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2 years ago
import { TempNode } from '../core/TempNode.js';
import { FunctionNode } from '../core/FunctionNode.js';
import { FunctionCallNode } from '../core/FunctionCallNode.js';
import { FloatNode } from '../inputs/FloatNode.js';
import { UVNode } from '../accessors/UVNode.js';
vec3 mod289( vec3 x ) {
return x - floor( x * ( 1.0 / 289.0 ) ) * 289.0;
vec4 mod289( vec4 x ) {
return x - floor( x * ( 1.0 / 289.0 ) ) * 289.0;
vec4 permute( vec4 x ) {
return mod289( ( ( x * 34.0 ) + 1.0 ) * x );
vec4 taylorInvSqrt( vec4 r ) {
return 1.79284291400159 - 0.85373472095314 * r;
vec2 fade( vec2 t ) {
return t * t * t * ( t * ( t * 6.0 - 15.0 ) + 10.0 );
vec3 fade( vec3 t ) {
return t * t * t * ( t * ( t * 6.0 - 15.0 ) + 10.0 );
const NOISE2D_SRC = `
float noise2d( vec2 P, float amplitude, float pivot ) {
vec4 Pi = floor(P.xyxy) + vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vec4 Pf = fract(P.xyxy) - vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
Pi = mod289(Pi); // To avoid truncation effects in permutation
vec4 ix = Pi.xzxz;
vec4 iy = Pi.yyww;
vec4 fx = Pf.xzxz;
vec4 fy = Pf.yyww;
vec4 i = permute(permute(ix) + iy);
vec4 gx = fract(i * (1.0 / 41.0)) * 2.0 - 1.0 ;
vec4 gy = abs(gx) - 0.5 ;
vec4 tx = floor(gx + 0.5);
gx = gx - tx;
vec2 g00 = vec2(gx.x,gy.x);
vec2 g10 = vec2(gx.y,gy.y);
vec2 g01 = vec2(gx.z,gy.z);
vec2 g11 = vec2(gx.w,gy.w);
vec4 norm = taylorInvSqrt(vec4(dot(g00, g00), dot(g01, g01), dot(g10, g10), dot(g11, g11)));
g00 *= norm.x;
g01 *= norm.y;
g10 *= norm.z;
g11 *= norm.w;
float n00 = dot(g00, vec2(fx.x, fy.x));
float n10 = dot(g10, vec2(fx.y, fy.y));
float n01 = dot(g01, vec2(fx.z, fy.z));
float n11 = dot(g11, vec2(fx.w, fy.w));
vec2 fade_xy = fade(Pf.xy);
vec2 n_x = mix(vec2(n00, n01), vec2(n10, n11), fade_xy.x);
float n_xy = mix(n_x.x, n_x.y, fade_xy.y);
return 2.3 * n_xy * amplitude + pivot;
class Noise2DNode extends TempNode {
constructor( uv = new UVNode(), amplitude = new FloatNode( 1.0 ), pivot = new FloatNode( 0.0 ) ) {
super( 'f' );
this.uv = uv;
this.amplitude = amplitude;
this.pivot = pivot;
generate( builder, output ) {
const noise2d = new FunctionCallNode( Noise2DNode.Nodes.noise2d, [ this.uv, this.amplitude, this.pivot ] );
return builder.format( noise2d.generate( builder, output ), this.getType( builder ), output );
copy( source ) {
super.copy( source );
this.uv = source.uv;
this.amplitude = source.amplitude;
this.pivot = source.pivot;
toJSON( meta ) {
let data = this.getJSONNode( meta );
if ( ! data ) {
data = this.createJSONNode( meta );
data.uv = this.uv.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
data.amplitude = this.amplitude.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
data.pivot = this.pivot.toJSON( meta ).uuid;
return data;
Noise2DNode.prototype.nodeType = 'Noise2D';
Noise2DNode.Nodes = ( function () {
const noiseCommon = new FunctionNode( NOISE_COMMON_SRC );
const noise2d = new FunctionNode( NOISE2D_SRC );
noise2d.includes = [ noiseCommon ];
return { noiseCommon, noise2d };
} )();
export { Noise2DNode };