelSize; vec4 tl = texture2D(envMap, uv); uv.x += texelSize; vec4 tr = texture2D(envMap, uv); uv.y += texelSize; vec4 br = texture2D(envMap, uv); uv.x -= texelSize; vec4 bl = texture2D(envMap, uv); return TextureCubeUVData( tl, tr, br, bl, f ); }`, [ TextureCubeUVData, getFace, getUV, cubeUV_maxMipLevel, cubeUV_minMipLevel, cubeUV_maxTileSize, cubeUV_minTileSize ] ); bilinearCubeUV.useKeywords = false; // These defines must match with PMREMGenerator const r0 = new ConstNode( 'float r0 1.0', true ); const v0 = new ConstNode( 'float v0 0.339', true ); const m0 = new ConstNode( 'float m0 -2.0', true ); const r1 = new ConstNode( 'float r1 0.8', true ); const v1 = new ConstNode( 'float v1 0.276', true ); const m1 = new ConstNode( 'float m1 -1.0', true ); const r4 = new ConstNode( 'float r4 0.4', true ); const v4 = new ConstNode( 'float v4 0.046', true ); const m4 = new ConstNode( 'float m4 2.0', true ); const r5 = new ConstNode( 'float r5 0.305', true ); const v5 = new ConstNode( 'float v5 0.016', true ); const m5 = new ConstNode( 'float m5 3.0', true ); const r6 = new ConstNode( 'float r6 0.21', true ); const v6 = new ConstNode( 'float v6 0.0038', true ); const m6 = new ConstNode( 'float m6 4.0', true ); const defines = [ r0, v0, m0, r1, v1, m1, r4, v4, m4, r5, v5, m5, r6, v6, m6 ]; const roughnessToMip = new FunctionNode( `float roughnessToMip(float roughness) { float mip = 0.0; if (roughness >= r1) { mip = (r0 - roughness) * (m1 - m0) / (r0 - r1) + m0; } else if (roughness >= r4) { mip = (r1 - roughness) * (m4 - m1) / (r1 - r4) + m1; } else if (roughness >= r5) { mip = (r4 - roughness) * (m5 - m4) / (r4 - r5) + m4; } else if (roughness >= r6) { mip = (r5 - roughness) * (m6 - m5) / (r5 - r6) + m5; } else { mip = -2.0 * log2(1.16 * roughness);// 1.16 = 1.79^0.25 } return mip; }`, defines ); return { bilinearCubeUV: bilinearCubeUV, roughnessToMip: roughnessToMip, m0: m0, cubeUV_maxMipLevel: cubeUV_maxMipLevel }; } )(); TextureCubeUVNode.prototype.nodeType = 'TextureCubeUV'; export { TextureCubeUVNode };